>install linux
>can't get switchable graphics working
>install windows
>just werks
Why do people use this shit again?
Install linux
Other urls found in this thread:
> install windows
> can't get my network card working
> install gentoo
> just werks
Why do people use this shit again?
It's the same nigga. Sorry for yout bad experience, "linux" is not a perfect OS, but the best we have. Go play some gayms now
Dont buy a shit card faggot
>install windows
>just werks
last time i tried dual graphics amd one didn't have even win8 drivers and i had to use some custom win7 drivers that didn't work
and this was from new pc with win8
what an mess
Don't by shitty GPU faggot
>unable to install Linux
>call Linux a disability
Kek, you can not make this shit up
>>unable to install Linux
>first line is >>install linux
This is the great thing about Linux.
If you mess up, it's your fault.
Get off here retard.
??? One of the best Gpus at the time of release and you just called it shitty.
Confirmed lincucks shill.
>switchable graphics
what does that even mean?
>install windows
>can't set resolution or refresh rate on my CRT to arbitrary values
>install linux
>setup X.org correctly
>just werks
yeah, Xorg.conf is a pain in the butt, but at least you *can* do it.
to spite the Microsoft's executives pie charts
>use ubuntu on Thinkpad E560 with HD 520/R7 M370
>switchable graphics don't work
>google it
>no info on getting it working
>find general tutorial
>last updated 2012 and uses fglrx
>fglrx now deprecated
>find another general tutorial
>card doesn't show up as "vga compatible" so can't use it
>no way to make it, setting is exclusive to some BIOS
>also uses fglrx, now deprecated
>drivers from amd website last work on 15.04
>either use outdated software for unknown results or use updated software with no result
>install windows
>wait a few minutes
>what does that even mean?
>switchable graphics
>One of the best Gpus at the time
>switchable graphics
Looool, what a cuck. Just use normal PC, not laptop.
Some people have jobs where using Windows is highly inadequate
because it's free as in freedom and as in beer, fast, and doesn't spy on you unless it's ubuntu
hey, i cant get switchable graphics to work either.
and sometimes the system fan doesnt work
while linux maybe be good for work(in your case), windows is good for pretty much everything else.
actually dude, windows isnt good for everything else, for instance its absolute shit for online banking.
Windows has spyware.
Next time buy decent laptop instead of getting some garbage gimmicky cheapo shit for gaymers.
>install windows
>wait a few minutes
>actually it doesn't
>spend next 2 hours installing drivers and hoping updates actually work
>that's on top of a ~45 minutes it takes to even install this shit on ssd.
I recently tried going back to windows on my laptop. After 2 days of fighting with this garbage I gave up and went back to Arch. I don't know why people put up with this shit. Tech illiteracy i real.
im not OP but i am having the same problem, Arch handled switching the GPU easily, and almost out of the box, i just needed to install a switcher.
>install linux
>get switchable graphics working
Gee, guess who is the disabled.
Most people use linux because they're too poor to buy a superior OS like windows or they're a dirty commie and are disgusted by capitalism.
>buying windows
found the disabled here guys!! check him out
>Pirating windows
Enjoy the fact that russians and/or chinese know what loli hentai you fap to.
They may even learn one thing or two with me :D
>Using windows
Enjoy the fact that your government (that can take legal action against you) know what loli hentai you fap to.
I seriously hope you're not doing this for free because microsoft for example trains their employees into doing things like this except they pay them.
Not Linux fault that NVIDIA can't bother to get it working.
If it was open-source, however...
The fact that Windows "unsupports" shit it used to support should be a red flag that something is fucking wrong with it. Drivers are not supposed to depend on the operating system's grace in order to work.
What is switchable graphics?
google is your friend op: bumblebee-project.org
>linux on desktop is meme, user
>install windows
>just werks
I installed elementary os and everything just werks
except the keyboard, trackpad, wifi, sound, bluetooth, power management
I enjoy the challenge tho. I mean I'm a retard that enjoys finding patches and drivers that other people have made
P-Perfect OS
>Work as a tram driver
>Trams run a custom version of Ubuntu
>mfw it's the most unresponsive, buggy piece of shit that's constantly needing hotfixes
I have been using Linux for years, and will continue to use it.
That being said, the Linux community is absolute trash.
You know why?
Someone comes out with a new idea for a Linux Desktop Distro, and says they will make it work out of the box and simple. No terminal or complicated things need to be done by novices. Elementary OS is a great example of this. However, the developers of this new distro all the sudden get shit on from the rest of the community for making things simpler and more GUI based, even though those complaining will probably never use the distro to begin with. It's just a vicious cycle of shit.
>elementary os
There is your problem.
You have no clue what you are talking about. eos devs are getting shit on by linux community for being insufferable cunts. If you make your distro based entirely on different distro with some hacked shit on top of this, then go and call people who download your distro without paying thiefs (because who the fuck would expect people to download linux distro for free) then you can be sure as fuck that you will be called out on your shit.
On top of this eos is just poorly made and insecure due to devs taking ages to include shit that has been in ubuntu for ages (and even longer on vanilla linux distros like arch)
I'm honestly suprised people use this shit when you can just run arc theme + paper icons on anything to make it look better than elementary ever will.
>supply and demand
>manufacturers are too retarded to write proper drivers for their hardware for all platforms
hurr durr linux fault guize le XDD 1!!!!11
I think he perfectly proved his point.
Also if you want to make a distro why would you care about "harsh" comments?
If you are a fag everything will be an impediment to make shit you want happen.
So many fallacies and empty claims in just one post.
>That being said, the Linux community is absolute trash.
This is at best an SJW-tier tactic.
>Elementary OS is a great example of this
I thought they just wanted to copy OS X and make a shitty DE. I remember everyone else was talking about how this was going to be the normy distro that would be gr8 out of the box. Did they ever claim it themselves?
Computers clearly aren't something you know how to use so it's better if you stick to Windows and spare us your childish tantrums stemming from your own incompetence.
what the fuck is switchable graphics
I'm not supporting windows here, but
>fl studio, 99% likely to be cracked
>cheat engine
they deserved it
hahahahhaa good one fellow 4channer
I agree with this. I can't wait for Loki. I don't give a shit about what people say about the developers, I enjoy using their product.
Thanks for proving my point.
>the linux community is absolute trash
>be pleb normie
>install an os made for power users
wow wtf this is so shit
>I can't do X thing on my hardware designed for Windows
>wtf linux is shit how do you fags use this im going back to windows there arent even any games and i cant even tweak my razer mouse wtf
>install windows
>shit like resolution, network card, etc. doesn't work.
>need usb stick and linux laptop to get drivers
>finally can install network driver
>download graphics driver
>"windows needs to update. Pls reboot"
>"1 of 1178 updates are applied"
>takes 5 hours
man windows 7 was nice in its early days.
Don't install it on a laptop
On a PC it werks
>Not having hardware Mux.
Stop being so cheap user.
Thanks for not reading my post fag. Here let me spell this for you: no one hates eos devs for making simple linux distro. People hate eos devs for offending its users. Now go choke on a dick and stop spreading missinformation.
not him, but
>I'm honestly suprised people use this shit when you can just run arc theme + paper icons on anything to make it look better than elementary ever will.
doesn't seem like you're a very welcoming guy for this new distro
>install linux
>there's no good software pre installed , and if you try to install it - if it's even available - it doesn't work half of the time unless you spend hours reading online forums about how to make it work
>install windows
>need to spend hours and hours for initial configuration to get good software (firefox/chrome instead of edge, sumatra pdf, good anti virus, etc.), to fix privacy settings (or else the entire OS spies on you), to fix the boot up programs (or else all the bloatware is loaded on boot), and so on
>forced downloads (troublesome for people with slow Internet, like if you live in Australia) and forced restarts
>even if you somehow manage to disable updates, you'll still have to restart every few days or else your computer gets so laggy it's unusable
>it just werks
Why do people buy anything else?
>>Download software
>o shit apple doesn't want me to do that. i have to change security settings
>>Encrypt drive
>o shit apple didn't want me to do that and just uploaded my encryption key to iCloud. guess there's no point in encrypting anymore
>>Use GCC
>o shit apple doesn't want me to do that. i have to fuck around with symlinks because they've linked "gcc" to "clang".
>>Use modern hardware
>o shit apple doesn't want me to do that even though i payed 600 sheckles for this extra 2GB of memory. also no skylake because fuck you.
>Implying I use windows 10
I use vista senpai, not even the government or microsoft care enough about it to put telemetry on it.
not who you replied to, but post pic
Not him but you guys are twisting what he said to your convenience.
He's referring to the propensity of windows machines to be infected by banking trojans
Malware distributors are less likely to target Linux/Mac desktops for market share reasons. It's a pain in the ass to pack/crypt malware for a platform that you might not even infect.
>install bumblebee, virtualgl and primus
>it works
>One of the best Gpus at the time of release
How is that go 7900 doing?
>can't hit a nail.
>blame my hammer.
linux is a great unix with a passable gui
OS X is a good gui with a passable unix
windows is just a good gui
because not everyone has switchable graphics retard
>install linux
>my specific hardware doesn't work
>why do you use it?
literally autism
not understanding that other people are in different situations is literally a symptom of autism
try BSD, it'll be perfect for you
I like to avoid pain and being spied on at the same time, so I fucked around with grub (FUCK ME, WHY) and now I have Win7/Deb8/Manjaro/CentOS machine. Win7 for vidiya, debian for stable/legacy shit, manjaro main and centos for the shit that likes to run on more corporate oriented linux in addition to windows.
I haven't tried switchable graphics since my laptop doesn't use a card but I can see switching power off to a card being useful. I set up remote to the main machine and use it like "cloud" gaming/computation server. Thinking about getting a fruitboard as a controler to see if I can set it up to wake on LAN by just messaging the board from my phone and then allow it to select the OS on boot.
Which means, good connection provided, I could have the main turned off to save power and just message it to awaken whenever I need UNLIMITED POWER, I could just remote into it from a cheapo convertible notebook and stream only the output video to the dingy thing.
What you want to do, OP, depends on what distro you get, if the switch is from nvidia (optimus) or amd. Unlike their corporate masters, the lads on their forums/discussion can be pretty helpful if you are not a faggot and ask about functionality X for configuration Y on a Z OS. If they think it's not on theri end, ask on the distro boards. Just open your lazy mouth, you fuck.
i literally quoted him