What makes Slavs so good at programming?
What makes Slavs so good at programming?
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Their homes are more comfy than going outside and getting killed by a random person.
More time used on computer.
there moms/wives actually know how to cook properly.
Collectivist cultures are generally better at mindless regurgitation.
Then why aren't pastaniggers and sandniggers more prevalent in the field?
This, basically. During communist times the entire centrally planned economy was revolving around heavy industries which needed lots engineers, so the education on all levels was very math-heavy. I went to school the year communism fell ('89) and still had differential equations in fucking primary school. Then my CS degree was approximately 85% mathematical/theoretical/formal side of things, with only 15% of what you'd consider "practical" in the industry. The assumption was: if you have mental capacity to go through the actual science in computer science, you can learn some meme programming language / methodology on your own.
It's all changing now, though. School-level math gets dumbed-down every year and universities are basically glorified vocational schools because "hurr, we need to teach what the job market wants".
Because of their shitty kultura.
Cool to know, was always wondering why you Ruskies were so good at maths.
coder get 2 potato a day.
salt mine one half potato a day.
We're genetically superior. Also this:
When someone lives in a depressing and corrupt nation like russia, you won't go outside much and will do stuff like programming to take your mind off things.
>differential equations in fucking primary school
Didn't even start functions until grade 8 here (canada)
getting drunk makes you better at programming, i can't remember the last time i coded sober
>tfw slav
>tfw I had a good maths teacher
power of alcohol
>tfw live in slav country
>tfw maths teacher in high school was literally satan, strict as fuck
>you learnt math out of fear, but fuck, you would remember what you learnt your whole life
>score 9.1/10 in final exams
The burning desire to leave the commie block infested hellhole they live in, which is why they try to get noticed and scouted by tech companies by participating in various programming competitions, but unfortunately for them only a handful of programming jobs require you to be a hardcore math autist sperg who would ever get to solve remotely similar problems they tackle at programming competitions.
>differential equations in primary school
2/10 weak bait, the only thing slavshit engineers were good at was copying western tech from handheld game consoles to cars.
mostly poverty
pretty much every slav i knew is a very good coder, russians are crazy as hell though, theyr prob reading this thread without the html/css being rendered by their browser, but their own eyes.
I had an absolutely fucking terrifying math teacher in grades 4-8 in Poland in the early 90's (8 year primary schools back then). I think she might've been a clinical psychopath (even other teachers were scared of her) and she would definitely get fired immediately if she was teaching today.
Bitch was giving us problems from a highschool textbook because fuck that childish stuff from the official teaching program. The silence on her lessons was amazing, kids were trying not to breathe in fear of getting called to the blackboard. Then when you did get called and didn't start solving correctly within 5 seconds, you were immediately given an F (1 in our system) and sent back in some extremely humiliating way. Sometimes she would write the F in your notebook so hard she would tear a bunch of pages with the pen. Sometimes she would start yelling insults on top of her lungs and throwing shit around the class. Some kids had more F's that there were places in the register so she kept a separate notebook for that. She always let everyone pass in the end, though, end literally noone had any problems with highschool maths later on.
>score 9.1/10 in final exams
You are shit then.
>when you did get called and didn't start solving correctly within 5 seconds, you were immediately given an F (1 in our system) and sent back in some extremely humiliating way
Ukrainian here. Wtf, are all maths teachers made on the same factory? we had the same psychopath for a teacher.
Monitors are too expensive. They use listen to the flow of electrons.
>why are slavs good at maths?
We were taught to do most calculations on paper or in our heads. Calculators came in later for operations with large numbers or trig functions to save time looking up tables.
Pic related monstrosity is what apparently fucked over American system of learning mathematics. Along with all the government deals to switch maths to learning how to use a calculator and making pic related standard calculator in schools.
russia is already a shit fest of an language let alone computer language is similar to learn
Sorry, but calling bullshit on this. I did advanced maths in the uk and still didn't hit differential equations until a-levels (age 16). Unless your primary school takes older students than here in blighty, then I can't believe that's the norm.
They are stuck on 10 year old hardware cause their countries are so poor, so they are forced to actually write good code if they want it to run fine.
Because slav countries are poor with low standards of living (e.g. 100$/month is average salary in Ukraine) so only way to get some dollars for slav is learning how to code well and get hired by america. We have really good motivation, that's all.
Sad but true.
Same goes for India btw.
I'm a fan of linguistic relativity, which is the idea that your native language influences how you think and see the world. Russians and Germans have a complex grammar. If you think about it, grammatical case is a lot like type safety; everything has to "match". English and Chinese are hard for memorization reasons. Logographic writing systems like Chinese Hanzi / Japanese Kanji make your brain better at recognizing visual patterns, which is essentially what an IQ test measures.
>The number system in English is highly irregular. Not so in China, Japan and Korea. They have a logical counting system. Eleven is ten one. Twelve is ten two. Twenty-four is two ten four, and so on.
>The regularity of their number systems also means that Asian children can perform basic functions—like addition—far more easily. Ask an English seven-year-old to add thirty-seven plus twenty two, in her head, and she has to convert the words to numbers (37 + 22). Only then can she do the math: 2 plus 7 is nine and 30 and 20 is 50, which makes 59. Ask an Asian child to add three-tens-seven and two tens-two, and then the necessary equation is right there, embedded in the sentence. No number translation is necessary: It’s five-tens nine.
But Slavcode is fast, robust, and beautiful while Currycode is slow, buggy, and incomprehensible.
They make shitty spagghetti code
They're just white Pajeets
Primary schools in Poland were 8 years back in the 90's and I remember learning basic derivatives and differentials in grades 7-8 (13-14 y.o). I don't know if it was "the norm" (as in: part of the program) or just my teacher being sadistic, but it's true. That + integrals were derinitely part of the highschool math program, though.
It's not the norm nowadays; I don't think they even teach it in highschools anymore, which makes university teachers complain that first year students are basically mathematical retards that they have to waste time on teaching "the basics" first.
What makes Slavs so good at squatting?
Sanctions. Lived in Serbia in the 90s and the only shit I had the access to was a Commodore 64 and a lot of books about programming in BASIC. Generations before that were even more cool, the only way to get the Western tech over the border was to disassemble it and then to assemble it again. Thus Galaksija was born.
I had a Russian immigrant math teacher in highschool. She was absolutely based and a great teacher even though she didn't speak Dutch very well.
>pastaniggers and sandniggers
becuase they're filth and anyone with half a brain wouldn't let filth cook for them.
avoiding sickness=having half a brain
also muh feminizm has brainwashed and tainted the idiots you mentioned from fullfilling their part of a healthy household environment.
Slav power
and the stretched Achilles tendon
After years and generations of squatting, you get the Slavic squat.
If you cannot do it, practice my friend.
haha so true.
also childrens youth are forcefully wasted on retarded and redundant bullshit like liberal arts, crafts, and even music... great fields to have available to children, ridiculously time consuming and stupidly implemented when it's forced rather than optional.
What's your slav tier list Sup Forums?
S tier - Russians, Poles
A tier - Czechs
B tier - Everyone else
F tier - Ukrainians
that's becuase your childhood was wasted on retarded shit like do ra me fa so lawdy gay
They have pretty decent education. They countries also tend to suck, so this leaves few routes to escape. Drugs, doing crazy shit or computers. Internet access is cheap, so what do you do? Their culture makes anime even less socially acceptable, so fewer kids end up on the "jerking off to waifus" route. Since most of them tend to be poor, vidya is limited to neckbeard-y strategy games, neckbeard-y FPSs and Valve shit. Due the already mentioned education, vidya is unlikely to keep their attention for too long, which leaves them doing more productive shit. Programming for example.
Why did you list russia twice?
That's because we, unlike Indians, have a decent engineering-oriented education system.
In fact, we losing it right now in favor of management and "success-study" teaching patterns.
иди нa хyй, блядь
>What makes Slavs so good at programming
literally indian tier
>tfw always pronounced it "nahui"
in only 10 mins i am in excruciating pain
>believing poor economic conditions breeds ingenuity
fuckoff with this bullshit meme already.
there's a reason richfags provide healthy stable environments for their kids success, rather than retardedly awfull and poor conditions to force the good out of them
But it's true, in a way. Obviously the conditions can't be too shitty, but if you have a person from cozy Western life, where failure is basically impossible and one person from some second world shithole, it's more likely that the second person is more competent and skilled, if their shitty life didn't make them pull a hero or give up at some point.
What did most richfag kids accomplish? Going by their starting conditions, they should be doing massively better than their parents but they rarely even manage to stay on the same level. Bush family is probably the most obvious example.
Look up the results of pretty much any international programming / algorithmic competition, from any year. 90% chance the winner is a Slav. 10% he's from US, Japan or Korea. 0% there's a single curry even in the top 20.
I can do it for hours.
But both my parents are native poles.
Which means I am 100% Polish.
If you don't have it in your genes, you have to start practicing it.
Remember, put all the weight on your heels.
Cкpыл ceлeдкy.
Literally ONE russian managed to do what an entire army of ffreetards, and a little more than that, have constantly failed to achieve: a usable music player. How do you even excuse that?
Damn, it actually looks good.
>when you make software so good you name it after yourself
9 times out of ten, it isn't.
How do I become as good as a slav when it comes to programming?
What makes Slav girls so pretty?
put your music online
then I can steal your music
>if their shitty life didn't make them pull a hero or give up at some point
anyone can succumb to that shit you faggut.
the only difference is the fact that people from poor economic regions will work for cheaper.
and they're not more competent or skilled, especially when you factor the seemingly endless mental, and physical disorders poor living conditions breed.
fuckoff with your retarded meme and fail logic.
the bush family has two presidents i fail to see how they're failures.
lol the ipod touch had a really good music player up until ios 3 or 4 or whatever came and ruined it
Genetics obviously. Also partially culture which pressures them to look as good as possible.
>especially when you factor the seemingly endless mental, and physical disorders poor living conditions breed
Just like the abilities to deal with problems, pressure and finding solutions. Trustfund babies and most kids in Western countries never learn it.
>the bush family has two presidents i fail to see how they're failures
One did okay, the other managed to fuck up half of the world and his own country worse than any other president and become the most hated president in history. His brother didn't even manage to stay relevant for couple of months despite having the strongest funding.
Most billionaires are self made for a reason, and many had rather shitty childhoods; if good starting conditions and cozy lives were positive for development, most millionaire kids should've been billionaires without any trouble.
Whoa, I was just listening to Alizee 6 hours ago, since this thread had me thinking about the music/language differences between Spanish/Italian/French/German/Russian. And I haven't listened to her in six or seven years.
>the abilities to deal with problems, pressure and finding solutions. Trustfund babies and most kids in Western countries never learn it.
those are fundamental shit every child learns in pre-school and from their parents so long as they're not crackbabies.. so you're clearly full of shit and don't know what you're talking about there.
>One did okay, the other managed to fuck up half of the world and his own country worse than any other president and become the most hated president in history.
bush senior was farrr worse than jr. and being in the media doesn't mean you're irelevent or vice versa. so yeah, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
P.S Putin is currently the worlds most hated president not even bush can not take that title away from him, he worked very hard for it. (could argue obama is even more hated considering he holds the title of most riots and destroyed national cities under his administration than any other president)
>His brother didn't even manage to stay relevant for couple of months despite having the strongest funding.
being in the media doesn't make you relevent and vice versa.
there are far more people living in poverty yet far less of them ever make a decent living let alone garner massive fortunes yet billionaires generally breed more billionaires (see how trump turned his millions into billions)
there's a reason rothchilds(i'm too lazy to lookup how to spell their name) have such a powerfull lineage dating back centuries. (as do most powerful/wealthy families) and it has nothing to do with genetics or their parents forcing them to live awful lifestyles.
your arguments are flawed and lead me to believe you're a fucking idiot who believes the dumbshit redditors and fagbook propagandists spew without chewing before swallowing as fact.
>programmed in Delphi
Balkan here. Same shit, lol.
>those are fundamental shit every child learns in pre-school and from their parents
They learn the theoretical approach without ever dealing with any problems directly. This is bond to kick them in the balls or tits once they encounter the real deal.
>bush senior was farrr worse than jr.
But he had enough skills to hide the fact; besides given the effect Bush Jr had on the country, unlikely.
>being in the media doesn't mean you're irelevent or vice versa.
Nor was it ever said. Jebb was one of the earliest candidates to throw the towel, despite massive financial support. (More than all other candidates together if I recall it right) That shit takes some expertise in failure.
>Putin is currently the worlds most hated president
By le western propaganda? He's still relatively popular in Russia and his economic reforms in the earlier years guarantee that he will be remembered positively in history. Bush Jr tops the ranking in his own country and it's unlikely that anybody will beat that, unless Trump gets elected (although his reputation around the world is probably just as bad)
>there are far more people living in poverty yet far less of them ever make a decent living let alone garner massive fortunes
Nobody is saying that growing up in poverty is going to make you rich; just once you made it out if it, chances are that you're going to achieve much more than somebody born rich. Billionaire families like Rothshields are an exception, and even they are doing pretty bad given their starting position. How did they increase their wealth after grand, grand, grand daddy made billions?
>see how trump turned his millions into billions
He started as multimillionaire (40-200 mio) with daddies name and companies and got low single digits billions by now, even if we ignore the inflation, that's absolutely pathetic. His daddy who had a harder life did much better.
In UK primary school ends at age 10-11. Never mind move along.
You go to primary at 7 years of age, stay there for 8 years. Highschool right after that, 4 years, then uni etc.
You'll find that people who have to deal with limited resources as a fact of life become quite proficient at being creative in their solutions, troubleshooting, and jury-rigging. Russia at least as far as I know has historically been a society that's held intellectualism in high regard so there's that as well.
But pajeets, chinks and niggers are shit tier programmers.
Yeah, balmer peak...
There ya go, now it's right.
Whether it's incomprehensible or not depends on the coder's English language ability.
An average slavshit has very poor English skills both writing and speaking due to poor education system and English not being an official language.
An average curryshit has English as its official language and while you may not understand his speech IRL, you will clearly understand what he meant in his code since his English writing skills are good.
Oh, so you mean differential calculus, not 'differential equations' (which would involve ODEs and PDEs). It wouldn't be completely unreasonable to teach the basics to someone around 15 or so then.
slavs are actually enormously retarded and a lot of them, especially russian slavs, are rabidly alcoholic, nationalist, unhealthy etc.
the 'good russian programmer' meme is mostly an effect of you being exposed to a minority of the educated ones that speak english, the rest are equivalent to niggers intelligence-wise.
>didn't start solving correctly within 5 seconds, you were immediately given an F (1 in our system) and sent back in some extremely humiliating way
Bulgarian here. Reminds me of the worst math teacher I had back in the old country - this fat "female" slob with a bladder problem, she used to hold tests every single day in our math class. For every person she hated, she would "lose" the test paper handed in the previous day and make you come out on the blackboard to answer the question within 2 seconds. If you failed, you got an F (2 in our system) and she'd call your parents.
Bitch used to hate me heaps. Used to get heaps of shit from my parents from her calls, but then they stopped believing her due to the frequency of them. No joke, she ended up dead within 2 years of me having her. Good riddance.
I don't doubt this, but Russia produces a proportionally high percentage of actually skilled software developers either way.
>What makes Slavs so good at programming?
they are not good
Because Russian programmer will work and will afraid that he would dismissed for bad code. While other programmer will work and his boss afraid that programmer will leave the company
Russian student-cudaDeveloper-motherfacker666-ConeLove-IloveStroustrup