Desktop Rate

Lets get a desktop rating thread going

is this the new desktop thread

this is illegal on >>Sup Forums now. not sure why.

Is there another one? I didnt browse through I just posted, sorry.

Oh sorry, new here. Didnt know. What do I do?

enjoy ur permaban

No. He can appease the janitors. He needs to post a pic proving he installed gentoo.


O shit. What. How is this illegal?

sorry kid, it's over for you

How though?

too late

Wanna r8 my desktop before I get banned?

nothin personell kid

it sucks, sorry (。>﹏

How do I improve? What is wrong with it?

You dun goofed. Consequences will never be the same

if I told u that this thread would just get deleted even faster
mods can't harness the true power of ricing and they're eternally jealous over it

I feel so ashamed of myself.

How do you choose the tile color?

For Omnimno, if you hover over the tile there should be a wrench or cog icon somewhere to the left inside of the tile, click it and in the bottom right corner should now be a block of colour, click that and select colour.

Shit sorry no its on the right

Do you actually think that those hideous tiles look good?

you were born, weren't you?

Well, I do enjoy the look of simplicity. Tbh, i never actually use the tiles. Before my desktop was much simpler, this was because I had 3 monitors. I have now sold the 3rd one and this is my new desktop

>only 4 clocks

Yeah I know, I need to get some more.

>enjoy the look of simplicity
>never use the tiles
So you arbitrarily choose to clutter your desktop in the name of non-clutter.
I am fascinated, really

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I cant really come up with anything to say back.

Here lies OP, he wasn't aware it was the current time


First time using linux here.

Might try arch if I can figure it out.

Please change the fonts in Firefox. Those look terrible.

I installed this today, around 2 hours ago, so as soon as I figure out how I will purge everything that is not to my liking.

That is very nice btw.

hello here is my desktop

workplace desktop. takes 5 minutes to set up on a fresh xubuntu install, i often change computers or temporary work on other ones aside from my main laptop

unity is one hideous looking pile of bloat

Rate my desktop you plebs.

>Might try arch if I can figure it out.
Do you know how to read a guide and copy a few commands ?

Just bought this today, loving it so far.