Google bias?

Where were you when you realized Google was bought out by the Clintons?

Other urls found in this thread: schmidt clinton foundation

where were you when ?

Dude, Google jews around since Years.
Trying to erase white males, promoting gays and transgenders.

Pic is 3 days old

I'm not really here to discuss /stormfront/

I am more so shocked that google is allowed to do this without anyone making a fuss.

tells more about CNN, ABC, NYT, and NBC desu

That's old news. One of the top ranking Jews at Google has ties to Hilary.

>In the news
not googles fault here, the corrupt media is the cause.

google definitely is corrupt though.

shits pretty fucked

but white genocide isn't possible!
only white people can me rasssist!
just look what happens when people advocate white peoples rights...

>that feel when you're a faggot normie but you gradually realize that most conspiracy theories are outright true or at the very least have a large basis in reality

Yet people never learn.

>b-but, muh tinfoil hat!

wtf i hate google now


You don't need to say that when no one is trying to prove you wrong.
>implying they make any attempt to prove you wrong

American Google is ok

Because it's too late. It was always too late. It can't be stopped.

This. Most prominent news networks in the US are left leaning, and so naturally they have a bias for Hillary. Being that they are so popular, of course their articles will come up first in a google search.

So the blame is not all on google. However it's apparent they would in no way endorse Trump so what they could be doing to the search results is anyone's guess

google wtf
I assume this will somehow help Trump as usual.

More like the media just hates Trump.

google is a private enterprise, so they can choose to support whomever the fuck they want.

the same you could choose. i choose to avoid google as much a possible, and don't give two shits about US politics

can't dump the Trump schmidt clinton foundation

Please see:

Yes, Google is a private enterprise, but that doesn't make it right either and we can object to their business practices.

This is current for example.

holy shit I thought this was a photoshop


just fuckin WOW

>changing the search text without hitting enter
i c wut u did tharr

>it's real


Kek, it really is true

u faggots forgot Google literally donated to the clinton foundation?


>being surprised that politically charged terms give politically charged results

Do you even know how the Google algorithms work?

¿Qué quisieron decir con esto?


wtf is going on

Neither do you.

Search it for yourself.

Getting sick of this meme.

Imagine a phone company cutting off pro Trump calls.

The ministry of truth is being built right in front of us.

>it's actually real
It's too late to be stopped.

>All these Apple mad that a publicly traded corporation is commit g capitalism and siding with the part affiliations that best backs their goal to appease their shareholders

Same in Europe.

Google used to say that the Earth was 6000 years old too

They released a statement saying a "glitch" was the cause of the error and they "fixed" it.

The only reason why you're mad is because they dangle the bait in your face.
Trump was what white people wanted to hear. And they really think he would keep his promises. They really thought he was different than the others.
If NAFTA wants open boarders we will have open boarders.

I'm getting the iPhone because it's progressive.

>daily reminder google's a shit
pic related

Quite accurate no?

Yeah to be fair, it is a representative picture.
Bing is also cuck-tier

Shocking that Google doesn't want a racist loudmouthed idiot running the country into the ground.

The point is it shouldn't matter what they want

That proves literally nothing. It's just showing the latest news.

I've given up on this world.

It's like none of you have read anything wikileaks has said about Google being in bed with the establishment.

>Julian Assange describes the special relationship between Google, Hillary Clinton and the State Department -- and what that means for the future of the internet

How is he racist? Mexican isn't a race btw.

They're a private company. They can advocate for whatever they want.

Im still gonna use google scholar.

"Hey guys, Trump isn't a racist because he talks shit about Mexicans and sand niggers, he's a xenophobe! A very important difference!"

> tfw everyone who requested white couple pics are now added to racist bigots database

So you want a state that tells companies which presidential candidate to support?

That still doesn't make him a racist. You're just a useful idiot that the media panders to. I suppose you think he's sexist too.

> he hasn't called them disgusting spics/niggers on national tv yet so he's totally not racist
> he has perfectly legitimate reasons to hate them and fan the flames

>talks shit

Examples? I'm pretty sure I already know what you're going to say but I just want to see if I'm right.

Good thing I don't live in Sweden.

No, and that's a strange assumption you arrived to

Your personal misunderstanding still doesn't make him a racist.

because a criminal is so much better then someone who says mean things and makes oversensitive people upset.

Why do American's have white guilt? It has killed your country to get to the stage it needs someone like Trump to clean it up. Stop being guilty over nothing and fix your country.

Protip: this doesn't involve Shillary, ever.

The fact that he's largely incompetent and doesn't have any concrete realistic plans for anything also plays a large part in why he's shit.

> inb4 read the extremely vague talking points on his website

>"G-guys, Ado- Donald isn't really a racist, he's just misunderstood and misquoted by the media!"

Faggots like you are even worse than the average Sup Forums scum, that at least realize that they are racist.

What is it then? Either a corporation can support whoever they choose, or they have to obey the state.

Or they can offer unbiased search results, regardless of who they support

What are you doing out of your cuck shed? Your girlfriend's bull isnt going to like that.

So how many % of Mexicans are actually criminal? How many % of sand niggers are actually terrorist?

By the way, most terrorists and rapists are male ...

When they started doing bullshit like this.

It's not Google that is bought and paid for, it's the media.

Google just shows what the media are saying.

In a recent survey only something like 4% of Americans trusted the media. Even less liked than Congress.

Sure but they don't have to.

Besides, what kind of bias are we even talking about? Trump got almost 100k more results; if he can't stop making negative headlines with his quotes, media outlets aren't to blame, and Google even less so.

Also it's his game either way, a populist doesn't need media support, just media presence.

> it's not Google

Most Googlers are very liberal and very outspoken about it. Even mentioning Donald Trump in a positive light here would jeopardize your career and make a lot of enemies.

The main difference isn't due to google having a preference for one candidate over the other, rather it's that CNN and some of the other top news sources are biased towards Clinton.

Also, I notice that you made an effort to hide the fact that the top non-news result for Trump is his campaign website, just like it is for Clinton.

>misquoted by the media
this happens all the time
>mexicans are all rapists
>ban all muslims from the US
>russia please hack hillary
they try really hard to attack him over every little thing he has ever said or done.

imagine if they put even a little bit of that effort into criticizing hillary.

Wew lad

That's true but it's not the culprit in this particular case.

Google visits the white house more often than any other company in the US, Google fixed the Obamacare website when it was a disaster, Google avoided antitrust charges when the FTC's own report suggested they should be charged.

There is no doubt that Google is in bed with the Democratic party and uses it to subvert justice and avoid big fines for criminal behavior.
But in this particular case they're just showing what the corrupt media are shilling for.

This too

>wife's son
Top zozzel

>imagine if they put even a little bit of that effort into criticizing hillary.
Any respectable news source did. Only the biggest shills present her as a desirable candidate. She simply looks better compared to a attention seeking populist, which isn't hard and doesn't say anything positive about her.

ITT: kill yourselfes

>100% of the top three candidates listed by google are white
>google is promoting """white genocide"""
Choose one.

Not even a matter of being left-leaning. Conservative news networks dislike Trump too.

Yes, but your objections carry no legal weight.

Still a xenophobe though. And he is sexist, at least in his behaviors. What he actually believes in a non issue.

Whites were still encouraging the slave trade by owning slaves. You think it somehow magically becomes moral to own slaves just because someone else decided to enslave them first and then put them up for sale? And even ignoring this alleged "white guilt" meme, Trump is not the solution.

Not an argument

There’s a Sup Forums thread for this now. Go there instead.

And to all those people who think only Republicans are for the rich, Google Maps does not show certain very affluent neighborhoods on their maps. I know this for a fact. If their not breaking the law what have they got to hide?

>being this bluepilled

Hilary is the only candidate that supports expanding the H1B program, that is the only reason why they are in bed with her. A major company doesn't care if the country goes to shit, their duty is to their shareholders.

nice fake

Hillary also supports TTIP and a massive influx of migrants.

Free trade and an oversupply of cheap labor is what they all want.


>Le mexicans

>le mudslimes

>le russia
Well, he went back going all "it was sarcasm" but never established a basis to believe that it was. Take be seen both ways.

Whites are pissed that trump is not going to win. They won't admit that he spoke what was on their mind but too afraid to be open about it. They really do think he's going to change things for them.

>reading the (((Washington Post)))

>Washington Post
A paper so biased and dishonest it was banned from covering the presidential campaign and had its credentials revoked.

Remember, WaPo's Ezra Klein, who later started the ultra-left wing Vox, claimed Syria was a done deal in 2013 and then labelled Obama's claim that "ISIS is defeated" as truth just two days before the Paris massacre.

It has long since been established that "fact checking" columns are nothing but left-wing propaganda detached from facts and reality.

>not making an argument

My argument is that your argument is based on biased and dishonest sources, cuck

When did Sup Forums become redpilled? Haven't been here properly for a few years, last time you used to get a 'give the phone back tyrone' at best. Started browsing Sup Forums recently and can't tell the difference now after coming back here.

It's one of the better US newspapers ... though in a same way that Hillary is better than Trump.

Also not really relevant given that I simply used them as a reference for his quotes. Surely you have a better source how he didn't say any of this things and WaPo engineered it!

M-maybe the whole "let's build a wall" was bullshit too? Maybe he didn't call the pope a pawn on his own website?

Are you sure that it isn't searching the caption or the description of the pictures?
I mean if you specify "white", it's only gonna show pictures that have the word white in the description...
The color only matters if multiple colors are included..
The search is retrieving some images that include "white man" and some that include "white woman"