/bst/ You Are All Beneath Me Elitist Edition

Welcome back you assholes, once again you are all forced to stare at my glory. I know it hurts really badly just thinking about how rich my station is. Maybe one day when your parents die and they leave you some cash you can buy some nice stuff. Until then just enjoy all the glory my station brings to your pathetic lives.

Also thank you to the user who made this picture. You actually did me a favor because it points out how rich I am and how poor you all are.

Behold my spending ability is far greater than yours!

Dont get why you dont have a 21/9 monitor.


>Needs validation from an anonymous image board
Stay classy.

this guy is Canadian so prices should be in CND

Because it would be too big and ugly. I don't want it to overshadow the pieces in my collection.

Still the same, picture was taken today.

I suppose you donĀ“t want to enjoy films how they are meant to be watched.
For what are those medicaments?

cool posters
needs a little more light.
gunna clean up?

I think everything I own cost less than $2,500 total, and about half of that is accounted for by my MacBook Air. I'm pretty content, really.

Whole setup is shit and fucking stupid, dont even get me started on those speakers, headphones and monitor

black screens on my predator vs LG 55EG9600

Nice chair (judy kidding) you fucking faggot, also nice toys you fucking manchild, ever gonna move our of your mommys house you NEET bitch?
Also your entire setup is terrible and visibly unaesthetic hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me hack me what will you find

If they were in CAD they wouldn't fit on the picture.

source: I'm canadian :(


Maybe tomorrow.


>$2,500 tota
and it shows, looks like complete trash
I dont know how someone can actively achieve something as unaesthetic looking; non-ergonomic; non-functioning and cringe inducing, all in one single room without even trying, but you managed to do so

>and he has a macbook
yep sounds about right

Not rating this as it's being forced as a meme

solid 9/10, would be better with another monitor


7/10, would be better with a nicer desk and a better PC chassis

10/10... 30 years ago, today, 4/10

6/10, pretty basic

another 6/10

OH god why even post something this pathetic
>lasko fan in that close proximity

and he's retarded folks

>windows 10



nice wallpaper you fucking faggot, does it make you "feel", lol, spotted the sub 100 IQ individual trying to appear smarter than he is

why are you posting my shit lol

Everything about this is so bad.. oh god where do I even start

I know, I wont start, just kill it all with fire, poorfag

I inherited a Eames chair with purple plush lmao

It's mine you cuck, fuck off

Those wallpapers are so cringy,, this whole setup screams "I'm a fucking moron and also have no personality"

seriously, kys

Why do you have carpeted hills in your house?

no, it's not, but whatever makes you happy


Where's yo setup at nigga?

Where 2 cop painting?

I dont have a "set up" I have a household, because I'm not some NEET virgin living inside your mommys piece of shit house

Love this thread so far :^)

you masocist




7/10 - but looks like my grandmother lives there



Shitty Windows operating system lmao

Once again


Your life is terrible and unamusing so you have to create the shittiest bait to compensate. The toys have been gifts from people that actually care about me but I guess you wouldn't know that feeling. Also learn to not swear every sentence you over compensating man child KYS and try again.

Wall mount coming next week.

Why are you on this thread or on this site?

I wish this meme would die. Bring in the fresh new memes.


Messy, cables, the chair. Would look really comfy if cleaned.

looks good lad


>bestbuy home pc kit

Why is there a piece of a bed frame behind your station?

I bet you think that disgusting mechanical keyboard matches your walls dont you? nice poster let me guess bought it for 30 and le epic now its almost 2k :DDD

>ultra-wide screen to browse the chans

pick one

It's pretty comfy to me.

I'm athletic and live with my girlfriend :/

Sorry my desk triggered you

You better
when I can afford too I will but I am probably not changing that case out. I enjoy the HP workstation all steel construction.
Thanks man.
Looking pretty good man.

It was taken at an awkward angle. That's why the floor looks sloped.

Andddd, OP's ego got BTFO after seeing this picture

>The toys have been gifts from people that actually care about me

ahahhah aww did your mommy buy you a bunch of dolls? How cute

protip: move out of your moms house, grow the fuck up and dont throw a temper tantrum at me because I'm calling out shit the way it is

constructive criticism, thank me later

Oh god look at this shit
Another NEET
Nice chair, honestly, what kind of a faggot would buy that shit, I sure hope you found that in the garbage or something, but even then thats pathetic as shit

I bet you think that mechanical keyboard makes you look like a leet gamer/hacker whatever the fuck look you're trying to go with, but it just isnt fucking working. At all

>desk right beside bed

ah yes, so you can roll out and stumble to Sup Forums from morning to noon, then roll back to bed, like the pathetic scum, waste of life, worthless sack of shit you are

Are you being serious? This is poor fag to the max! Paint and wallpaper is cheap. $4,000 chair is not. Nice try poor fag.

Bruh, your estrogen is getting out of control. Stupid being autistic.

>le look at my kewl mechanical keyboard, epic, minimalist i only need this many keys

You look like a faggot and I bet you take pride in being edgy, because you're an edgy neet

Nice mic, I bet the only thing you use it for is shoving up your butthole when youre not talking with it to your boyfriend

also looks like a cheap ikea pos desk, thats how you can spot someone whos mentally challenged, when they shop at ikea for furniture

No my friends and bf gave them to me but I guess your too autistic to know what having relationships is. Also calm your man tits and stop coming here to just trigger your self. Your man baby tantrums are showing.


>Posting angry comments in the middle of the work day about NEETs
>projecting this hard

Looks pretty retarded and gay to me

that diploma screams "im a retard", so I guess what i was saying earlier about your setup looking pretty retarded was spot on
>le i have a girlfriend !!

congratulations, you and the majority of the world, want a coookie, beta boy? Im not triggered by your shitty setup, take my constructive criticism and fix yourself, your setup and eventually your life, no need to thank me

I'm a little spooked that this room exists.

This is fucking garbage im not even going to beging to explain whats wrong with this landfill you call a setup

how do you live like this? Am i being trolled
Im sorry youre upset your setup is shit, dont throw insults at me to make up for it


Didn't I call you setup at one point being gay? Funny how right I was

Go suck a cock and eat cum faggot, and stop getting mad at me for living with mommy and being gay

I didnt make you live with your mom and I sure as shit didnt make you a homosexual, so enough is enough, stop throwing tantrums at me

Somebody post that battlestation photo where the guy has a tiny framed picture of Chairman Mao on the wall.

Pretty ok i guess looks kind of deserted and dont like mouse and keyboard too much, [spoiler]could at least be a hhkb [/spoiler] 6/10
cool pc case and looks comfy overall would want a billiard table in my room though 7/10
love it, very cute plushi, cool keyboard and mouse, and your case looks 10/10 would rate 9/10
pretty ok i guess to applish and retro for my taste 5/10
clean up your desktop/10
like the setup dont like the lolis 7/10
Dont get why ppl are so much into these old as fuck keyboards still cool 7/10
Camel 10/10 [spoiler]i really like it[/spoiler]
love how you store your tshirts, cool curved wouldnt mount it on the wall tbqh 8/10
nice headphones you have there 8/10

ITs 4 pm you fucking NEET, and I barely ever work fridays since i have a good enough job to cover them as vacation days, so yes, im quite literally getting paid right now

god you are a pathetic obnoxious faggot shitting up the thread, im sure you're a very likable person.

>le look at my kewl mechanical keyboard, epic, minimalist i only need this many keys
i have the keyboard because i like it. i dont do anything productive on my pc.

>because you're an edgy neet
got a job

> I bet the only thing you use it for is shoving up your butthole
i wear it as a plug at work all day. Are you jealous of it or something?

>also looks like a cheap ikea pos desk
looks like one because it is.

You are the only one here throwing a tantrum. I dont even live with my mom fagget can you stop projecting your life onto others. You come to a thread just to start shit with bad bait so you can have some meaning in your life. Like seriously go get a life you have to much free time.


i know i post the same thing but it never changes so

>Being this new

Torn between calling out the salty guy for being too obvious, or the people replying to obvious bait.

>This level of denial

You ever wondered why you're so angry, user?


Oh look at this post, another tripfag getting butthurt only after his pathetic "setup" gets "insulted"
Im sorry you took offense to such arbitrary matters, use this opportunity to improve your setup and maybe yourself while at it, instead of getting butthurt at me for your disaster of a dogshit setup

>i have the keyboard because i like it. i dont do anything productive on my pc.
no you got it because youre hipster trash, you actively went out of your way to do so

>got a job

You and the majority of this population, so that just makes it even more sad at how a shit setup that is, because if you were NEET, youd have an excuse

>looks like one because it is.

no shit, read the rest of my post about ikea shit then think about offing yourself


Like I said, throwing a tantrum at me because you're homosexual isnt going to make you straight.. apply my criticism and move on, and most of all, quit your fucking whining

>my MOMMY bought me this plush toy, thats why i put it ontop of my computer!!

Seriously kid? KYS

Looks like someone gets his ass kicked today.

I'm sorry but your setup are fucking garbage if you get rid of all these "expensive" chinese knock-off you got on Ebay.

>"don't throw insults at me for being upset"
>continues being salty, throwing insults and temper tantrums.



What am I in denial about? Im pretty sure I have a job my neet friend

Why you so poor? If the underside of my desk was your ceiling it would be the most expensive roof you ever lived under.

>When you get downvoted on Reddit

Dumbass shitty door handle.

Its constructive criticisms, if you dont like my adjectives, well then, you can continue crying I suppose

If the underside of my desk was your ceiling it would be the most expensive roof you ever lived under.

This shit is absolute cancer, mods should filter and ban anything image that has an mild resemblance to this gaudy room.

Wew lad, some really angry poor people in this thread today.

Call out whoever you want, bruh.

If you spend that much on such useless stuff, you're an idiot.


Nice Try! If the underside of my desk was your ceiling it would be the most expensive roof you ever lived under.

butthurt poorfaags in full swing today

You just mad because nobody gave a shit about your shit teir PC specs. Ugly guts, weak guts, pathetic setup.

hello good morning

Nice Try! If the underside of my ceiling was your desk it would be the most expensive desk you ever lived under.

This is supposed to be a "battlestation" or "Show off your setups" not furniture show room, faggot.

Jeez, is this guy really just going around every thread sperging about this? That's some dedication right there.

Well, as much dedication as can be put into posting the same shit in multiple threads. I mean the barrier to entry there is pretty low.

tell me exactly how to improve, my lord, and ill consider it.

>nice headphones you have there 8/10
ty fampai

You guys don't understand ergonomics, if there's no space for my elbows to rest on the table, I can not appreciate your setup.

So sorry

You have something wrong with your brain. Go to the doctor and have it checked out. Like you are forgetting things and getting mad. You might have dementia grandpa. Time to get off the internet buddy.

What the fuck do you call a desk and chair.... How do you even function in life...

I never post in guts threads, but I found it absolutely retarded that had to posted in a guts thread.

And? Only makes me think you're an idiot who doesn't understand budgetting.

Well until all of you know how beneath me you are I must do my duty.

I don't have to budget! I'll retire at 50 and live my life so comfortably while you say hello to customers at a Walmart in your '80s. Have fun buying a Medicare part B plan!