Buy an OS from another company

>buy an OS from another company
>rebrand it MS-DOS
>use shitty business tactics to ensure your companies dominance
>worth 80 billion in 2016 even though MS has been slowly sliding in to irrelevance for the last 10 years


Who? Billy G?
He's a hero you cunt, when was the last time you contributed to a positive movement?

microsoft is AOL now

>He's a hero

If something is sliding into irrelevance for a decade, it's not sliding into irrelevance

I miss ole uncle bill


pajeets are ruining microsoft

>what is IBM

They've been in a death spiral for the last 20 years

It's ruined beyond redemption

He's the best bussinessman in decades and others did way more shady stuff then him.

He's a genius man, and a good programmer too.

I dont care how he got away with it.
The way i look at it is i have had a job fixing and installing windows for years and that has enabled me to buy a house, start a family and put copius amounts of food on the table to shovel in to my fat mouth.

He wins in my book at least.

Bill Gates has and is still doing countless good things for the world. Have some respect, you stupid fucking NEET.

they're making sword art online tho


he deserves more respect for his good money making ability than anything he ever did to save worthless kids in africa

Dull that edge junior, this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums

stay mad fat neet, commodore/atari only had shit products coming into the 90's, pc compatible got cheaper and much more powerful and bill gates products were what was needed at the time.

might as well tell me what they are good for instead of memeing like the faggot you are

For all we know 20 Einsteins have died as kids in Africa because they weren't vaccinated. The greatest mind to ever live could be dying right now due to starvation in Africa somewhere.

That's not even the point. You're beyond broken if you need to find reasons to save innocent lives.


>shitty business tactics
>worth 80 billion in 2016

Pick only one my lonely virgin neck-beard friendo.

[Keks in zulu]

for all we know 20 einsteins would have been born if it weren't for abortion
for all we know 20 einsteins would have been born if rape was legal
for all we know 20 einsteins would have been born if we made it mandatory for women to have at least five children
no matter how smart they'd be it's hardly worth it
>You're beyond broken if you need to find reasons to save innocent lives.
whatever makes you sleep at night

Why not work on GNU/Linux for free? Your family can survive by dumpster diving and eating the build up of dirt from between their toes.

you tryn preddy hard to derail this into some nonsense

>foresee that only one OS can be successful in the long run
>foresee IBM compatible clones
>trick IBM into making MS-DOS not exclusive to IBM machines
He is a genius. There were plenty of operating systems on the market, but only Bill actually understood how the market works.

You had a job fixing computers, not Windows, retard. Computers with Windows because of its monopoly.

That's like saying diseases are good in your book because you work for pharmaceutics. Fucking Wincucks...

>not eating from your foot

Not an argument

Einstein was stealing ideas from patents. I totally can see niggers doing the same.

>Others did shady stuff, then he did shady stuff.

The first one was totally a valid argument, you're just a shit debater

Plagiarise, plagiarise, plagiarise
Let no other's work evade you eyes.
But please to call it research.
N. Lobachevsky (via Tom Lehrer).

Saying other things that are also true isn't an argument.

I don't know man. I find it offensive that when I work in an environment I get constantly pushed into the direction of having to release it as 'free' software.

I'd be interested in a slavery simulator written in GPL, just to see his opinion on that.
Would that still be free software for him?

GPL is cool and all, we need the FSF, but sometimes... Well sometimes the freetard ecosystem is just a big fail.

Nah. Windows 10 is the new Vista or windows 2000. 10.1 or 11 will fix everything wrong with 10.

The goal isn't to make as many children as possible.
The goal is to be able to raise children into good, intelligent adults.
You can do that by having a mostly-disease free society with a low crime rate, and access to education.
You can not do that by promoting disease, rape, and producing way more children than the parents can reasonably take care of.

Your point about abortion is controversial, i won't get into that.

Confirmed for GOAT MS CEO

they were just examples, i'm not sayimg im either for or against abortion
>You can do that by having a mostly-disease free society with a low crime rate, and access to education.
pointless to try to do that with africans who still live in bushes and shacks made out of trash

Maybe it's because most of them are dying before becoming teenagers and have no access to proper education, buddy. Wow, it's all starting to make sense, isn't it?

>Wow, it's all starting to make sense, isn't it?
haha no

His friend Paul Allen was good at computer and his dad was a lawyer.

>sliding in to irrelevance

You can keep dreaming bud

>implying he isn't

You have problems.

>implying they haven't seen a compound annual growth rate of 9% on profits since 2006 despite slowly buying back more and more of the company.

Nigga, IBM is doing just fine.

>20 Einsteins have died as kids in Africa

I remember the story of a IT guy who literally thanked Bill for saving them from the nightmare that Unix was at that time.

Sounds like the story of my life.

I am genuinely cool with Microsoft. I don't use their products anymore (at least at the moment), but their products are cool.

>shitty business tactics
>ensured his companies (sic, you fucking retard) dominance
Do you even read the shit you type?

>twenty thieving jews
I'd say the number is closer to twenty million.

>slowly sliding in to irrelevance for the last 10 years
>people believe this

Every company that's on top uses shitty business tactics. That's called business.

You're like those fags that bitch about politicians 'manipulate' voters so they'll vote for them as if that's not a fundamental constant in politics.

>Das bourgeoisie is evil!
Das capitalism is evil
Das socialism is good

world envious of germany, the perfect fusion of both worlds.

have fun using your no access memory :^)

The local corner store manipulates me into buying groceries from them find out

Yes stupid muppet.

He defeated steve jobs, Gates is a hero alright.

>not "an hero"

10 years ago Microsoft's OS marketshare was 95%
Now it's like, 30%? If that.
>hurr but that's only if you include tablets and smartphones
Well, they're computers.

>buy an OS from another company
>rebrand it Android
>use shitty business tactics to ensure your companies dominance
>worth literally all the monies in 2016

They all do it you cunt.

Might as well start including Smart TVs and consoles.

The fact that you have to stack the deck so hard to prove your point proves you're full of shit.


You've never worked in IT, have you?

> urge everyone to attack Iraq over WMDs
> no WMDs
> let's change the regime anyway


I could include those and it wouldn't change the figures much since console sales are a drop in the ocean compared to smartphones.

Xboxes will soon be running windows... Playstations are based off unix. Both would be 'other' in pic related.

I am German myself, but I think the only reason why we are so successful from an economical point of view at the moment is the car (export) and pharma industry :(
Our BIP hasn't grown in years.

>Xboxes will soon be running windows
They are, and have been. The XBox One runs Windows 10.

And I'm fairly certain the PS4 runs a Linux derivative, not Unix.

It runs a modified version of free bsd

>Let's compare apples to oranges
w e w l a d d i e

>99% of market share

I want to live in your bizarro world.

Apparently smartphones = PCs these days.

Smart phones are personal computers.

He max out his int and dex. Then build more points into his str jumping over chairs.

Indeed, the end is nigh.

If your personal computing involves daily visits to Facebook, sure.

>If your personal computing involves ONLY daily visits to Facebook, sure.

mobile websites are consistently shit.

Obvious, as most people surf mobile sites whilst shitting.

He is though.

he's so dreamy

>richest man in the world since like forever
>happens to be a decent programmer

why isn't him Sup Forums idol instead of fatbeard?

Sup Forums - Gates

Because of him being a smart enough man to take advantage of stupid people.

This is how you succeed in life, OP.
Fool retards.

A man's gotta eat

Fucking commies

What was shitty Windows 8?


Everybody lost their damn mind over the UI change.

Which is too bad, because it's actually a decent OS "under the hood".

Underrated keks

lel mod wouldn't even bother pin //build/ threads on Sup Forums while Apple press conference gets all the pins

>Posting anime weeb tier shit



microsoft is literally the most weeb company around

Gates is based

Not only is he actually a programmer, he can make money unlike big fat faggot freetards

me on the left

He chose the easiest customer base