You chose my DE

Fuck Windows.

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Arch GNU/+Linux.

xfce is the only answer


Ubuntu:Mate or Linux Mint Mate. Best for starters



Sorry I thought you typed OS. Bit sleepy. Anyways I would recommend trying out CDE (Common Desktop Environment) if you are using Debian then it would be easier to install as oppose to other distros. You will have to compile it though and manually installl dependencies and configure some files for it to work properly. Note: CDE is really meant for 32 bit, but can be run on 64 bit with it being experimental.




Does what every other wm does and I don't see a reason to switch to a different wm once you have this one setup


>the faggot baby uses a DE

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you should've stuck with Windows if you're gonna be a queer

Let me guess you use a stand alone WM.

Gnome 3. only choice.

Maybe some people just don't have time to rice their desktop you dumbo.

Nice clock, faggot.

After using gnome 3 since fedora 24 launch. I gotta say. Gnomes the shit.


This is beyond beautiful.

Yes but how the fuck do I do that

nice trips op must choose this


what do you mean. it looks shit.

It looks really simple and cool. I like the top and bottom bars


it's unusable because its too minimialist. also that text looks shit.

I kinda like how the text looks a little shitty. Reminds me of a retro game


Unity is the only DE worth using these days.

>being on linux means I'm a 1337 hackur like mr robot!!1!
>never mind that I never programmed in my life and just switch between systems for no good reason just to avoid doing anything of value with my life, just to avoid looking into a mirror and seeing myself as a piece of shit I am

>linux will fix all of this


No, it's just fedora that's shit.

>Poo in Loo detected

i3 it is.

how am I poo in the loo lmao?

Because you like to project your incompetence onto others

>my hand is not brown
>the book is a serbian version of The Fountainhead

>you must be indian

this is what goes for logical thinking in burgerland

This tbqh. Get a script that tells you your battery life, etc. Shit is comfy af user.

>not poo in the loo
>well maybe not yet...

do you even know where serbia is lmao
you americans are literally living inside of 1984. You fucking bombed us and you don't know where we are. I would think that this is true for most of your countrymen for most wars America has been involved in.

>We've always been at war with Eastasia

XFCE or Unity