To upgrade or not to upgrade

Convince me please.

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install gentoo

install gentoo


Install Gentoo.

there's no reason to go to windows 10 retard.

There is no reason to be a luddite, retard

Do you want to turn your whole computer into an adware?
Might as well install BaiduOS

There is no reason to stay on 7. Programers will drop it soon

you can revert if you don't like it.

stop posting these threads.

You're going to have to do it eventually

define soon. no they won't.

except win10 is a step backwards from a free world

Install Manjaro

>no they won't

They dropped XP, they dropped Vista, why they won't drop 7?


Heh, there used to be a time when people were excited for software updates/upgrades

and then when they came out and turned out to be shit people stopped being excited for them
didn't see anyone hyped for vista months after everyone understood it was shit

understand the difference between upgrade and downgrade

>why they won't drop 7?

Because 7 still has the highest market share

XP had too, until they started dropping it and people updated to 7.

You're quite the genius

and 10 has been out for a year now. there's nothing exciting about this spyware subscription based excise of fascism from a company that believes they can get away with everything because they believe 99% of consumers are mouth breathing retards who will always press a shiny button without thinking and sadly they've been proven right by windows 10.

Wrong. People didn't upgrade to 7 because developers dropped XP. Developers dropped XP because people already had upgraded to 7 and Microsoft stopped releasing updates for XP.

upgrade and revert to 7
You'll get a free W10 license you can use in the future if you change your mind

That's all you have to do? Upgrade and revert? Because that's what I did last year

>subscription based
>ads in the OS

So? It's free and works.


cant wait for this meme to die
hurry the fuck up microsoft

Thank you Sanjay for supporting M$.
Three rupees have been added to your microsoft account.

Not an argument

Yes. If you want to quickly get licenses for your others computers you can install W10 on your USB flash drive (inside a vhdx file) and just boot it on each computer and click "activate" in my pc properties menu. I literally did like 100 computers in my company that way.

yes, STORE recommendations if you're too retarded to turn them off with ONE switch.
can be disabled by turning off ONE service
Like somebody forces you to use it

No. gentoo is FREE and it works.

>subscription for home users
It will happen... You know it.



For servers, sure.


If you don't really give that much of a shit about privacy and are not doing anything illegal, want to use the newest software, vulcan, dx12, then just upgrade to win10. Everything you don't like about the OS can be disabled. As for the telemetry issue, it's already on 7 and 8.1 so... lmao

If you do care about privacy, are not GAYMING, have plans on downloading as much CP as humanly possible, install linux

i wouldn't expect someone who can't even spell vulkan to realize that it's a cross-platform API, but it's a cross-platform API. Stick with 7/8.1 lads. 10 is a gaming os meme and it failed at even that.

how much time left to make an insigthful, calm, unbiased decision?

>and are not doing anything illegal

Got me

It's garbage anyway

To think Linux will have games is retarded? Are you actually serious about this?

Why not just kill yourself, you actually think your OS dictates your intellectual capability? You think it actually matters?

Just kill yourself already you stupid fucking neet

9 hours were I live.


you sound desperate, pajeet
take a chill pill

fuck does this have to do with linux? Vulkan has progressed further in a few months than DirectX had in the past 10 years. It's better and only getting better.

You're the stupid fucking neet with no sense of the world if you want dx12 to succeed and have an entire avenue and entertainment monopolized by a single OS.

Anyone who uses linux is a poorfag

Vulkan is garbage, it's going nowhere. That has already been proven, go kill yourself you stupid fucking neet

>It's garbage anyway
meanwhile every game dev/publisher, AMD, and Nvidia are pushing in favor of it because it's almost like they want their gaemz to be compatible with as much software and hardware as possible. you are quite the bitter win10 shill to be upset by that goal. Kys.


8.1 or 10, assuming that I don't play any cutting edge games?

install gentoo

Why even make such a thread on Sup Forums. You should know everyone here is brainwashed and think win10 is a botnet.

>mfw actually a neet on an i3, running win 10

i dont give a fuck about gaming but i kinda like some features like windows+print screen directly takes ss, snap and drag windows .

should i do it?

install gentoo

I've managed to neuter Windows 10's bullshit, but the updates seem to be making it harder to do so. Feel like they will just keep pushing updates that prevent users from knocking the crap out, and eventually your only choice will be LTSB or just run with updates disabled (not a good idea)

upgrade only if you want to gaem otherwise its not worth it

It is a botnet but srsly who gives a fuck.

The ones who do probably has 20gb of cp like their parwnoid prophet Richard "children look sexy" Stallman

I'm going from 8.1 to 10 right now (63%downloaded) because I hate the start menu

>Dropping an OS with 50% marketshare
I don't think they're that retarded, user.

Up to date security, a UI that uses low resources but still looks alright, current support from all devs.

To be honest, there's little reason to not be on ten. Most businesses are on 7 because of the many years of patching and security (and because of how much work it would be to create a custom image of 10 and deploy it at the moment), but that's about it.

Look, just ignore the pajeets who tell you to stay on 7. All they have in their country is 7 on old computers, so they want as many people to refuse progress as possible so they don't get left behind.

It's losing market share pretty fast, it had around 60% last year

If 10 uses less resource and they have old computers with 7, why they don't wanna upgrade to 10?

There is nothing wrong with windows 10. I'm using it right now. Works great. No problems at all.

Their internet can't support all that downloading. Fuck, it can barely support ten remote-access tech support workers at a time.

And even if it uses less resources it's still rough on Pentium 3s.

I did and I'm still alive.

literally all they have to do is download windows 10 once and install it on all their computers

Do you have an nvidia card?

Why not when it's the best new thing.
> install Gentoo.
W10 > Gentoo and any derivative

Accidentally initiated the forced update. I had to roll it back because my mouse and keyboard wouldn't work so I rolled it back.

Still cozy on Windows 7.

If you don't do it today you will have to do it in 2-3 years when win 7 or 8 lose support. Unless you like viruses.

Downloading overnight is a thing, never had a dsl?

If you use an app to shut down the privacy problems, Win 10 is a good OS for everyday use.

what app

>hurrrr just turn the telemetry off
Except it's still on even when you turn it off you fucking idiots

Pray tell which one. Because all known can block only majority of it at best. There's still unknown data going places.

>tfw my notebook was lightning fast with windows 8 after disabling most stuff on the 'advanced system configurations' menu
>upgrade to windows 10
>it's all shit, I'm still seeing thumbnails and other effects I don't want
there's a huge lag to the startup as well.

nothing on this world makes me so instantly upset than this piece of shit OS or ilnesses.

>yes, STORE recommendations if you're too retarded to turn them off with ONE switch.
They removed that in the newest update coming out shortly.
>can be disabled by turning off ONE service
No it can't
>Like somebody forces you to use it
Search is being replaced with cortana in the new update as well.

The only thing you are right on is subscriptions, which lets be real; they will probably happen sometime.

Oh well then maybe that's the case, I might be too naive.

Don't remember, it was posted around here. Wait I'll reboot to Win10 to see if I still have it.

>2 weeks to download
>use usb to install one pc
>while walking to next pc, accidentally drop usb on office floor
>usb covered in poo
>gets poo in next pc's usb ports
>install poo OS
>mfw windows 10 is literally poo

Upgrade? No.
Clean install? Yes.

Set up a new partition (doesn't have to be larger than 30 gigs), use the Windows 10 Media Creation tool to create an .iso, use it to install windows 10 to the new partition.

That way you can claim the digital entitlement, without committing to the new OS right away.

>feel like i should upgrade to 10
>only 3hrs left to do so
>want to play games tonight


>decide to update Win7 to Win10 to get the free activation and I could also go back
>download iso
>I have now Win10
>Everything (literally everything) is where I left it and kept its settings
>everything works like it did before
>it's practically just a reskin
>but then
>touchpad drivers fucked
>download Win8 drivers from manufacturer's website and install
>now really everything works as expected
>turn off the rest of the telemetry settings
>don't feel like going back


But how, please explain so we can be lesser idiots?

in the end its all about dx 10, 11 and 12, same shit every time

How much longer is left on the upgrade? Has it past the deadline already?


Just do it


Of course it's losing market since Microsoft are forcing the upgrade and the common normie illiterate has no idea how to prevent it and just go with it because they have no fucking idea.

this. i'd rather that everything just works than being treated as a 2nd world computer user with compatability and availability in linux