1st build for me

1st build for me
Tell me what you do/dont liek
trying not to go over 3k

Note:Windows 10 or stay with 7?

Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146197&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-_-Cases (Computer Cases - ATX Form)-_-NZXT-_-11146197

You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change (which really insidiously simply ignores user settings altogether, without notifying the user in any way) for example.
You should not support this operating system.

>full tower
Other than that, okay.

i have a Rift, and just lost the ability to use it unless i have a new i7 or better.
Most vr headsets are making this change, and i don't mind.
But im afraid that they'll soon make it only compatible with 10...

(Currently on Win 7 Home)

Meme cooler

So no full tower?
this is the one im looking at.

Here are some others i was told about, but wont think they will work.



newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146197&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-_-Cases (Computer Cases - ATX Form)-_-NZXT-_-11146197

16GB RAM is a meme unless you run really intensive stuff like video rendering. Unused RAM is wasted RAM.

RAM is cheap as hell though

>16GB RAM is a meme

Nice bait

You're right, RAM is cheap as hell. So why wouldn't spend just a bit extra and be better prepared in case he does start doing those things in the future?

Currently at 8GB RAM

Thinking about making a switch to this,


i would get 2 of course...

Thats why i was alittle confused, its worth the extra few bucks right???

Using vr not sure if it will need alot or not
should i throw in another 16GB then???

No, I'm actually just a retard
I really feel that if you actually manage your OS, there is no regular use scenario that demands more than 8GB. You just might reach it with intense vidya

Is everything ok,
So no obvious changes?

Yeah man, I'd personally get another case though

What kind?

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but there's currently no other PC building thread up.

Anyway, I need a new PC, but I haven't really been paying attention to hardware technology for...well, 6 years or so.

How's this for a first draft? It's more or less based on one from the Logical Increments website. I would like it to be quiet and I don't wanna spend more than 1000 eurodollars.

You're going overkill on a lot of things. Liquid cooling is a dicksizing meme. Your power supply can be dropped to 650w. You can drop that solid state to a 512 or really even a 240 and throw in a nice beefy hdd.

Drop the 212

Why? I would assume it's gonna be quieter that the standard Intel cooler.

If you're not overclocking there's no point going with anything over stock. Volume isn't going to be an issue

r8 and h8

PSU is overkill and you don't need platinum. It barely saves you any cash anyways.

Cut the mushin and grab an 850 evo instead. The performance difference makes up for the extra cost.

drop the dominators, they are overpriced. Seriously, ram makes a very small impact on gaming performance.

Personally I've also found that the fans on the x61 kraken suck, replacing them with something else can give you a 5-10c difference in temps.

You can overclock that cpu with a special bios. Google "non-k overclock" to find it. In which case the 212 evo is then worth it.

>modifying your bios

1. You're overpaying for meme ram
2. If getting FE, buy Asus/EVGA for customer service.
3. You're spending way too much for a PSU that's more than you need.
4. Why do you need an optical drive?


I assume if someone's planning on overclocking a non-k they'll mention it when they post their build. And I'm still not sold on the whole unofficial oc thing, even if intel was kind enough to unchain the BCLK for us. It just strikes me as something that's ready to go horribly wrong and cost you hundreds of $

I can't hear my stock cooler unless it's the dead of night and even then just barely.

I've done it to about 5 or 6 machines at my workplace. It's perfectly safe. Max freq you can get is about 4.5.

But you are right, replacing it for noise purposes is unnecessary.

Gonna build a zen computer in 6-8 months

This is what I've settled on so far
I'll probably re-use my current PSU

Figure the GPU+Motherboard+CPU will end up being ~$1200 altogether.

I'd like to get a 144hz freesync monitor, but they're hella expensive.

you can get a cheaper powersupply, EVGA has some good ones that generally are cheap, superflower, Seasonic, and pretty unsure you can dump the wattage unless you plan on going sli. grab a fractal design S if you want decent miditower.

i hate you


At least wait for the 470 (which will be twice as powerful as the 370).

I hope you're planning to overclock otherwise a lot of the build is pointless. My main suggestions would be

1. Get cheaper RAM. That stuff's just a meme for teenager 'gamers'
2. If you're going this overkill and you think you need an optical drive, at least get a BD burner