I thought arch linux was a professional OS???

i thought arch was gonna be super serial but it has fucking emotes built into the cmd utliity... wtf!

i won't be using this OS to switch from windows thats for damn sure.

question is is gentoo more professional.

>Arch linux

what the fuck were you thinking op?

Arch Linux has no niche in the professional world. It's a tinker toy. Yeah, Gentoo Linux is but you don't seem very competent.

That's because you're using zsh and not bash... zsh adds in those :(
>uses zsh
>complains that arch linux is not professional because it allows you to install zsh

>Arch linux
>comparing it to Gentoo
>using windows

Wew, sure is hot this summer

>doesn't understand the concept of trolling, or as it used to be called, "a joke"

Joke's on you I put a filter on my router to block connections to reddit to deny anyone on my LAN from going to it.

Try harder faggot


the linux distributions used in the real world are debian, ubuntu, red hat/centos, fedora, and gentoo

>real word


Sorry bro

Windows is a professional OS and it does that too, though.

The only thing separating professional operating systems from nonprofessional OS's is that the professional ones just hide any error messages from the user most of the time, and as long as it pretends to "work fine" you don't see all the warnings and errors you'd see if it were like an other OS

OS X / macOS has never done this.


> we are just collecting some error info

Sure Microshaft Sure

Goddamn unprofessional OS's with sideways sadfaces. Real professional OS's use non sideways emoji

more like
>we are just collecting all the info the NSA wants us to collect

>He fell for the Arch meme

I don't think that's the default config for zsh, man.

>bash: quality shell not found

what's irony?

arch and gentoo are pos alright

What's "a joke"?

>He didn't fall for the Arch meme

>dat paint work

nice touch user

Why thank you user. I too think it's amazing that I managed not to fall for it.

>built into the cmd utliity
You don't know what you're talking about.
Go back to windows.

>zsh adds in those :(
No idea what you're talking about, moron.

No wonder why you're a Windows user


What the bloody fuck are you on about?

You post loli, how dare you talk about falling for memes you untermensch?

>there are emotes in zsh
>go back to an inferior operating system whose shills can only praise third-party software

That's the most shameless shilling I've seen since I'm on Sup Forums. Thanks for the laugh.

Install scientific linux, you fucking retard

cat /var/log/pacman.log

first line
2013-04-19 01:44

time fucking flies, this may sound like a shilling post but that's how long I have been running on the same arch install.

It really just werks, sometimes an update might brake an app or introduce a bug but you can always downgrade the package that's broken.

It only takes a week of tinkering as you go with some fine tuning, and your set for life

>not removing the battery for emergency unplugging

I'll have you know that lolis are the only meme worth falling for on this god damned image board you baggy buffon!
I'd like you to leave my website before I have to throw you out myself!

>Tfw fucked up the image.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trigger you, that was a joke. As long as you don't go 3D, then you'd be a pedocriminal.

i disagree

You're using ZSH........
>newfag think's it's the same thing as OSX

simultaneously i also use OS X

So anything that allows you to install ZSH obviously sucks? I bet every OS would allow you to install something that will show you a sadface emote.

os x confirmed for trash

Good Pet.

It's not only a feature of zsh, you can also set up bash to display $? in a fancy way in your prompt.
On the archiso the package grml-zsh-config adds this.


If you run the iamafaggot app it will show the :( emoji

It also works if you run the isuckdiks app.





Mah nigga.