Post things with horrible default settings. I'll start.
Post things with horrible default settings. I'll start
Literally any FOSS OS
Honestly, posting things with perfect/near perfect default settings is a much, much harder challenge.
VS Code
I can literally just name all my programs in order they appear in my dock.
Singer Song Reader
Transmission (near-perfect)
Sublime text (close to perfect)
Final Cut Pro X
This, it's infuriating, 2bh.
Visual Studio
>When Leddit complains about new updates and insists there is no way to disable the update service in Windows.
>When no one knows that LTSB Enterprise versions are
who even uses that?
You mean macOS
and it's garbage
Even worse, it's open source software that acts like proprietary software. Search DDG for "chromium black box binary".
Okay funposting aside, this program is legitimate garbage. It's disgusting and bloated and should have been taken out back and shot years ago. I don't know how Jobs allowed this.
Actually the rest of your list looks alright. You just messed up the first 3 things.
>when plebbit users come on Sup Forums and brag about using windows in any form
>even enterprise windows
When will the summerfags go home Sup Forums? When will this nightmare end?
>no incsearch
Confirmed for never using it beyond 'ifconfig'
>black text on white background that sears your cornea
>unaliased fonts
>Option key not equivalent to Meta
>visual bell that temporarily blinds you
The defaults are absolute garbage
There's a marked difference between iTunes in OS X and iTunes on Windows.
I wouldn't know, I've never used iTunes on Windows. Is it better because it seems like it would only be worse.
Maybe it's just because you're a macbabby, because I disagree with many of those choices (and don't know some of the others).
>sears your cornea
Literally every developer with a clue
Garbage, actively tries to disable your adblocker so it can show you its own ad-stuffed page every time it receives an update.
Only because there are no options to change away from the defaults.
>with a clue
I think you mean without a clue. VS Code and Windows are garbage.
>I t-think you mean [the contrary]
shit banter m8
Dude you're using windows. If someone walked up to me and said "T-THE SKY IS RED" I'd say "I think you mean blue" because obviously they're not so retarded that they actually think the sky is red.
This is the same thing.
Don't go full retard user, you're better than that and you deserve better.
>VS Code is only for Windows
stop posting anytime
some of the worst defaults i have ever seen
My bad, didn't realize VS Code wasn't windows-only like literally everything else MS does.
>having to use arrow keys at all
I had to spend quite a bit of time to change keybindings so they're sane.
everything, literally. i never find the default settings to be any good.
found the ricer XD
whole internet is black on white
You know that actually looks bad to eyes? Aliased fonts.
idk i use a pretty old version of iTunes
If you'd actually look at the web, none of it is pure white on pure black, or the other way around. It's always a dimmed white or a dark gray. Apparently Apple's team didn't get the memo.
>Final Cut Pro X
it's fucking perfect out of the box
the default css is literally pure black on white
also google is black on pure white too
no, i'm not interested in looks, but i'm also not interested in auto update checking, malware check (in browsers), asking me if i want to close more than one tab, where downloads go, etc.. default settings are for tech illiterates who otherwise can't maintain the software, at the expense of background resources.
user. Please tell me you are not holding up default CSS settings as an example of good design.
That's why you configure it to not show releasenotes and you also wipe the preset whitelists away among other things.
>Post things with horrible default settings
this game would be better if it had stayed all default
Sup Forums
pic related
What settings of photoshop needs to be adjusted? The ram usage? Mostly it just works.
I remember when people complained about auto-reload.
>shaking my player
Basically all IntelliJ, honestly.
>Wrd wrap
>Zoom with scroll bar
>much more
I have used Sup Forums for almost a year now and never noticed this.
Thank you.
this one is excusable since you need different settings for everything anyways
You mean the OS that gets no updates? People want control over their updates, not getting zero updates.
Everything in the world