>mfw novidya actually classifies the 900 series as a legacy product now
>b.. b.. but I swear nvidia doesn't gimp and/or ignore the previous generations!
>mfw novidya actually classifies the 900 series as a legacy product now
>b.. b.. but I swear nvidia doesn't gimp and/or ignore the previous generations!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Legacy Products
Doesn't legacy mean no longer in production?
At least Nvidia legacy cards still get driver updates though, wish I could say the same for my trusty old HD6870. Still had a bit of life left in it when it was abandoned by AMD. GTA v medium settings 1080p ran at ~60fps.
L M A O I like Nvidia and I can't stop laughing.
Not because of the article, because I remember when the Hue's got blown the fuck out in the Cup they cheated through.
Remember the Goalocaust
>Supported products
>GeForce 10 Series
>GeForce 900 Series
>GeForce 700 Series
>GeForce 600 Series
>GeForce 500 Series
>GeForce 400 Series
mfw I want to buy an AMD card but I need CUDA for Adobe products.
>At least Nvidia legacy cards still get driver updates though
Not really. They get old drivers bundled in with the new ones. No work is done to improve performance on anything except the latest series.
AMD provide a Windows 10 driver for everything back to the 5000 series, released a year before the GTX 400 series.
At least they're actually honest in saying it's a legacy card and won't be getting performance updates. People who own Fermi cards still update to the latest driver thinking that it's going to actually do something, when they're really just reinstalling the exact same thing over and over.
t. GTX 570 as a backup card owner
But my 670 is still getting game ready drivers. That means it's getting performance improvements since the game profile is being applied to all cards. Plus I can SLI my 4gb gtx 680, can't use multi gpu for legacy AMD cards since they refuse to update crossfire profiles
That's too fucking soon. what the hell are they thinking?
Maybe AND has higher profits now so nvidia wants their fanboys to upgrade to keep the image.
adobe supports openCL.
>mfw nvidia is going to court on the 900-series gimping
>mfw they are guilty
>mfw the ones who purchased a 970 get a partial refund
>mfw waiting for the production&stock to end and returning my 970 so i can get a 1070 in return
But all your work is garbage user.
That's pretty mean. Why couldn't you have just called me nigger or faggot?
>all the people who bought 970's and 980ti's this month
That's got to be a slap in the face.
Why though? It's not like nvidia is going to stop releasing drivers for maxwell, they're not AMD you know...
>buying 970
>when the 480 and 1060 are released
You 100% deserve it, if youre that stupid.
are you serious
I still get driver updates for my gtx260
you need opencl for adobe products, you retard
they're meaningless
Nope. They actually added on gpu aspect ratio scaling and fixed the hdmi colour range output.
Keep telling yourself that (:
No they're not.
I wonder what it's like being this delusional
In all honesty you could save afuckton of money and use it as effectively a cheaper and more reliable solution akin to the RX 480 4gb.
I know it's older and not DX 12 but those reference Rx 480's are terrible.
when 8000 series slowly gimped in ~2010 nobody listened
when 700 series slowly gimped in ~2015 nobody listened
keep calm and buy new nvidia gpus anons, nothing to see here.
>this much denial
AMD provide Win10 drivers to older cards but it doesn't matter since you won't gain any fps gains anymore. Source: had 7850 for 2+ years now gtx 1060
What are some important software that exclusively use CUDA and not OpenCL also?
Performance improvements for new cards apply to old ones too unless there is some massive architecture difference.
Although at this point nvidia isn't magically improving their performance on older cards like Amd by pairing them with better cpu, so performance is going to stay more or less the same.
But why wouldn't it be legacy though? I'm curious why you think it wouldn't be just that. Production of it stopped. By definition it's legacy.
Show me benchmark that proves that it was gimped.
The only benchmark I have ever seen about this is that AMD GPUs scale much better with stronger CPUs.
But I'm honestly curious about nVidia GPUs performance version by version. The few test results I have seen (from LinusTechTips) showed no performance degradation (there were gains!).
I'm not saying they are the good side, they fucked up with 970 and as you listed 8000 series, with GPU killing drivers in starcraft 2.
But the same happened with crimson update for Radeon.
>all those 970 owners Nvidia is going to have to pay off
It doesn't surprise me that Nvidia wants to forget the 900 series.
>Legacy Products
>previous-generation NVIDIA products
I don't see what the issue is. It's a list of non-current generation products. That doesn't mean they are no longer supported.
> current driver will support these "legacy cards" for like 3-5 years
> legacy driver will still give support for these cards on both Linux, BSD and Windows for like 10 years...
I mean.. if that ain't support, I don't know what is.
>All those 7xx cards
Man, they really milked those series didn't they
Meanwhile, the latest drivers for the Radeon 6000 series is from 2015.
But Maxwells are the same as Pascals, this makes no sense.
Now read the changelog and see how many of the new things affect cards from older generations. Yeah, it's "supported", but no more optimizations and shit, aka legacy support.
>tfw Fermi has a fucking hardware scheduler
>no vulkan/dx12 support anyways
Thank god my 560 Ti died, time to jump to the AMD ship. Based AMDGPU driver, here I go.
It's still getting driver updates.
>AMD provide Win10 drivers to older cards but it doesn't matter since you won't gain any fps gains anymore
It matters if you want the cards to work, getting older ATi/Nvidia/Intel drivers to work on Win8+ can easily become a clusterfuck, specially the Intel drivers that usually ship without any kind of QC
A few Nvidia libraries for neural networks and early GPGPU stuff that's abandoned
>mfw I want to buy an AMD card but I need CUDA for Adobe products.
The days of the Adobe engines running elusively on CUDA ended years ago, most of Photoshop runs with OpenGL and the CUDA stuff has been ported to OpenCL
>tfw Fermi has a fucking hardware scheduler
Nvidia actually promised DX12 support starting with Fermi
t. Someone who doesn't do anything productive
t. ran our of ideas on how to shill
You're not getting paid for this posts
the way to be cucked
spend $400+
well at least you can get $30 back for being stupid a whole 10% of what you spend is now yours to own if you send in a claim
Getting crossfire to work has been a pain in my m18x since upgrading to 10.
Half the time it thinks the bridge isn't connected, even though it is!
>Buy instant boost that will slowly cripple ,or buy cripple that will be top form when end of service?
Normal people won't see those gains, only in benchmarks as CPUs progressively become stronger.
Which will suffer less from overhead, an i7 2600k, or an i7 6700k?
ITT people confuse critical bug fixes with performance optimisations. Legacy support is just the former - Nvidia will fix anything that causes shit to break in their legacy drivers but won't give a fuck about making sure anything classified as legacy getting performance optimisations for vidya.
AMD do the same for their legacy hardware iirc (the initial crimson release was the last release for pre-GCN hardware iirc).
I have no idea of computer stuff but I intend on upgrading my pc, whats the significance of legacy nvidia graphic cards
But AMD shills said Pascal was just Maxwell on steroids, so any improvement on Pascal should work on Maxwell.
How about you read the changelog?
OS specific issues are marked down properly and so are architecture issues.
Yeah, HD6000 sure has seen a lot of updates lately ;)
>it's an AMD shills make shit up about nvidia thread
Gotta defend those Fisher-Price My First GPUs, somehow.
>i-i-i-its okay, I was going to upgrade my year old 980ti anyway....
What's the logic behind posts like these?
At least you wasn't cucked as hard as we owners of the GTX 200 series, they could've simply added a 10.1 extension but no, fucking jewvidia forcing to get a new gpu, for example play overwatch, while even the HD 4000 series can. And what makes it more painful is that performance-wise it could be enough for 1080 low-middle, i mean a 275 or 285 even with their age im pretty sure they perform better than any integrated gpu that do support dx 11 or even 12.
AMD don't use bridges
This is pretty cool, I'll have ended up getting my 970 for $219.
>buy 970 early 2015
>msi twin frozr for $332
>hear about 3.5 gb
>complain to amazon
>they refund me $83 (because 1/4 of the product was defective, idk that was their reasoning)
>now nvidia giving $30
Not trying to defend them or anything, but I got a pretty damn sweet deal with the 970. I ended up giving it away and got a 980ti when it launched cuz I went 2560x1440
I was thinking about getting the 980ti over the 1070, should i not get the 980 now?
no logic. just deep-seeded psychological problems
CF does, cfx doesn't.
Jesus Christ. I just updated to Win10 to use the license in a future system but didn't even think that my 5850 might not be supported. I got really fucking lucky.
Thank you, Pajeet. I will not forget this.
which turned crossfire into a stuttering meme mess
kek, i doubt nvidia willl ''''''''''''gimp'''''''''''''''' maxwell, but if it happens i will definitely go amd for my next upgrade in 2-3 years even if they're absolute dogshit by that point.
I got my 970 in May, did I fuck up? After a month they said they would release the 1080, I couldn't return my 970.
is it an evga card? step up to 1070.
so if the gtx 900 series is now obsolete, does it mean all current laptops in the market are trash?
there is no laptop with a gtx 10XX. so, what gives
this shouldn't come as a surprise. nvidia has always done this with the previous generation when a new generation comes out with the exception of "refreshes" like the 9000 series, 500 series and 700 series.
this doesn't mean the 900 series won't receive performance improvements and bug fixes, it just means they are no longer top priority. pascal is their top focus and will receive top priority for performance improvements and bug fixes while maxwell will receive them at a slower rate for performance and minor bug fixes. critical bugs will still be received at a fast rate.
its why their support is still included in the current mainstream driver and not moved down to legacy drivers only.
on a technical note, maxwell can still benefit from changes done for pascal since they both share the same baseline architecture. so changes done for pascal can carry down to maxwell unintentionally.
Legacy w10 drivers from AMD are buggy as hell. I used to have a 5770, upgraded to a gtx 680 last year
Nvidia provide an official Windows 10 driver for the 8000 series.
It's barely a year old I got it in April now that I remember better. I'm not taking 30 bucks from nvidia, if they want to exchange my 970 for a 1070, I'll do it.
It's not evga, kek.
I can take it back to the micro center, and receive store credit, I think. I have a 2 year warranty.
lack of nextgen features renders them obsolete, even pascal can't async DX and Vulkan they better be good as legacy products as well
So AMD cards with stronger CPUs perform better than Nvidia cards?
Alleviating driver overhead with better processors! = gimping
>But AMD shills said Pascal was just Maxwell on steroids, so any improvement on Pascal should work on Maxwell.
Nvidia doesn't backport optimizations to older generetaions, even if it would be pretty much free as in free beer for them
>muh driver overhead meme
None of the benchmarks at the time showed any kind of CPU bottleneck
Got a link to the source so we can see the list of benchmarked games, or are expected to blindly trust you?
Driver overhead is an issue in every single game when it comes to weaker CPUs.
>Nvidia doesn't backport optimizations to older generetaions, even if it would be pretty much free as in free beer for them
That's not how it works you retard. If they improve performance, it will carry over to all cards that the driver applies to.
They just won't. There is very little performance improvement they can do. Nvidia isn't like AMD where their driver is so shit that they can just magically get more performance every time Intel releases a new CPU.
by the time you get a check you'll be too old to enjoy graphics
GPU threads belong on Sup Forums
Fuck off newfag
You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change for example.
Even if you yourself are not concerned about the data collection, you still expose information about your friends and family via Microsoft's aggressive surveillance methods.
You should not use, support or endorse this operating system.
The spyware has been backported to Windows 7 and 8.1 as well.
You can much more easily remove it though - all it takes is uninstalling the related updates.
You can find out which via a quick google search for 'telemetry updates for windows 7 and 8.1', and then hiding them in Windows Update.
Don't forget to check for these every month or so, as Microsoft can push out new updates anytime that can reinstall the spyware.
Wouldn't a better test be comparing the cards performance in games with different drivers rather than comparing them one to the other?
Especially when we don't know what games they used to test them on, drivers, etc.
Not really. In some European countries 970 gtx costs 33% less than 480/1060. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Got a 970 and have been bitter about it ever since the 3.5GB thing was revealed. Don't get me wrong it's a good card, it was just a dick move.
Same with the 30$ refund... fucking joke.
Maybe next time I'm looking for a GPU I'll look more favorably at AMD but eh, who knows when that will be.
For a technology board you sure are bunch of illiterate of fucking illiterate Indians. Legacy =/= EOL.
europeans really should just become americans already.
>A company that regularly fucks consumers with proprietary tech and by neglecting year-old cards
>A company with objectively worse tech that runs hotter, uses more power, and has shittier drivers
Great choices
>objectively worse tech
are you blind? rx480 has better hardware than the 1080
As someone who got their 980 Ti last December, I'm feeling pretty fucking triggered right now
Maybe you should have bought AMD and not bought from satan instead
I guess we can only wait and see if August AAA releases suddenly will make 1070 10-20% faster than 980 Ti.
>GPU != Video Game
>GPU == Tech
It belongs here """"newfriend""""