I just bought one of these for 60 euros

I just bought one of these for 60 euros.
core 2 duo 2 GHz
2 gigs RAM
120 gigs hdd

did I buy a paperweight or are they actually useful at least to browse the interwebs and youtube?

I'm a CS student and my PC is the same specs, and I'm not planning on upgrading soon, so...

Haven't looked anything up, but I'm sure you can probably at least run Snow Leopard if not (Mountain) Lion. So you're good.

Makes for a good paperweight.

good deal user

it comes with lion, which is pretty neat. I did like snow leopard at the time though. might downgrade it if it feels sluggish

I have one for development work. Its okay, I wish it could play YouTube better but it only has a GMA 950, so that's how it goes. Getting Linux on is a bit of a chore, but some thing light weight runs pretty well.

Replace HDD with 1 TB SSD and max out RAM. Install minimal CentOS 7.2 with i3 WM and it will be a fine machine.

stopped reading right there

Why not just buy an x200?

Exact same specs (actually slightly better) but will run a useful operating system, costs the same, and on top of that it's portable and has its own monitor

Upgrade the RAM and use it as a desktop

An SSD will help but anything over 240GB is overkill 99/99% of the time.

Do you think Macs are locked to OS X or something? This isn't an iPad we're talking about, you can install whatever the fuck you want.

OP here.

Yeah if I keep it I'll slap a small ssd on it. Something like 80 gigs should be enough and make it a bit snappier

You can't really find 80GB SSDs that aren't cheaper than 120GB ones. Try to find a PNY CS1311. One of the best inexpensive SSDs. Amazon has em for $35

Nice, I will check them out. Thanks user

>Do you think Macs are locked to OS X or something? This isn't an iPad we're talking about, you can install whatever the fuck you want.
It still has lesser specs than an x200, with no integrated monitor/keyboard/nubbin/mobility

I never said the Mac had better specs nor that it was more portable.

I'm just to understand your justification of buying an overpriced piece of junk?

I'm not OP

Then why are you sucking apples second hand cock?

I'm not.

Not who you replied to, but this is my $0.02. I'm triggered, yeah. But the only reason that I'm triggered is because people like you are so self centered with the fact that they seem to have the superior OS simply because more users have it. Windows users actually complain more i repeat more often than mac users but we're so used to being pushed to the side that we just IGNORE it and you guys can't handle being without shit for 3 days. Sometimes we have a right to rage but since the mac is the lesser breed, we get punished for complaining. Think about what you do before you do it.

You could've got a mid-2011 model with i5 processor for $20.

Pretty much the same as the laptop I'm posting from, runs just fine.


>justify your petty expenses
Who cares? You can make that money back with a day's work. The X200 is an underpowered piece of shit too, anyway.

As long as you're sure it's a core 2 duo and not a core duo, you can put El Capitan on it. Snow Leopard was the last version of OS X to support 32-bit processors.

OP again.

will it stream hd video and play it without lagging?

sucking dicks of course
dem dubs

Here's an use for it

Beat me to it.

>implying I use wangblows
I think you are on the wrong board

GNU/Linux IS the superior operating system

Also you just admitted that you complain less about a corrupt company than others, which means you admitted that Mac users enjoy sitting back and taking it from cook

Might make an OK HTPC?

Does it have HDMI output?

Don't think you'd have a problem, but you might have to use an external video player to get around inefficient garbage HTML5 players.

congratulations, you bought the first Mac Mini that can support up to 10.11 El Capitan but you won't be getting macOS 10.12 Sierra. by the way, that's an Early 2009 Mac Mini.

Have fun getting a monitor that works with that thing

Just needs a cheapo adapter if it isn't the DVI model

Are you retarded?

Why would you want a monitor on a toilet paper dispenser?

How is that even remotely an issue? It's either DVI or DisplayPort

empty it out and use it as a lunchbox

Biggest problem is the integrated video. This was before the intel integrated GPU got good so it probably won't play 1080p youtube.

Core2Duo should be able to muscle 1080.

get a 120gb ssd for 40$, maybe more ram if you want it, run a compatible version of osx or maybe linux
and yeah, good shitposting machine, the mac mini has always been a pretty little device in my eyes

install gentoo

is that peanut M&Ms by the toilet famalamadingdong?

mag haters disgust me Sup Forums runs on a mac mini cluster running openBSD


I'm not a fan of Apple but I kind of like the case, if it's underpowered maybe you can later on upgrade it with some mini-ITX motherboard and a modern CPU. I don't know if they will fit but it popped into my head. Especially if it doesn't have to run OS X you might find parts that fit, no need to be as picky with them.

Early mac minis had a socketed cpu so you could upgrade it directly if you got hold of a better chip to throw in there.

I looked into it a couple years ago since I've got one lying around here but it looked too expensive to be worth the effort.

>2gb RAM
Throw your Linux of choice on it and you're good to go