who the fuck thought this shit was a good idea
Who the fuck thought this shit was a good idea
I think it's handy
Also use inbox nor the default Gmail
What would you suggest instead user
>goy mail
Not him but i agree its retarded for it not to be in the menu with literally every other option
When you press it it opens into different sub options
So essentially it's a menu in itself
And a lot more convenient if needing to write emails
Yes I know hur dur just take the 2 seconds to open the side bar
Meh, you can't please everybody, I think it's fine
And it goes away when you open an email so it isn't intrusive so w.e
That fucking button has been triggering me ever since it randomly showed up on an update. Why didnt they just put it next to the fucking search button in the bar?
To make you complain about it on a Jamaican bobsled fundraiser campaign forum
Floating action button is made to make using the app's main action easier (in that activity).
Take google maps as an example: It is much easier just to tap te FAB either than going to the menu and searching for "Show my position/use GPS". Also, I think it just look neat.
No see it makes more sense to have it always visible because then you'll know where it is. Except for when you're scrolling a particular way, then you can hide it to declutter the screen.
I think it looks like shit.
If google used bottom bars instead of top bars there would be no need to have that floating shit there blocking your content. Just leave everything in the fucking bar
I don't know, I never use it in my apps and I never use it in apps I use.
It's just a circle blocking some of the content area.
how fucking hard is this
no fucking button clutter
I don't agree it is the same thing as the current location button in Maps.
Maps has always had that button and it has just been in different places and different shapes.
Map is also different in that the content area is fully scrollable, left and right, up and down, indefinitely (practically) where as in most other applications the floating action button will still be in the way of content when you reach the bottom, and then they can stack other floating action buttons above it and it just ends up being stuff sitting in the way of content that I never use.
I blame this more on the shift from having a menu soft/hard button to having the app switcher button.
why not just put pen on top? who does it need to be on the bottom?
Because bottom menus are much better. Unless everyone stopped making 5.7 inch phones and nobody told me
Because phones are getting big and people want it accessible with their right thumbs.
That's the entire reason behind this design. Even those in many apps, like Gmail, you're invariably going to be switching to a two hand grip when you touch it in order to type out that email.
That is what I like about iOS apps. Bottom bars
But it is a good idea, OP.
who the fuck thought this shit was a good idea
>glorious z5c
look at this shit. You cant even tell if the user thinks its a good or bad idea.
hover buttons are shit
Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea that no matter where you have the map situated in GMaps, if you try to search for something, like hotels, it automatically snaps to your location, as opposed to looking in the area where you are looking on the map?
Com'on OP, it's FAB.
Someonw who makes more in a month than you do in a year
A google employee
Because Phones get bigger and having important Features so far away that you need 2 hands fucking sucks.
Btw it's not Googles fault that Phones become too big for their Users hands, they're just trying to make those peoples lives easier
I like how gmail never notifies about new mail even if notification is on.
When will handlets ever learn?
Matias Duarte.
The gmail app works fine because of the hamburger menu (sliding from the left)
The youtube app used to have the same thing but they removed it. You used to be able to go to your subscription channels from ANY point in the application, now you have to press back a gajillion time to go to the main screen of the app THEN YOU HAVE TO FIND THE SUBSCRIPTIONS TAB AND BROWSE THROUGH THE CHANNELS
>covering content instead of being in a menu
Werkz for me
It's just the date..
And you can avoid that by sliding your finger half an inch w0w an absolute tragedy
>Actually using the YouTube app
what's the fucking alternative
It's just the date in that image. The problem is when it's not just a date, for example in Clover when it is covering a large chunk of the text in a post.
Is the Z5C literally the only good sub-5inch android phone nowadays?
Its easier to reach the top right corner of the phone with one hand than the bottom right though.
your mom, you stupid cunt. If you knew anything about anything you would understand that you can easily hover that corner with your fat atrocious thumb.
now go outside to munch some grass you disgusting pig, try not to ruin everything with mud when you get back inside.
>actions, menu directly above navigation buttons
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
Better than having them on top where its impossible to reach.
Maybe if you're an amputee.
>using the smiley with a carat nose