Is there any way to retrieve a deleted image from Skype? I tried the /sqt/, but I couldn't get an answer

Is there any way to retrieve a deleted image from Skype? I tried the /sqt/, but I couldn't get an answer.

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I too would like to know this.

self bump

It's ok, that hoe will send you more nudes, I'm sure.

Surely it has to be in the temporary files or something, right? I know the deleted messages are there for a bit.

I'll tell you where it stores it if you tell me what photo you're trying to get first

It is in fact nudes, but I have a feeling you're fucking with me.

google skype image save location

Its not in there
Does that mean its gone for good? I never actually opened it, it was deleted too fast, but I could see from the thumbnail what it was. This happened just today, so I assumed it would still be somewhere.



I wont lie to you, I need my helping of accidental tits today, I'm running dangerously low.

yes, double click on any other image then right click that image and open its original location, you'll see all images you've ever been sent in a folder, it will take time for you to find it, good luck.

Locate the folder where Skype pictures are saved, then run Recuva on said folder and check for deleted pictures.

I didnt open it, so im not even sure if it'd be there, but im running Recuva on it right now, it says it'll take a few hours. If this works, you will officially be the most based user ther ever was.

calling it now youre not gonna find that shit

An user can dream of sweet unintentional tits, cant he?


Its in C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Skype\\media_messaging\media_cache_v3. Look harder.

Deleted messages can be recovered through some programs available online.

Recuva will not help, the file has not yet been deleted.

Im looking for a skype spy. hook ya boii up

Alright, I found the folder and went all the way through it, and I didn't see it, or any of the other photos that I had deleted at other times for other reasons. Do I need some kind of program to find it?

Nope, its not there. Give up. Either she didnt actually send you tits and you're looking for something that doesnt exist, or it was an ancient message and has been deleted.

Skype maintains a cache of images per conversation which is somewherei n the range of 25-50 images maximum per conversation before it starts overwriting old ones. Even if an image is deleted it will remain in that cache, with a thumbnail and full image.

Alright, I know for damn sure that it was sent, I saw the thumbnail with my own eyes before it got deleted. I went back and counted, and so far there have only been 16 images posted since then, meaning that it still should be there, right? It might be worth noting that there are a few files in her thay simply look like a blank page with the top right corner earmarked, and they literally dont have a file extension. Could it be one of those, or did I just miss it?
