Buy 200 shares of AMD stock

>buy 200 shares of AMD stock
>it goes up

Now and have to shill for AMD even though I use an Nvidia card. Anyone on the same boat?

>only buying 200
fuckoff poorfag

OP actually just wants to talk about amada, that's why he used her. I say OP has great taste.

i want to kokoro the amada

yes, amada is very cute.


That's like 1% of what the have invested bb

But yes, this.

amada a cute~!!!

Who's that girl on the left? Why are her tits so big?

What did he mean by this?

I bought 1k when it was $2
get on my level fag
>I do wish I had bought more.


Traslate it weeaboos

I thought about dumping $50k into AMD shares back when it was $1.7 but thought it was too risky, look whos the idiot now.

>can't even read basic kana

This, except I was only at $10k and also a poor student. Fuck.

you could have tripled your invesment fags.get rekt

Who the fuck saw China coming? I sure didn't. Zen and Polaris wasn't enough for me so I chickened out. I'm suffering already user, at least let me suffer in peace.


Is it still worth dumping into AMD now?
Guess its better taking the risk late than not at all.

no shit lmao.

Nice I'm officially now an #amdshill

Also stop making amada threads daily

Make me.

Sell now quick, AMD is on a downward slope to nothing
