GPU Buying

I need to upgrade from a 560Ti.
I'm saving up the money at the moment, but not sure what to do—

Should I buy a 1080 or wait for the 1080ti?

Wait until Ti is out and then compare shit.
Something else will be around the corner.

Waiting for technology is pointless, there will always be something better.

Get what's available right now.

you should probably expect to buy a new monitor too if you want a 1080/1080ti

GTX 1080 is in a weird spot where nobody should really buy it. It's not enough for 4K or 144Hz 2K but it is too much for normal 2K or 144Hz 1080p.

wait for fury2

stop lying.
you don't need a gpu to live.

I've decided to ditch nvidia competely and ordered a new 1440p, 144hz, freesync monitor.

Currently have a 980 ti, which I will be selling, and need to figure out what gpu to buy for the time being. I could get a fury X for $400 or crossfire 480s, but I generally think multi-card is shit. Either way will be used for a few months until the 490 comes out.

And its availability is still very bad.

fucking truth right here

Is gtx 1070 good enough for 144hz @1080p ? Theres a lot of benchmarks but i feel like i cant trust them

There might not be a 1080ti if AMD doesn't catch up.

So just get it.

Yes. Why don't you trust the benchmarks?

>buy a 3440x1440 60hz monitor
>happens to have freesync
>AMD has nothing to drive this resolution
>buy a 1070

Multi GPU solutions are for people who live in areas with no summer.

A lot of them are biased and shit

I have a 4k@60hz monitor. I mainly bought it to edit 4k footage and as i don't play game professionally so 60hz is fine for me.
You can easily to 60fps with GTX 1080 if you turn down AA because at 4k,AA doesn't make a difference. The texture are so good at 4k that AA doesn't make a difference.

And ive fallen for memes before

a 480 can run 5k displays at 60fpz, it can run that shit easily.

Best card for 144 Hz gaming @ 1080p with maxxed settings? Still have a 690 that kicks ass, but the 2gb ram is starting to hold me back soon im afraid

Yeah its overkill, will destroy everything in 1080p

he meant games.

>Waiting for technology is pointless

except when it is pointless.

1080 has no cuda or adobe encoders. So if OP does gpu-accelerated encoding, his programs will literally not see the 1080 as a device.

AMD Originally specialized in Multimedia AKA running multi display and just like the P4 Nvidia was forced to pretty much slap anything they had at the moment together to match Well developed AMD technology.

Years later (now) AMD is still Multimedia king.
Saying that Nvidia can somehow compete with AMD with Scaling for screen size number and pixel count is like saying Nvidia is on par with AMD for Cryptocoin mining as long as there are enough Nvidia cores running fast enough.

Nvidia 10XX Series reminds me of the P4, its good but its a well marketed cry for help.

I have the 1080 but now I'm fucking broke and my ass is hurting me.
fuck you nvidia, no more of your shit.

Vega comes out q4 or '17 q1

it's the perfect vr card

What screen are you on? If 1080p, a GTX 1080 is excessive overkill.

Just get a decent quadro.

Unless you're playing videogames like a fucking teenager faggot, then you're beyond salvation my friend.

Will the 1060 be good enough for fucking Miku in VR?


Buy now, dumbass

There was a prototype 144Hz 4K display shown at a recent electronics show. Asus I think. Anyhow it's going to take a some time before single GPU's are powerful enough to drive 4K on ultra settings. Let alone above 60Hz. With luck DX12 and Vulkan will get mGPU back on the table.

Miku is pretty low res pixel count wise.

Said like a true pleb

Just get a 1060 or 1070

a 144hz screen at 60fps will still feel smoother than an 60hz screen at 60fps, you don't need to get the max amount of fps to notice the difference

What does Ti stand for?

>60 fps will feel smoother than 60 fps

and replacing the stock cooler on my cpu so that it runs cooler will help keep my room from overheating

60 fps isn't playable now days. 120+ Hz monitors are becoming the new norm.

I can't enjoy 60fps anymore

>1080 has no cuda or adobe encoders

Wait what.

How is this fucking possible

0/10 60fps is 60fps on every moniyou may be noticing a lower response time, or lower motion blur, or maybe g-sync.

There is no such thing as too much for 144hz. The higher the frames the better. Highest performing flagship card is always the best for 144hz.

144hz isn't worth it
4k isn't worth it.

If not those retarded memes we would probably notice a huge jump in graphics in games but instead we are stuck with new gpus who cant handle ~40fps in 4k for $600

Thanks richfags

Ti is the atomic symbol for titanium

I've just upgraded from my trusty 560 to 1070.
For 1080p, you will not need more long-term

Does the 1070 suffer from the 3.5 meme too ?

>buying NoVideo when DX11 is dying in less than 6 months
Enjoy getting shit on.

likewise i hate 1080@60p fags like you for holding up the adoption of higher res/rate monitors

not with 8GB on board(same as in 1080) no

no just woodscrews


phew, good thing that i wasn't aiming for VR in any foreseeable future

wait, what the hell are you talking about? It requires HDMI, not Display Port

Gaming either apparently.

I wonder where the 1070 will be in six months compared to a $199 card? The foibles of youth I imagine.

had 140fps+ with my config in Doom, Ultra, 1080p. Can't complain

If you are gaming at 1440p the GTX 1080 is perfect.
If you are gaming at 1080p buy the 1070
If you want to game at 4K wait for 1080Ti

I for mystelf am gaming at 1440p 21:9 so I bought myself the 1080. It runs perfect.
If you buy the FE make sure you set a custom fanprofile. Otherwise it will run at 80°C under load.

>tfw 1440p/144hz gsync monitor but stuck on a 660 TI

That warehouse deal I got was just too good, though.


what about the rx 480?

Wait for vega. If it beats the new titan, then that means ti will be useless.