So, I just bought a Raspberry Pi Zero (why...

So, I just bought a Raspberry Pi Zero (why? it was cheap as shit) and I'm wondering what's a really interesting thing I can do with it.
Any ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sell it for $15-$20 to someone who actually has a use for it

dns ad blocking server


>I bought something
>(why? it was cheap as shit)
you know what's even cheaper? not buying junk for no reason. i can find a coupon for you if you want.

shove it up your ass

Put it on a 20 dollar bill

Well you dun goofed up if you bought one without a project in mind.

That smart mirror thing always intrigued me, you might wanna look into that

Try tell that to /csg/

this, mine has been doing just this.

but seriously maybe you would have been better off buying some coffee flavored drink instead of this.

not op but bump. i have been curious for a while. wondering what anons have done with them.

>buy pi zero
>use it as a shit tier emulator
>that's it
>it was 4 bux though so whatever

Put 30 NES games on there. Sell it on ebay for $60 dollars.

PiFM. With a good antenna, its ridiculously overpowered.

play minecraft with built in scripting apis

Enjoy your sub 90's internet speed and latency.

throw it out and then buy an arduino

there's a lot of that in /csg/ but there's also a lot of people saying shit like "I need a _____ and i'm too cheap to buy a first party version of that thing". that's not frivolous in the same sense as the OP (who's saying "I have $5 and my primary goal is to get rid of it").

but more importantly, people just looking to spend their allowance (or, less likely, their disposable income) in the /csg/ are at least not cluttering the board with another thread. they're just adding noise to a thread that would exist anyway.

Install gentoo

make this.

hack a thermostat to make the government data tapes burn.

>tfw he's in a jail or a mental institution

Hey user!
I have one and am waiting for my homebrew setup to use as a PID controller with brewpi. Can also turn them into sprinkler controllers for lawn. Bet there a hydroponic setup too. Just search around man!

What's the benefit to do this though? Routers worth buying can already accomplish this themselves or through third party DNS. You can also use services like OpenDNS. It has an easy to use interface on the website. Most router firmware these days support services such as OpenVPN, DNS, and more. You can also use something like Clarkconnect/ClearOS too.

cool meme bro

stuff it into a replacement gameboy shell and make a gameboy.

That. Make a handheld for running emulators

This made me inhale air through my nostrils really fast

Read the wiki.

Thinking about using this as control system / pattern sync for LED lights on a hoodie.

basically /terrorwave/

>that pic


My plan is to solder it directly to the contacts under a breadboard to have a small instant prototyping device I can just quickly hook up to my pc and comfortably control the pins through Python.

It just arrived and I'm currently still playing around with the software, I already have it configured as an USB serial+ethernet device, so I just hook it up to my pc with a single cable connected to the OTG port (it's also powered by it) and get access to its console and bridge the network so the Pi has internet access too.

>smart water
how does water get smart?

Stick it in a vibrating egg, stick it up your ass, make a a webapp where people can control how hard they want to fuck your ass.

An ESP8266 is better suited for that.

but are they really fucking your ass if they're just vibrating the egg? there needs to be an in-out movement for it to be considered fucking

Bottled Asian sweat.

I think it would be a pretty big engineering feat to have something fuck your ass while never leaving your ass. OP can work out the details.

I clearly said "in-out movement", that doesn't mean it actually needs to go out full and then in again, it can just go out a bit, back up a bit while still being in your ass and then come back in.
You would need some special underwear to hold it in place while it fucks you.

Although, it would look really strange when you're in public.

>I just bought a Raspberry Pi Zero
where from? all the places i know are always sold out
>yet another "i bought raspi/arduino/esp8266/fpga, what do?" thread

It has no uses. Zero.
It's just a toy for autists.

So like Pokemon GO?

Pretty much.

>, it can just go out a bit, back up a bit while still being in your ass and then come back in.

Right bout how are you going to do that? Attach wheels on it? Claws to crawl up the sphincter? Stick some fuel in there and use thrust?

I was seeing it as an independent device, if you attached it to a pair of panties it would be workable.

Compressed air would likely be the best bet. You can use CO2 carts to blow air in your ass and then let it out and then repeat.

What's a reasonably cheap rPi alternative that has good networking (i.e doesn't have ethernet share with USB)?



the new one with integrated wifi.

or a chink one without the fraction of support the rpi gets.

>not understanding how dns works

patent pending

>good networking

That wouldn't need a raspberry at all. It only requires 2 gears.

better than what the older ones get from what i've heard. it's a crapshoot to be honest.

i use it as a very low maintenance home server so i don't really care or know what the networking deal is.

as i said, just go with a chink machine then. stop being lazy and just search rpi on ali or whatever and you'll get options

the rasppi would control the stepper and provide a web interface

also I just noticed I fucked up - the squeezer should do the inverse thing

An arduino would be more useful for that purpose.

I already mentioned the ESP8266 (hooking it up to an extra Arduino is pointless), which would be perfect for it. But we are talking about Pi projects.

Check the Odroid XU4

Retro pie

>No Ethernet/Wi-Fi

Keychain emulation station.
If you truly have one, make wifi jammer.

OP what happens if you put the power on the usb port?

>why? it was cheap as shit
>mfw the cheapest offer in my country is 25 USD

who is this semon demon?

Same desu. Can't you just order it?

It powers up?

How is that a problem?
Pretty much everyone ships worldwide these days.

Set up a Tor relay/exit node and help make the Internet great again for privacy-conscious people.

Is this equivalent to 80's microcomputer, or is it too complicated to code directly in asm on bare metal?
I'd buy one if I can use it to fuck around with OS dev and make demoscene stuff. But if it's just a LInux box, I don't need it.

Soon as I get each emulators config coordinated so I don't have to play a 'guess the controls' minigame while I game, a retroarch card.
It's not working out as I'd hoped to be honest, still a clusterfuck, my fault I'm sure.

this. reminds me of the whole sale argumentation thing...
>it was on sale, i saved a lot of money by buying it
no you didn't. you spent money.

How did you get it? Where? Please.

Not OP but I got mine from pihut recently but it's sold out again already.

which one is the best?

price/quality wise


really? isn't that the most expensive one?

it wasn't a serious answer user, just a joke

Shipping it to here costs much more than the device itself. Still not worth it.

this very much
it's fucking cheaper to buy an old, small server than a raspberry pi

yeah 4 pounds
that's about the standard shipping fee when I order stuff from inside my own country.
so I'm used to getting jewed with shipping

How is the psp and dreamcast emulation RPi 3?

Not existent

Identical to ps1 I guess.

So, should I get a odroid c2 instead?
It seems much better for emulation those systems, although a bit priced too.

if you have air conditioning, you could program a optimal nonlinear control system to actually make a thermostat and lower your electricity bills.

You can even get into the IoT meme and connect it to the internet to watch how enviromental parameters vary.

There's lots of things you could do with a zero. Unfotunately, Sup Forums only cares about GPUs and gaymin so maybe in /ohm/ they could give you better advice

Make it into a webserver and host another chan on it

Multimodal reflection sorting

>I need motivation to justify my drunk spending
It's the weekend. No need to hide it user.

make minecraft server

mfw shipping + VAT

What do you mean by nonlinear? A/C is either on or off, there's no throttle. Do you mean set the thermostat higher when you're not home or something?

Depends on the air conditioner, you'll have to look up the manual. Controlling airflow through dampers, for example, can be on/off or continuous(controlling the area of "openness" of the output). From that action, you can control humidity and temeperature and make it responsive to change in thermal load.

Turning off the operation when you're not there and turning it on via interwebz when you're on your way there could be a nice feature too.

>internet speed and latency.
>and latency.

Does anyone where to find a case for the
LeMaker Cello?

Buy a few RF transmitters for it and make a jammer.

If you have a university near you they probably rent out time on their 3D printer.