So we're getting rid of it right? Digital Headphones are the future?
So we're getting rid of it right? Digital Headphones are the future?
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just as soon as we get robot ears
The future I see is OP still sucking nigger dicks.
I love listening to high 1s.
>wireless sound quality
never ever fampai
I will not buy a phone without a proper headphone jack. The charge port doesn't count, I imagine the headphones could pull out way too easy. I don't give a fuck about muh thin device, even if you have to thicken the phone, that shit better stay son
Welp. Guess it's time to get that SE.
analog all the way
>using the phones DAC
Why do smartphones just keep getting worse?
Well, I have a theory but bare in mind it is a theory.
We have reached our limited of innovation with smart phones and laptops/tablets.
Everything now is just updating processors and RAM for shits and giggles.
Moore's Law won't even apply in 4 years with silicon anymore.
>We have reached our limited of innovation
That's not a theory, that's a fact.
All smartphones are pretty much the same just with different designs these days.
Why not get rid of it?
Apple is pushing towards bluetooth headphones anyway.
The ones they sell through Beats and the ones they will inevitably give out with their phones are not like the ones your thinking of.
They are literally giving wireless Beats away with every Mac sold right now.
I got a pair; they last 12 hours apparently which translates out to me as lasting 4 days.
>So we're getting rid of it right?
Hopefully not.
>Digital Headphones are the future?
Theoretically? Yes.
Will companies pull it off well at all? Likely not.
As sad as it is to say, we're gonna have to wait for Apple to release/include decent quality digital earbuds/headphones before we see the digital headphone market make any sort of marked improvement. Otherwise, if they don't, we'll just get off-brand headphones/earbuds that sound like absolute trash, costing middling amounts of money, with the justification: "Well, we're just trying to make a good quality product for consumers who are in this circumstance." while other audio companies keep releasing their flagship/better products in 3.5mm format only "for compatibility. You can still use our high-quality earspeakers with your smartphone via the digital-out audio adapter."
But if Apple does decent Earbuds/Headphones that are Digital, we might see companies like Sennheiser/Audio-Technica/Sony/Etc release Digital-Only products that are worth a shit for the market, to "give customers a similar experience to their existing Apple Earpods, but with better performance."
Same guy but you can't say it is a 'fact' yet.
Technically as long as the RAM and processor are still increasing in speed/size it is "innovation."
But design reached its pinnacle with iPhone 5 and whichever Galaxy was waterproof first.
That was the last good year for smart phones.
underrated post
Wow you're both retards.
>muh innovations iz ovar :( ( ( ( (
It's called milking your product, you stupid fucks. Of course they are going to try and milk as much money out of consumers as possible, with spending as little as possible to slightly improve their current devices, and attract a new buttload of asswipes to buy their new IMPROVED devices.
>he actually believes any smartphone company actually has any innovation left
I'm sure you were hyped for that 3D touch crap as well.
Gimmicks do not count as innovation until used correctly faggot.
They don't want you to have better phones with actual innovative features, because it costs more for them. Gimmicks on the other hand are easy and cheap to apply.
>digital headphone
>as opposed to the analog headphones we have now
It's the last thing that is a relic of the past. It needs to be modernized somehow.
And you need to get that nigger cock out of your ass, boy.
Get you head out of your ass, the signal may be digital but it has to be converted into a sound wave which is analog in nature.
You have to be 18+ to post here
>/fag/s are this much of defeatists
Innovation hasn't died and it won't die until the distant future (until we have cheap working star trek replicators). Sorry your shit company is dying, but don't pretend that they're the end of innovation.
i'm actually ok with digital headphones. but it will be a mess for people who can't differenciate between lighting, usb c and micro usb headphones
Not taking into account the literally millions of small business' that use credit card scanners through earphone jack....
give me a thicker phone with bigger battery and longer battery life over this super thin shit that doesnt even feel good in your hand. and with a thicker phone there is no point in removing the 3.5mm jack
At some point they have to turn it back to analog so you can actually hear it, you know.
Maybe when my phone gets the power of my PS4 at half the price, and then more.
Same can be said with guns. It's just rocks being pushed by explosives.
they keep coming up with shit, VR is the new emerging fad for smartphones.
So now they have an excuse for cramming in more powerful processors and GPUs along with the increasingly ridiculous resolutions given the screen's size and viewing distance.
Analog over USB is the future(and an existing standard).
Homosexuality is a sin you degenerates, repent before you die and burn in hell for all eternity.
Smartphones beat the umpc. Android just needs to be able to boot windows apps or have a dual boot with a Windows os.
Also we may see programmers innovate in space saving again like in the psx era as smartphones become a popular platform for gaming.
Imagine metal gear go:
Surroundings converted into levels with boss spawns and enemies using camera.
Level system and customization of weapons.
Ration and ammo spawns
Base building
Trophy collecting
Sure, I'd like to have more expensive, bulkier, worse quality, less power efficient headphones due to them requiring a built in dac + amp without ability to use your own. Oh and phones won't even get rid of their dac and amp because they have speakers, so that's also redundancy in headphones side. Leave jack alone, or if you want to choose between charging and listening to music.
>putting DACs in headphones
>incompatible with nearly every currently device in existence
>probably infereior due to size constraints as well
>all this for muh 1mm thinner phone
Show me a single dac for digital headphones.
>people who can't differenciate between lighting, usb c and micro usb
Pic related might be a better solution for them.
WU know some wireless headphones sound really good and most of them have 3.5 mm Jack or 2.5mm in them if u want to connect them with wire.
My Bluetooth headphones sound really good, gret mid and high range, not the best low range but good
>Says innovation is not over
>Then proceeds to explain why innovation is over
because pushing explosives by explosives into people was banned by one of the Hague Conventions...same for deliberately blinding people with lasers...
>Homosexuality is a sin you degenerates, repent before you die and burn in hell for all eternity.
Annihilationism senpai
>all this for muh 1mm thinner phone
The sheep have to shaved somehow, so why not with 60$ headphones that don't work anywhere else?
I don't want headphones that I have to charge. I'm a couple generations behind anyway, on a Samsung Galaxy S5. If this shit starts becoming common I won't mind sticking with the last generation to have a headphone jack for as long as I can. More than not charging etc I wouldn't ever want to invest in wireless headphones. I paid $32 for my JVC HA-S500 and they're fantastic. How much would I need to pay for some wireless shit that's even close to being as good?
you just don't get do you
No, that's a dac for regular headphones. Digital headphones have a built-in dac and amp that you can't bypass.
People who have hepatitis handle food because it's illegal to discriminate against them. Same with herpies.
Digital headphones don't exist.
"Digital" headphones are just headphones with an integrated DAC.
>No one will ever make a smartphone with a 720p screen, mid-range cpu/gpu, 10,000 mAh battery, headphone jack and either 2 usb c ports or 1 usb c + micro hdmi port
I need two ports because I like to charge my device while hooking it up to a display. I also don't see the point of using a screen res past 480p on a smartphone. To be honest you can't tell the difference between 480p and 2k on a 5 inch device.
Unpowered USB headphones exist. Just because a headset uses USB-C or Lightning (though apple would be stupid to stick to lightning these days -- hell, their Macbooks use USB-C as-is) doesn't mean that it has to be powered.
>apple makes statement saying they aren't doing it months ago
>'hey guys, we're getting rid of it right?'
fucking imbecile.
>incompatible with nearly every currently device in existence
if only there was some sort of common standard for short range wireless devices...
>lightning headphones
Where did I say that I was talking about bluetooth headphones? Also
>having to charge your headphones
Bluetooth 5 is already here breh
>Digital Headphones are the future?
I don't like listening to binary though.
If you want something thinner than phones already are, go touch your dick
Fucking little kids
>Girlfriend bought me an iPhone 6 when it came out
>This thing is so fucking thin
>I mean too thin
>Sitting down makes it slide out of my pocket and land on the floor
And the rumor is that taking out the headphone port will save a single millimeter of thickness. Fuck that. We all know you'll have to spend $30 on a bulky adapter to stick out of your phone if you don't want to use Apple's shitty earbuds.
how does he get through life
>I need two ports because I like to charge my device while hooking it up to a display
wew lad
Take your innovative game ideas and hilarious ideas of what Android can do to Sup Forums
To be honest, I dont care about phones dropping the 3.5 jack. Digital and or wireless headphones will keep getting better.
What do you mean by "we"? I'm not buying shit that doesn't have a 3.5 mm headphone jack in it.
>two ports
>plug in power
>plug in video output
>unplug video output when it isn't needed anymore
>one plug
>plug in adapter
>plug in power
>plug in video
>unplug video when it isn't needed anymore
>can't unplug the adapter without losing power
>he doesn't know that one USB-c port can charge and dock to a display at the same time.
most useless port on my lumia
Actually the dock is powered by USB-C, so it's more like
>one plug
>plug in dock
>have one cable running from phone to dock for both power and video
>unplug dock and steal dock's USB-C cable to continue charging phone when video is no longer needed
This approach also allows plugging in a keyboard and mouse, and maybe an external storage device or whatever else you might want.
If the device has a battery, like a phone.
Does that Windows box have a battery though?
I need something for android 5 that can charge my phone and use usb for drives and midi controllers, maybe a display too.
No, what would it need a battery for ?
The box is powered by a USB-C power brick/charger/wall wort/whatever-the-fuck you want to call it
>To be honest you can't tell the difference between 480p and 2k on a 5 inch device.
>To be honest you can't tell the difference between 480p and 2k on a 5 inch device.
>To be honest you can't tell the difference between 480p and 2k on a 5 inch device.
Sorry, but you fucking what? Are you seriously _this_ stupid?
Isn't wireless easier to intercept/disrupt?
>i don't know encryption exists
Won't this mean more expensive headphones? As you need some logic inside them.
So calls via Bluetooth are encrypted? :/
No, "we" are not getting rid of it. Apple is going full fucking retard as usual.
If it's good enough for spy planes it's good enough for your shitposting
So is one of the chink phone brands. Don't remember if it was Huawei or Xiaomi, but one of them already released a phone without a headphone jack.
>Digital Headphones are the future?
Nah, just an external DAC.
Carrying loads of adapters and extra devices is the future.
If you've ever flipped a usb over--even fucking once--because you had it the wrong way the first time, sell your computer and kill yourself.
Look, I can spout extremist, asinine opinions, too.
>bluetooth headphones
Having to constantly charge something that will end up losing its battery life and sounding worse is only attractive to the most retarded and ignorant,
Moto z
$1000 oxygen free copper cables
Letv. Thus only meme brands removed 3.5 so far.
I have to charge the Beats Wireless Solo2s once a week basically.
I only listen to music on my 15 minute commute and maybe 30 minutes to an hour here and there while browsing the web between work/classes.
I hope this dipshit is joking
DRM all the way.
>Sorry, this track cannot be listened to with these headphones. Please purchase the latest Apple Beats Dindu to enjoy the music.
what happened to all the smartphone memers saying carrying a camera, a music player, and a phone was wasteful now?
Do you people think he enjoys those headphones?
He blasted them in his review and put them in his Pile of Shame.
>what happened to all the smartphone memers
Apparently getting shafted now that smartphones are removing functions.
>when the autism kicks in
I play games that involve music around two hours a day and use my headphones for audio for another 4-6 hours
I never understood this.
Is he happy or sad?
he's in pain.
He fucking trashed those headphones on his review.
>Is he happy or sad?
He is in intense pain.
He does not like these headphones.
Most of the audiophile lore is made up bullshit but Bluetooth audio is really really shitty sounding compared to using the headphone jack.
you can charge and send data over usb-c. one port is more than enough.
>not being able to distinguish three visually different things
>implying that is as normal as not being able to always plug a usb cable ln the first try
>being less mentally capable than a 3 year old
Pic related might be useful for you