Lets discus our operating systems and why we chose them.
I dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu.
I use windows 10 for gaming and ubuntu for work, music, anime, and shitposting.
Lets discus our operating systems and why we chose them.
I dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu.
I use windows 10 for gaming and ubuntu for work, music, anime, and shitposting.
Other urls found in this thread:
I chose an operating system that doesn't include malware. Why didn't you?
>Windows 10
>Regular Ubuntu
Oh boy here we go...
Sorry I didn't feel like spending 20 hours compiling and configuring gentoo
you could have at least get mint or manjaro
just want something that just werkz for now to learn linux and avoid the plague ridden windows 10.
I really wanna get xubuntu but I heard there are screen tearing issues with it that compton doesn't fix anymore.
or should I go with kubuntu with plasma?
How did you get the dual boot working?
Windows 8.1 on my desktop because I like it more than 7.
Windows 7 and Fedora 24 on my T420. Windows because I get better battery life under Windows, and Fedora 24 for everything else. I might just get rid of 7 all together on it.
7 because the 32-bit ramgate was making xp pretty unusable by the time 2015 rolled around.
Debian Testing with KDE Plasma 5
>Don't do anything that I would need a Windows program for
>Braindead easy installation
>Not ancient packages
>Decent multi-monitor support
>Respects my choice to use non-free software
>Can change the interface to suit my needs
>DE is what modern Windows should have been
>KDE Connect is sex
>Decently large community, able to fix my problems relatively easily
>Package manager is convenient
>Solid GUI tools to in addition to CLI tools
>Easy theming without using third-party tools
Everytime i use ubuntu or a version of it the proprietary nvidia drivers never allow my computer to shut down. So i go back to windows.
I mean there is no reason not to just use regular ubuntu. They have had enough time to remove all the kinks from unity. I have used LTS editions since 9.04 and only the first one had any real issues, but they got patched quickly.
lubuntu (light) or mint (heavy) for beginners.
Bloated systems are not okay.
Do you mean Ubuntu also has malware or do you just mean Win10?
>Install Windows 10
>Use windows partition/drive manager to make partition to install ubuntu on, mine is 100 gig
>Use windows partition/drive manager to make partition for swap stuff, mine is 16 gig
>Install Ubuntu 16.04 on the partition I made
And it works, there are lots of tutorials out there.
I currently have a MacBook Pro and a Thinkpad T400.
The Mac is for work and I'm triple booting OS X El Capitan, Kali Linux, and FreeBSD. I also have Windows 7-10 in VMs if that counts.
My T400 is Librebooted and runs Kubuntu. Kubuntu is great because it's beautiful and KDE connect is super useful. I use a Nexus 5X with CM 13 as my personal phone too.
I use Arch Linux, because I wanted to install a minimal distro and build on top of it, and I also like pacman and the aur
Meme's aside it's one of the best distros out there, and not a timesink at all once you get it set up to your liking. Anyone who tells you otherwise never actually used arch for more than a day
I think he is makeing a joke about ubuntu's partnership with amazon? But that stuff is turned off by default now.
Maybe. I wouldn't exactly call that malware tho.
only too big for you, bro.
W7 for everything at home, and old WoW
Kali for script kiddie bullshit and outside lurking, since I get better battery life
>ubuntu on windows
It's enough for my needs, and much more handy than mingw.
Guess Americans only look at the tits and don't consider the body as a whole. (Hint: That's why you only see the top half)
there's no way to justify a duel boot system when a single boot system is much more efficient especially if i want to watch my Chinese cartoons and listen to my Chinese music while I play my manchild games
Could you make your astroturfing any more obvious?
>much more efficient
I use Windows 10 because I play games with my friends and Google has already succd all of my personal info anyway
>I already have 1 virus installed, might as well install more
how is switching back and forth better?
w10 and mint
w10 for normie stuff and mint for anything private
because there's a reason to switch back and forth
there's nothing to stop you dual booting and staying in one boot
I use Windows 10 for gaming and for everything else
So I just installed Win10 along Arch and guess what.
Grub is fucked. How do I fix grub to be able to boot to arch again?
Just simple Win7 and Win8.1 on TLaptop.
There is no need for any other different OS for me. All the NSA can spy on is literally knowledge stuff, music and p*** on my PC.
I would like a system that is more independent and secure, but so far I actually didn't have any problems with my OS like with the old Windows versions, so I am fine.
I don't see any sense in fighting over the best OS on Sup Forums though. If you are skilled enough to use Linux that's fine. If you act like that makes you a better human... nah, it doesn't. Advising other people to use it and evolve software actually does.
Can anyone redpill me on what ubuntu can do for me as a user that windows doesn't? I am actually interested.
I use Windows 7 and Windows 7 with Visual Studio installed in a VM
> all these "I use Windows 10"
How does it feel when Microsoft goes in dry?
i use debian stable + backports
Just because its the only distro that i can easly set up for my optimus laptop, that runs steam games with primusrun %command% basicly out of the box.
Aww yis. came here to drink beer and shitpost and now iam learning new english euphemisms.
thanks Sup Forums.
I just need some ssh, composer, sometimes getting python packages that work - fuck windows in this case. I dont really care about muh freedoms.
I currently have ubuntu kde plasma (tried diffrent distros already inb4installgentoo) as alternative, but dont really have a reason to boot it. and its take too long on my slow laptop. Also I find kde annoying, it has tendency to crash on my hardware.
That's not an euphemism
b-but wiki sais so ;_;
pretty sure mint is easier to set up than ubuntu
Try 5th word. :˄)
But seriously, by definitionit makes sense calling it this way.
Ah, the English article doesn't mention the word euphemism, and I don't think it is one either.
But either way who cares
Mint is shit
I use a ps4 for gaming and Arch Linux for everything else
No bully pls
Windows 10 currently, because the only DE I'd use on GNU + Lanux is KDE, and that has problems with dual monitors right now
Trying to get Hackintosh running tho
Meant to reply to the OP
Why did you link this video?
>I chose an operating system that doesn't include malware.
I'm setting up dual boot for the first time right now. Windows 10 for games, Linux Mint for everything else. I picked mint since I'm a beginner, but I'm aware there are better options out there. Once I'm comfortable with Linux, I plan on upgrading to progressively more lightweight options until I find something just right.
no one cares
> lightweight
>gain 0.2 seconds.
>so much optimize
>being too retarded to install anything other than ubuntu/mint
Try using your own words to communicate your point instead of hiding behind other people's quotes like a bitch.
>Try using your own words to communicate
Youre a fucking retard
As I thought, you have absolute nothing of substance to say.
I do. Youre a fucking retard
If you are a complete tech newb then Ubuntu is gonna scramble your mind when installing a printer driver using the terminal.
>of substance
>Only using text shell
>so much fast
>so sonic
Less about speed, more about less crap on my OS. Which, again, is why I know Mint isn't ideal.
I use i3 on Fedora 24 and have a couple of extra apps
moc [music on console] is a great music player which supports mp3/ogg etc
terminator is a great console which allows you to split screen horizontally and vertically
for email I use mutt
All great apps that work well in i3!
>the quality of being important, valid, or significant.
I use cmus for terminal music
Last ubuntu i used was 10.04, has it been better now? Used it on a laptop back then and I might dualboot it on my desktop with wangblows.
Kill yourself you manchild fat fuck.
>Yes! I saved 100 MB of space!
>now I can download more chinese basket weaving videos
>Not using his computer for one of the most normalfag hobbies nowadays
Kill yourself you manchild fat fuck.
i have 0 tearing using xfce + compton, but i use an amd card.
You can do all those things on windows? Seems to be a real hassle to have to reboot your machine everytime you want to listen to music ?
Fedora is cool. Liking it a lot. Using it with cinnamon for the time being. It's so snappy.
Tbh I don't see any reason to go back to windows but I can always boot to it just in case.
everything just works
Hey, does Spybot Anti-Beacon work for 8 as well as 10?
[spoiler]Also if I'm already going to such lengths to disable the spyware should I just bite it and go from 8 to 10 anyway?[/spoiler]
You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change (which really insidiously simply ignores user settings altogether, without notifying the user in any way) for example.
You should not support this operating system.
You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change (which really insidiously simply ignores user settings altogether, without notifying the user in any way) for example.
You should not support this operating system.
You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change (which really insidiously simply ignores user settings altogether, without notifying the user in any way) for example.
You should not support this operating system.
You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change (which really insidiously simply ignores user settings altogether, without notifying the user in any way) for example.
You should not support this operating system.
You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change (which really insidiously simply ignores user settings altogether, without notifying the user in any way) for example.
You should not support this operating system.
good to know, since I'm getting the meme 480
Xubuntu and win8.1. I keep the botnet around for some games, but last time I booted into it was over 6 months ago. The longer I take the more I look up to the endless and painfully slow updates. Ill probably end up wiping the partition because lately all I've been playing is Insurgency and TF2.
Run OSX, have terminal built in so I can pretend I'm a JewNix hAckz0r.
Nothing else required.
why doalboot?
use Virtualbox
>boohoo I can't turn off error reporting and performance statistics !
You are aware that your phone, your linux distribution, your car, your literally any "smart" device, and what have you, all do telemetry as well, right ?
my buggy 1998-tier UI tells me thats a bunch of bullshit
>your linux distribution
My GNU distribution doesn't.
My host machines are Windows 8.1 and Gentoo Linux but I also tinker with a plethora of other operating systems including pfSense, Debian, Slackware and FreeBSD.
I use Windows for media entertainment like gaymen and just in case I'm required to run a piece of proprietary software, although I haven't actually needed to in over eight years. I use Gentoo for everything else, school, programming, networking, system analysis etc. I'll probably just end up using Gentoo on one server and pfSense on another. I haven't really decided.
Hell, Ubuntu's installer will partition for you
I agree. I don't recommend Mint anymore. I personally don't want old packages.
I gave Ubuntu a chance again but I have more problems with it than Arch, I swear. I currently have 700 packages in Arch, Ubuntu has almost 2000 out of the box, I don't need that many. Having fresh packages and AUR is gold for me. The installation process became easy. Never had problems with Arch, it's just too good. Some people will call me archfag or tell me that I use a timesink OS, but Arch made me stop distrohopping for good.
I use arch linux because I like the logo
Google can't see what files you have in your computer, what you play, what you do. Google is not saint but it's also not your operating system. It lives just in the browser. Or your phone.
I'm using Intel, smooth as fuck with opengl.
I use Arch. What the fuck are you talking about. There is no telemetry here. I am not against telemetry but I don't like when others make choices for me.
intel master race gpu
amd and nvidiafags BOTH BTFO