Hi, what is best gee pee yuu?

hi, what is best gee pee yuu?

Intel integrated.


power vr


Pics of AMD girl please

she posts everything on her twitter

Is she getting raped?


google Amada Kokoro user
Thats as much as Ill spoonfeed you, babby needs to be strong and independent

Nvidia finally found her out and needed to send Raja a message

>integrated GPU

Thanks senpai

Iris Pro 6200 ain't half that bad actually
On par with a 750ti

Too bad it's only on few cpu's so that they can jew on mobile market with them later on

Isnt Iris Pro only on overpriced tablets like the Surface and Wacom?

No, it's on few i5 and i7's too

Currently on 5675C and 5775C, which latter one i own myself

Voodoo 5.

Radeon HD 3870X2

Sauce on pic?



Are there any websites that you can sort the laptops by the specs like pcpartpicker?
Say I want the cheapest laptop with a 960m so I just tick it off and sort it, or I want a certain processor in combination with x screen size and storage
I'm probably being too hopeful

a-are they looking at her butt?

>br on the left

boku no pro duo

The one with cute anime girls.