Tfw you come up with a tech idea you know will be huge, it clicks right away

>tfw you come up with a tech idea you know will be huge, it clicks right away
>spend over half a year working hard as fuck alone to get it where I want to be because I'm not a technical retard with another tinder or flappy bird idea
>finally coming together and fucking mind blowing to everyone I show it to, multiple competitions won. big companies interested
>competitors are also MUCH more expensive and have no where near the same flexibility, and not even commercially out yet. I take a huge shit on them as a one man project.

Holy fuck, i'm so close to making it Sup Forums. I laugh manically at my real job when I get shit, knowing that I'm working on a revolutionary project that is above those fuckers.
Feels fucking good Sup Forums, thanks for answering my technical and business questions over the last few months. We're all going to make it, I didn't think I would.

So what's the idea?

What is it?

ya'll need to install gentoo

also OP isn't tech related at all... where the fuck are the mods =.=

I sure hope there's a little comment somewhere in your code thanking us

I figured its fucking nothing. Op vanished.

I wish I could tell you guys, but i'm not allowed to.

I'm pessimistic and cynical as they come, but you fuckers would love the idea.
It's the type of shit that if I took a video of it in operation or made kickstarter it would go viral.

All i'm going to hint at is that it brings a certain activity that hasn't really changed for decades into what scifi books fucking imagined.

You don't have to believe me user. I'm a computer engineering student and have big companies that you kids circle jerk all day contacting me to get involved. Already have quite a few thousand in awards with 0 advertisement.

I'll put in one just for you user. I'll comment ##07/15/16(Fri)23:32:18 No.55595985 some random place.

You guys don't have to believe me, I don't care. I feel fucking high just seeing this shit work.

10/10 bait you did it OP

Also I made a similar post about this a good number of months ago asking for certain advice. If you fuckers are so skeptical have fun trying to find it.

It's teledildonics, isn't it. God damn it, OP...

>It's teledildonics, isn't it. God damn it, OP...
Nah but that's another idea i'd be interesting in doing. Still not as exciting as what i'm doing now.

I get some real euphoria just knowing what my retard competitors will think when they see my product. I have a key innovation over them that reduces cost, complexity, and lowers the barrier to entry significantly.

If its all that estabilished and you're on your way to become the next Steev Jerbs with your "revolutionary idea", you wouldnt have to beat around the bush.

If you already had awards as you claim, its fully exposed and there is no need to hide it from the people that suposedly helped you.

In other words, you're full of shit.

Go bait on biz, im done giving you attention,

well... when you think you made it, reality hits and life gets you cancer

so, enjoy your cancer and hope you die a painful, long death.

8/8 b8, made me reply. seriously, drink bleach.

if you need a logo hit me up OP

If you're being serious about all this (this is Sup Forums after all), how many weeks/months from now should I expect to hear about your achievement and think back to this thread?

I frequent /biz/ and have already posted a similar thread but with a bit more detail. Steve Jobs didn't do a fucking line of coding, i'm building hardware, software, firmware and fucking everything with my own two hands.

I don't have patents yet, which is why i'm not fucking disclosing the idea you degenerate. That will take some time and i'm already in the process.

It is exposed, in certain competitions and a very well received kickstarter-like demo video. Definitely not going to share yet guys because I need to keep this on the down-low or some Chinese fucker will copy it just like I've heard many times.

The product i'm working on WILL be inevitable, I have no doubts and you guys would agree. That's why I also have competitors, they share the same thoughts. I'm doing the best I can to get this shit to consumer hands but i'm working full-time and it isn't easy to do some very hard engineering and design after a 10 hour work day.

When I release the product, i'll remember to paste this thread so I can have a laugh at all you skeptical cynical fucks.

i believe in you although you're probably lying through your teeth,good luck

I enjoy when people don't believe me, seriously. My retard professor thought the same and I remember his face when he tried it. He shut the fuck up.
I wouldn't believe this thread either, honestly. I really wish I could disclose the idea but that would be very careless of me.

Can you set up a website that we can bookmark so that when it's released we'll know what it is? I want to stay updated on this.

Not sure if you're bullshitting us or yourself, but hey, good luck.

I have an ecommerce business, I could sell your product through there if you want.

what's your email user? I have a logo but i'd like to see some alternatives.

Stay mad faggot, thanks for the laugh though. Not everyone is worthless like yourself.

Not a bad idea but not worth it for a very select few people. I'll make a thread on Sup Forums when I get the kickstarter setup so I can get some input.

I already have a fully working prototype. I just need to get it modular and polished up for consumers to install.
I'd say around 4 months.

Just make a tumblr page or something. Doesn't have to be a full website.

What kind of ecommerce do you have user?

help a Sup Forumsuy out, send a few hundred to his paypal when your product is released

didn't say i don't believe you just the nature of this board

Mate I don't do this for money, I already make 80k at 22. Maybe if it goes successful, i'll throw some money around on this board. I've been here a long, long time and wouldn't mind much.

Developing and engineering this product is the most exciting and challenging thing i've ever done. It's also very fun to test and mess around with, due to the nature of the product.
The profit from this will just be a bonus.

I actually really want to hire a developer to help out, but i'm paranoid they would take the idea and run or fuck me somehow. They would also have to live close by me unless they invest in a few hundred or so in parts just to setup the hardware portion.

add me in it too faggot

>polished up for consumers to install.
Not another Linux distro...

Sorry user, other user asked first and asked kindly. Enjoy your post heading to the abyss and forgotten.

hey if you need a professional shitposter and cs student doing shitall, email me at [email protected]


[email protected]

Maybe you should read a little more before you post your funny memes.

The project contains hardware "attachables", firmware, and some software to tie it up to make everything work. Really need to develop a GUI soon though, would make it much more appealing to the iphone and pajeet crowd.


So it's basically Project Ara?

>doesn't even have a GUI yet
>thinks his project has any relevance without great GUI

OP here nvm figured it out

>[email protected]
Thanks goy. This should be worth a few shekels.

funny image, is that spardy?

sent :^)

Nope, not even close. I also would be competing with companies like google for that shit and would get crushed.
What I have developed will change the way people do a certain activity, as I mentioned I have no doubts about this whether it be my product or a competitors.

I'm thinking about releasing the software portion of my product for free, maybe with some special paid added features, I don't know. The hardware portion is a necessity though and contains quite a few parts that the user will install.

It might, i've already accepted that. Had I told you faggots about it in my last few threads I bet I would already find a half assed replica on kickstarter.

Not me.

It doesn't really need a GUI, I would explain why but i'd have to disclose the idea.

Do you have a logo yet?

>What I have developed will change the way people do a certain activity

>It doesn't really need a GUI

Sure sounds familiar...

If only you knew user. I don't blame you for thinking that way, I would too. The product doesn't operate the way you think it does, in any shape or form.

>I wish I could tell you guys, but i'm not allowed to.
cool, thread hidden

I get a failed reply from that address user, too bad.

Feel free user, why waste time even mentioning this?
I really don't give a fuck, i'm just enjoying some light shitposting while working on some more wiring.

fake email user, but was serious about everything else.

all i can say is much luck with your endeavor.


Keep going. Just another faggot that may be lucky enough to see his own post in the thread of shame that will follow in a few months.

Ohh... I get it now. It is some VR crap.... No one will buy that shit....just kys m8...

I'm in a similar situation (though.. not quite as huge as you seem to be? I haven't gotten any attention from other companies but then I've not told anyone in the first place). I've developed a pretty complex software for web and mobile devices and just need to start marketing it, really. It should save companies a lot of money so I think it'll be easy to sell, but we'll see. I've just been busy with life in general and haven't had the time to really push it. I kind of assume that it will make lots of money and be great for me but it still doesn't feel real or actual, but then again it isn't, so that makes sense. I don't know.


Congrats, OP. If you need any help with your website / web app, contact me at [email protected], cheers!

Put 'kirino a shit' somewhere in the comments.

I won't bother with a serious reply. Thanks for the chuckle though.

Very funny user, haha!
Too bad you faggots couldn't try out the expo I had for it, like I said you will see this thread in a few months when I get a second round of entertainment from rereading the cynicism.

Nothing unexpected, the majority of people on this board want other anons to fail so they can feel a little alleviated about their worthless lives. Maybe newfags still thinks it holds some effect?

not technology discussion

go beg for attention somewhere else you massive faggot

>The project contains hardware "attachables", firmware, and some software to tie it up to make everything work.
>this idiot hasnt realized consumers are retards and want SIMPLICITY and all-in-one packages and they dont care whether its possible ot not, hell they would actually lose functionality if its sleek and just werks protip look at applel
Oh wow, even if youre not bullshitting I can assure you the competition will crush you.

OP here.
[email protected]

Feel free to email me if you are a programmer (python mainly), electrical engineer, web designer, or graphic designer (for a logo).

Look above

Here's a logo

Oh you user, you think you are really clever huh?

You're extrapolating on something you know absolutely nothing about. Without the attachables the product would be in the trash or insanely expensive.
Engineers make design decisions for a reason, it's not a fucking slot machine.

I've had enough attention user in multiple competitions and showcases. I'm just replying and shitposting around and maybe looking for some talent.
Thanks for making my thread bigger though, your arch linux rice threads await you.

>looking for talent
>on a tibetan woodcutting imageboard

Takes two seconds to post my project email. Why not? Already have gotten a few qualified individuals who would work for way less than what people get in my area.

>Without the attachables the product would be in the trash or insanely expensive.
You know companies can afford to lose billions in the products initial cycle right? Look at the 360 and ps3. Sure it was a bad decision but if by being first they can get a stable consumer base they will lose as much as needed.

It's okay, people who play ball with try hard chucklefucks like him deserve everything that happens to them.


>I'm a worthless weeb therefore everyone else is too

Hope you're not one of the idiots complaining about globalisation and India.

It's a very valid point user, but part of the reason I have these "attachables" is because it lowers the barrier to entry SIGNIFICANTLY.

This is the type of product I can see almost everyone interested in (and have seen), it has a very, very wide reach. Especially among a certain demographic or two.
I don't have the pockets of Microsoft or Sony but i'm sure I could get some big investment if I really wanted to. I make quite a bit from my normal job and should be able to fund it myself thankfully.

I also do plan for a monthly service (SaaS, IaaS, other support), but not for normal consumers or kickstarter kids.

Why do you think i'm underage newfag? I'm curious. I already probably make more than your parents and definitely have more in the bank.

>It's the type of shit that if I took a video of it in operation or made kickstarter it would go viral.
then do it you fucking retard. kickstarter is basically free money

>software patents

>(python mainly)

OP make a pass phrase that you will put in the press release for your wunderwaffe so that we know it's really you.

I don't want to run a shitty money grab kickstarter, I'm going to get it right the first time. I could have probably made one months ago.
Going to need to hire some video editor/producer and finalize my prototype before I feel comfortable. I take pride in my work. I'm not fiending for money.

But yes, I will have a kickstarter hopefully towards the end of summer. Mostly for exposure.

This is what NDA's and IP agreements are for though.

The patent isn't on software user. I'm working with some ex Bell Labs engineers on pushing this patent through, already speaking with a lawyer too.

Another contrarian on Sup Forums. Should I get Emacs too? It doesn't matter if I wrote this in python, c++, or whatever the fuck. I wrote it in python to save a shit load of time which it did and it runs fast as fuck because I have a polling rate that works more than fast enough and barely tickles my 3 year old CPU.

so it's some kind of VR controller or image stabilization shit

Polling or anything of the like is useful in almost any semi-complex program unless you want to do heavy computations without pause.

Great dude, good luck! Genuinely wishing you the best and hope you never have to work a shitty tech job again.

This thread made me wonder something, we know the NSA and Google have access to a shitload of info and the former has backdoors all over the place. Do you think they ever use them for industrial espionage?

no it's not, polling is only useful for input devices and sensors, and even for those you don't need polling, you can have events instead


No, emacs is actually useful and well liked by successful individuals. You have to get vim.

Great bait mate I am really enjoying this shkereli type angle you are playing for your character good job

By the way if it's fucking kinesthetic gear for vr it better be good

I have a hard time thinking of a product where separating components instead of a streamlined all-in-one package results in it being cheaper, unless the constraint is space and cost that is already at its limits in which case I believe those companies won't hesitate to be first even if they lose billions. Also said companies have global reach and coordination.

Whatever, if not b8 good luck m8, you'll need it.

thank you user, I actually do not like my current job that much but the money is good. I won't fail you.

Yes I think you're right, both work just fine in my case because it's not intensive at all as far as the script goes.
I'm not an expert programmer by any means, my major is computer engineering so i'm much more familiar with the hardware/circuit/micro-controller side of things.

It's still amazing how great python is for 90% of the coding I do. Concise as fuck and so many great libraries and documentation to pull from. After learning python, languages like Java and C++ feel really dry and slow and i've used both for years. I've met some python haters in real life and every single one was autistic, no exceptions.

Mate I have more money than you will ever make. If that's what you define by success. Maybe you should go back to configuring your linux distribution so you could have it JUST right.

Mate, Zuckerberg has more money than you will ever make. Richard Stallman wrote more significant software than your novelty product. Julian Assange had more of an impact on society. Michael Widenius' shit runs the fucking web. You owe your shit to Guido Van Rossum's emacs adventures.

Emacs is actually useful and well liked by succesfull individuals. You should try out vim, I think it would fit you.

You're missing one key part that actually is the "crutch" of my product compared to competitors, and sets me apart. If it weren't for that, you would be absolutely right and it wouldn't make sense at all to do such a thing. Can't say any more on that.

I never said I was the most successful individual on the planet, or anything of that sort. Perhaps you should read a little more carefully. I can confidently say I am more successful than most of people on here. Both financially and in my career, not that I really care to make such comparisons.

And 95% of the richest people in the world use windows and notepad and many are still on yahoo. 100% of the most successful people in the world also drink fluids. Try to use your brain before making such asinine comments.

Anyone who is this secretive about their project idea has absolutely nothing. Ideas are cheap, implementation is what matters.

Maybe you should read more carefully. A prototype already fucking exists and is right next to me.

You don't seem to understand the connection here

people successful in creating and using technology prefer to use a certain technology

maybe it's good?

like accountants love excel, so maybe it's good? artists prefer photoshop to gimp, maybe it's good? successful and brilliant programmers use emacs, maybe it's good?

>Ideas are cheap, implementation is what matters.
I thought this too until I learned to program and realized that A) anyone can learn to program and B) even good programmers are a dime a dozen and easy to hire.

If you can't implement your ideas at all, they're worthless but if you have just enough skill to get a prototype mostly working then ideas suddenly become way, way more important.

great programmers are autistic though

Excel and photoshop are the de facto standard for their respective uses.

Emacs? No. Funny that's the odd one out and not even in the top 3. I'm not dissing Emacs at all, and have actually used it and prefer it over VIM.
Successful people haven't used VIM though? What the fuck am I hearing? It's hard to believe that people can fanboy so hard over a fucking text editor.

Times like this I find Sup Forums entertaining.

The most successful person to ever use vim wrote perl.

What language did you use again?

>The most successful person to ever use vim wrote perl.
Yeah let's ignore Paul Graham.

I code as a hobby, not as an occupation and mainly use python. I work in investment banking professionally.

How degenerate are you to try and instigate this hard over discussions that have nothing to do with the thread?
Especially when i've clearly mentioned that I show no fanboyism over VIM or any text editor.
This is textbook autism user, try and comprehend what you read and type.

even if that is true, the amount of projection you leak is pathetic.
>i make more than both of your parents
>lol muh bank
>lol WWIII my paper can't buy food lmao
>lol i am kill