/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone have any recommendations on this?

Nethogs isn't what I'm looking for since that seems to show how much bandwidth each process uses, but I'm looking for a monitor of each connection's bandwidth, restricted to only one process.

Windows' Resource Monitor actually manages to do this, so surely there's a linux tool that can handle the job.

Hello and thank you for a more SFW image.

I am curious as to how to enable html5 in a firefox browser on linux.

I googled "html 5 linux" and all I can seem to find it tricks and leet hacks to enable it.

Is it not available on linux natively yet?

Is there a way to send a signal that shutdown sends, but not actually shut it down? Just get to the basic login but kill all services etc
I need to unmount of drives and maintence them.

unmount which drives?

If it's your / drive then do maintenance from a live CD.

Otherwise shutdown just sends SIGTERM to all processes, then SIGKILL a few seconds later. If you have a system with init you could switch to runlevel 1 (sudo init 1 I believe), but if the drive ISN'T your / drive then you shouldn't even need to go that far to unmount it.

extra data drives, /home, /srv
They are slow as fuck(1mb/s) so i need to defrag(showing 50-85% fragmentation) and repair them(xfs)
I have programs and services that are run on those mount points that i use in the xsession,and i cant seem to keep them killed loging out back to getty

while :; do xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --gamma 0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)); done

Just use a live CD, it's usually the easiest/safest for drive maintenance.

What will happen when I kill -9 1?

Nothing useful I'm sure...

I'm very tempted to try this right now..

Maybe a good moment to start shell scripting?
You could read out the current value and add or substact 1 to it.

On the other hand, xbacklight handles brightness much better than xrandr. You should try to get it work somehow.

If you do, reset the colors after via --gamma 1:1:1.

I did it. It was quite amusing.

Reminder we have two threads on /t/ - Torrents

Training videos for GNU/Linux (torrents)
Ported videogames (torrents)
Now we need one thread on /vg/ - Video Game Generals

bup() {
xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --brightness $(echo "$(xrandr --verbose | awk '/Brightness/ { print $2; exit }')+0.1" | bc)

bdown() {
xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --brightness $(echo "$(xrandr --verbose | awk '/Brightness/ { print $2; exit }')-0.1" | bc)

I'm stupid.
xrb() {
xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --brightness $(echo "$(xrandr --verbose | awk '/Brightness/ { print $2; exit }')$1" | bc)
$ xrb +0.1
$ xrb -0.1

Man, i'm still trying to use just a wm setup, and it's going terribly. I still can't use any browsers, i can't open up anything except sciTE and the terminal(xterm), and i keep getting XxXXXXX: 00000000 esque errors when i try to open something like chromium.

Using debian testing/dwm/xorg/slim setup

this works for me on arch linux. i'm using iceweasel, but it should work with any firefox.

forgot link

If you don't know how to set up a window manager environment why are you using testing

how do I get keyboard input in C++ while in linux is for windows

I fell for the meme

What specific error message do u get when u launch chromium from an xterm


Check Failed: sandbox::Credentials::MoveToNewUserNS().

it's followed by a bunch of #n #0x0000xxxxx(unknown)

r u running it as root? if so try as normal user. per google.

Maybe I am retarded or something but I swear xz used to be more efficient. Has it been deprecated?



Thank you so much desu

I've added a collection of perl scripts, in a folder, to my path and PERLLIB. It finds the programs fine and they run, but it dosent find the pm with all of the configuration settings in it, that all the other script

You got it boss good luck

So what I did what google the error message and check the first few results. Going forward, usually you won't run in to something nobodys ever heard of, so that's a good place to start.

Thank you for not just brushing me off though, I google more next time for sure

Your welcome have a blessed day

Try a search engine that respects your freedoms such as searx.

I normally use startpage by ixquick, but this is a new computer

Hey, I'm fairly new to GNU/Linux. Currently I am dual-booting Windows 10 and Linux Mint. What would be a good, stable distro for me to move onto once I become more experienced?


Do it.

Is there an elegant way to split a container in i3 into tabbed layout?
I added this command into my config:
bindsym $mod+o split v; layout tabbed
I haven't found a single command that does this in the i3 user guide.


As you get more experience you'll find a distro you want to use and don't have to ask.


If you want to split the tab vertically then $mod+v afterward.

The answer seems too simple so I might have misunderstood the question.

if i want a list of all the software installed on my computer i do
sudo dpkg --get-selections

but that list doesn't include , for example, htop, glances, etc...

that is, programs you install by typing
sudo apt-get install

where can i get a list of the software i installed on the command line?

Imagine if I had a container with two windows opened and if I wanted to create a container in place of one of those windows with a tabbed layout. If I pressed $mod+w, it would just change the layout of the parent container to tabbed. I don't want that.
See pic related.

> dpkg-query -l

thanks, thats seems to be

i run that command , and did

dpkg-query -l | grep "glances"

and nothing come up. but i have it installed.

what do?

I just formatted a external HDD with ext4 (and LUKS encryption).
Now I couldn't write anything to it. So I changed the write/read permissions of the mounted (mounted it by entering the password on the GUI) to everybody as root, recursively for everything that already was on the disk.
> drwxr-xrwx 3 root root 4096 Jul 15 15:08 externalHDD
Was this the right thing to do?

When I plug it into another Linux system somewhere, will I be able to directly access it with read/write privileges now too?

And why are there missing some GB of free spaced (df -h for that external HDD):
> /dev/dm-3 917G 72M 871G 1%

>as root
No. Set it as your user.
Set everything to 765

1024 vs 1000 bit

What is this deal with the AMD drivers and the incompatibility with all the distros that is going on right now?

I just installed Ubuntu and tried to run steam, and I have been having so many issues I just gave up.

I can't change it as user. It's mounted in /media/USERNAME/externalHDD

>1024 vs 1000 bit
It's a 1TB HDD, so 917GB should be the real GiB value. I don't think df mixes up GB and GiB in the same line.

sudo chown -R USERNAME /media/USERNAME/externalHDD

Also read about reserved blocks on the mkfs.ext4 and tune2fs man pages. Although it's usually set to 5% by default.

how do I make battery last longer for my laptop?

>cant change username
You are giving it the mount point, you can call ti what ever you want

crypsetup luksOpen /dev/sda niggerfaggot
>type in password
mount /dev/mapper/niggerfaggot /media/brad/externalHDD
>cant change it as a user
sudo chown -R brad:brad /media/brad/externalHDD
sudo chmod -R 765 /media/brad/externalHDD

Thank you. And now it will also work on other Linux PCs (with other usernames) when I take the HDD somewhere else without having root there?

You may have installed it in a non-standard location. What's the output of whereis glances?

>You are giving it the mount point, you can call ti what ever you want
Yes, but usually I just plug it in and enter the password via the GUI so the it gets mounted in this folder automatically.

> sudo chmod -R 765 /media/brad/externalHDD
Did this now too in addition to the first line which
also suggested.

Install TLP, what distro are you using? TLP is the best manager I've found, use it on my arch laptop. Different distros use different things I think, arch doesn't start off with one but TLP works great and is easily configurable with /etc/default/tlp file.
enable service with systemctl enable tlp
then do systemctl start tlp

Just installed manjaro, what is a good text editor for python and C++?

here you go
> whereis glances
glances: /usr/local/bin/glances

It works on the desktop PC I made these changes now. But it doesn't work on my Notebook, still can't write anything to the HDD there.

sublime text

Pardon me since I'm a huge n00b, but I can't find it in terminal with pacman -Ss "Sublime text"

yeah, arch. Is tlp the name of the package?
is it on pacman or aur?

It is in the aur, you need an aur helper to install it, or download the pacakge from aur and use makepkg
also its

vim, emacs and list goes on...

I'm joking, the list ends there.


Why would you want to have to memorize 50 keybinds to get BASIC functionality?
Maybe whne you had 1kb of ram and 1mb of hdd space.
Not anymore
Get out of the past granpa

Yeah, /usr/local is where locally installed programs are located. If you want it to show up in the dpkg listing, it needs to be installed normally (usually through the package manager "aptitude install glances" or compiled from source "make install")

thanks senpai

I know learning new things is hard, user. Some of us weren't gifted with the ability to remember more than 50 things, so I see why it's hard for you.

You can use whatever editor you like, but you have to get used to the fact I'm always going to laugh at you and your 'Get out of the past granpa' insults.

Best email client? I've been using mutt but started wanting something with somewhat of a gui. Is Claws Mail my best option?

>Claws Mail

I can only install sublime text 2, can't find 3

>notepadqq launches
>i start typing
No need to have complicated reasons for no reason :^)


Search aur...

As stated above I'm very new to linux and especially arch.

The fuck you virgins remember shit like this. Bet your a LFS NEET lol

>>i start typing
How do you remember were the keys are? I bet you memorized them you no life autist lmao.

>being this mad that someone wants to use sane means to do basic tasks
I dont have to do alt+i+u+c+e just to start typing.
I dont have to alt+d+e+l to delete text.

Lfs is shit

And now comes the made up examples.

>man vi
^~ through ^+

Sure sounds like a sane way to go about editing text.You know, as simple thing as typing and saving text, i should have to learn all these key bindings

How do you edit on a command line? Do you use the arrow keys?

Here's an off question.

I gave my 8 year old nephew a nice shiny linux system per his mother's request. Now that he has this new freedom she's asking me to put a content filter on the browser.

The only thing I'd probably filter is just porn, any suggestions on anything OSS in this field?

Set hosts file
use a filtering proxy
tell mother that she dosent need to harbour her kid.As she will breed a Sup Forums tard.

Keep the computer in the living room. Old school content filter.

What's your favorite Window Manager Sup Forums?

I recently made the jump to Awesome from Gnome 3. It was confusing at first because I was spoiled by the ease of Gnome's menus, but after getting used to keybinds, Awesome is feeling pretty comfy.




Just wanted to say that Ganoo slush Linucks is some of the best and yet most autistic shit I've ever used

>start with fedora
>go to debian
>go back to fedora because I discovered RPM Fusion and easylife
>Lol easylife can't install your amd fglrx because we're just going to voluntarily stop supporting the drivers XD
>but you can install nouveau, even though Nvidia actively opposes foss/open source
>go to Ubuntu
>it actually just werks

But wait, there's more!
>try to install steam
It would make too much sense to include the libgl1 and i386 dependencies needed to run steam with the steam package, why would you want that?

>you can run Memerim on it easily
>but you can't run VisualBoyAdvance

what the fugg
lastly, for my personal blog ending - fuck AMD for stopping supporting their good drivers I realize radeon open source will be good in the long run but its a pain in the ass now, fuck steam for not including dependencies, fuck nvidia for being the best for linux and yet the worst, fuck stallman adherents for having an actual phobia to non-free software compatibility and codecs, and lastly fuck canonical even though they made the best distro for normal human beings that don't have severe level autism

forgot to mention the most important honorable mention - fuck microsoft for finally making their OS unusable to the point of no return

Here's Debian testing with nvidia proprietary drivers and about 1/4 of my steam library. I'd like to setup a KVM, but my CPU doesn't have the good stuff.

I'm jelly, I wish I would have known about the whole AMD thing before I bought this card for my PC, I had no idea.

I don't understand the Lincucks OS, I was able to install steam and run TF2 on both Debian and Fedora, yet I can't on Ubotnet
I want to go away

Why is openwrt so shit on my router? Why am I such a retard?

>yet I can't on Ubotnet
It's time to leave it.

Define autistic.

just install korora if you're dumb

>define autistic
Smarter than me

Didn't you watch that video bloomberg did with Linus, he said "maybe I'm autistic or something" it was a 10/10 quote
my bullshit aside, I have met many autistic people who are retards with some things and yet outright brilliant on whatever it is their attention has been fixated on

So Sup Forums is full of autistic gnu/linux pedos

gonna look it up right now, thanks

I'm hesitant to use other distros but I've been assblasted with ubongos for a long time

The distro were winfags will feel at home, Linux Lite.

Here they can do what they know best, pushing buttons!