Got my selbst a little quadcopter with fpv camera. Works nicely with my phone. What do I do now?

Got my selbst a little quadcopter with fpv camera. Works nicely with my phone. What do I do now?

let it land on your keyboard hard and post results

Spy on people, Fly it up as high as you can. Go annoy someone with it from far away.

try flying it underwater

Its to light for the keyboard

Annoyed the hell out of my cat, going for roommates next.

Shove it up your ass and let the rotors stimulate your prostate.

cum on it

program it to fly on a predetermined path(in and out of your ass).

How much?

tree fiddy



Much cooler, did you get a kit? Which one?

Selbstmord urself


Find a way to decode the FPV signal on a PC, get a huge wifi antenna, fly with much greater range.

You learnd a new german word? Cool!

Is this one of the self stabilizing type or do you have to practice flying it? Because I got some little quads and they are fucking hard to fly. I want one with a gyro in them and a way to track it.

what kit? it's just a blade inductrix, a camera/vtx module, upgraded motors and batteries, and some rubber bands

do you guys have any resources/books on how to do your own drone?


Where'd you get it op? I didn't know there are tiny drones for sale. How long does the battery last on it?

They usually last about 4-5 minutes on those tiny drones.

>he didn't build his own fpv racer

Protip: Use a drone as a fan to heat up the barbecue grill.

>tfw nobody to go have BBQ with just because poor fool

Chase children at the playground while wearing a trench coat.

I'm wondering about this too, I have a 250 type chassis and at first, before setting everything up, it was unstable as hell. And it was a pain in the ass to set it up.
I can imagine how hard it would be to stabilise (impossible?) something so small.
I suppose you can only fly it indoors and without any air disturbance.

Post tits or GTFO

woah who is this amazing semen demon? Is she single?

Got it from a lokal store but its just an imported chink drohe that you can get from fasttech and the like.

I have to practice flying. Works outside too, can't say anithing about wind due to weather being nice. Would guess bad tho.

Charging time is about 20 minutes.

Then I drive away with my pedomobile