Enjoy the fact that your 10xx gpu will be obsolete come May 2017 when they release the 11xx series with full async support, dumb nigger cattle

>buying technology
lol I'm glad I'm black so I don't have to do this

and six months from then NVIDIA will release something to trump that, and the cycle shall continue.

He fell for the 10xx series meme
they didnt include anything they promised

>he fell for the 10xx meme
>he fell for the 9xx meme
>he fell for the 7xx meme
I wish you guys would stop tbqhfam


Wtf I hate AMD now

>buying a 8GB card that only has 6.5GB
top kek

For real. Funny thing is each generation shits on it's AMD counterpart (assuming that's who they're shilling for). Yet people keep falling for the "meme".

>amdcucks so poor they can't afford a good card

>"but my SUPERIOR GFX CARD can play DX12 games faster"
>all new DX12 games use Denuvo DRM that nobody can crack

Does anyone even say "FTW" anymore?


Only until the 1180 comes out and the 1xxx series is put into legacy status.

the pro duo is already out and as for single gpu cards Vega is going to annihilate Pascal and nvidia know this which is why they're dropping it fast as fuck for Volta. Pascal is about as capable of the techniques utilized by dx12/vulkan as maxwell was, i.e: not very.

You guys say this literally EVERY SINGLE GENERATION.

>AMD's next b-big thing is right around the c-corner!!
>it's finally going to put them back in competition with Intel/Nvidia

I'm not even joking when I say that this has gotten so predictable that it's just sad.

And just to clarify I don't like the idea of a monopoly either but stop lying to yourselves.

I really want to spend a ton on a 1440p 144hz monitor and a 1070 or maybe 1080

should I or will I regret it

I have 1680x1050 now

>a meme

pick one

im still using a maxwell card i havent had an amd card since ATI, so idk what you mean by 'you guys', but i've been following the market for a long time and Vega looks set up to be a great generation for AMD. The problem will be if vega cards are still bottlenecking on the best cpu's available in scenarios where nvidia's aren't. This issue just gets magnified when you're building around a mid-range processor like a 6600k so a smart consumer might still have to avoid AMD and its shit drivers like the plague...

>developers are going to appeal to the 15-20% of the market that has AMD GPUs, everybody is going to use DX12/Vulkan, every amd user has a powerful core i7 (which is what is giving the performance boost to the 480)

>1070 or maybe 1080
>Not using 21:9 display
>not buying next gen fraphucks card moment it drops
nice meme boy :^)

>every amd user has a powerful core i7
this is the problem every generation with gpu benchmarks, the testbenches are never a realistic interpretation of the numbers an actual PC that would be putting, let's say, an RX 480 or a 1060 in it. The tech review industry is fucking garbage.

Well I'm not the OP I recently upgraded from a 760 gtx to the 1070.
My shitty 760 lasted me 3 years, I'm pretty sure the 1070 is going to as well.

no one gives a shit


still not convinced it's not a shitty meme

people don't see in tiny slits

>Nvidia abandons card after they release the new one
>read the driver release info
>they are fixing gaming issues of 5xx gen cards
fuck amdfags to be honest

ultrawide is really only good if you play driving/flying sims, since you can get a wide display without any bezels

>people think amd makes all their gaming gimmicks opensource and available to all brands because they're the good guys
>not because nobody would use if it wasn't since their market share is shit

>what the fuck my 580 can't max the newest AAA games using technologies that were just recently developed
>must be nvidia gimping cards

Agreed, fuck AMDrones.

Typical Nvidia blogposters.


Top kek

Why are all graphics cards of this generation marketed as VRᵀᴹReady

No way virtual reality is going to be become a standard for at least another 3 years

because vr is the hottest new gimmick

remember when 3D and motion controls were new?


>at least another 3 years
it's going to take a lot longer than that

tell me how it is. im looking to get that card when i get paid next friday

>The 580 ran Metro 2033 at 60 FPS on 1080p
>But now the 1060 runs Crysis 3 at only 20 FPS at 4K
>There goes Nvidia gimping cards again!

Seriously, fuck these retarded shills. Every time you ask for proof they link benchmarks that compare different test benches, games and drivers., Zero consistency in their "testing" every time.

its great for movies and side by side screen real estate. it is slightly a niche but works well for people who want it

Upgrading from a 270x, what should I get to play everything at good levels? Dont Care about 4k or VR Support.. I just wanna play Witcher / JC3 / Overwatch at good framerates

>I just wanna play Witcher / JC3 / Overwatch at good framerates
@1080? 480 or 1060.
@1440? 1070

4gb should be $200 or so now

270x is still a decent card unless you really want to max out everything

Iunno, I haven't really paid attention to it beyond the rift and vive because that's all everyone talked about

Shouldn't china be revving up something for like half the price with one distinctive flaw by now?

Sweet user, I'm waiting for mine to arrive :D

I'm running it on a 1080 samsung TV 48"
Maxed out everything on witcher 3 except hair works. cuz fuck hairworks.
Anyway, Nothing that i throw at it dips below 60 fps with vsync on like EVER.
I'm actually trying to test what the limits are with this card and im honestly fucking surprised.

stay at your current resolution. Nvidia can't async and low level api and you will need all the brute force just to stay at decent fps

Welcome to the good side.

post dpc latency

Enjoy 0 day drivers that just werk. If a brand new game isn't playing nice with Nvidia cards it doesn't get released.

That reminds me of something strange about AMDrone's belief in DX12. It provides developers low level optimizations and tools to make specific use of either vendor's strengths. Of the two companies, Nvidia uses far more resources and has far more experience in working with developers to get the best performance out of their products.

So why do AMDrones believe DX12 is going to magically change how things have always been in all previous version of Direct X? Some games are going to favor AMD as those were specifically optimized for AMD products but the vast majority of games will favor Nvidia. Do they believe developers are just going to do more work than they need to in developing/porting games to PCs rather than lean on the resources Nvidia and AMD provide?

GPU threads belong on Sup Forums
Fuck off newfag

Yeah the truth is that Nvidia cards are actually BETTER in DX12 than AMD ones. Check 3DMark's new Time Spy DX12 benchmark. AMD gets BTFO.

>GPU is video game and not technology

how mad do you have to be?

He's just another buttblasted AMDtard who is mad he was dumb enough to buy an AMD card.

>not having a gsync monitor


>W-we'll win guize. J-just wait!
every time

This. It is the same for AMD. They both have 6~8 month release cycles that render previous generations obsolete.

The only bad choice is to wait.

>people don't see in tiny slits
Which is why 3:2 is objectively the best.

>being a tool

>Being a vidya nerd means being your average wimp that is a little bit too passionate about games
>Being a vidya nerd means being your average codbro/Chad using edgy/exaggerated words (FTW/PWNED/EPIC) and gaymer products from Razer
>Being a vidya nerd means being your average nu-male hipster. Acting like a douchebag and a smug retard is a must.
>Every consecutive gen of "gaymers" is less about being a fan of games and more about being a part of some gaymer community that's trendy.

I don't like where this is going.

It's a lovely thing. Even a cheap 21:9 2560x1080 monitor makes a huge difference over 1080p although you need to account for DPI. However its support is still a little bit of a meme. Majority of games require some sort of a fix to scale UI properly etc. and you still get fucked in ass from time to time e.g Overwatch.

feelio i made a steam account in 2002
feelio i forgot my account details
feelio i make an account today and all the kids will call me a noob

>Witcher 3
>good framerates

Now you're just mean towards an user just asking a question.

AMD CPU owner detected.

It's kinda sad that probably more games made a decade ago were better designed in regards to supporting any aspect ratio and resolution than games made in the last few years, and I blame it partly on the consoles and cross platform engines that are really heavily favorable to consoles.

3 shekels added satisfactory to your account dude to advertisement services,

Enjoy your future gimp

Personally I just run a 16:9 monitor next to my 21:9 monitor. I can't stand bezels anyway so I just swap between them depending on game's support of 21:9.

Volta is being released because muhh supercomputer pajeet shill

Yes, do it.

Are super computers being advanced because of muh gaymes hardware or is it the other way around?

be with NRope and hang yourself.

>tfw there are no better high end cards

Supercomputers usually use old shitty hardware

Seems the US is tired of being BTFO by chyna

I really wish AMD brings out a card that fucking destroys nvidia. I have a Gsync monitor so I'm stuck with Nvidia. But if AMD brings out a card thats actually competitive, nvidia will be forced to lower the prices of the current 10xx cards.

I feel like I should be buying Nvidia. There stock has gone through the roof this year so I'm a bit late to the party but with this supercomputer news, a possible deal for the Nintendo NX contract, and normies like Terry Crews building gaming PC's it's probably just going to go up from here. AMD actually seems done for real this time.

Time spy does not use Async.
It's basically Dx11
that's why nvidia shines in it.

Welcome to the good guys team, OP.

Ain't gonna happen at least till 2017 and by then Nvidia will come out with something that actually supports async and everything goes back to normal. 480RX is arguably better than 1060 for the same price. 490RX is confirmed to be a shitty ducktaped duo GPU housefire.

>480RX is arguably better than 1060

"J U S T
W A I T"

-AMD, 2016 (and 2015, 2014, 2013, etc)

Not bad, but the actual recommendation to buy Nvidia stock was a little too obvious. Better luck next time, Shillstein.

I didn't upgrade to Win 10, is the 480 trash for me?

Still better value in it's price corner than a 1060, so no.

>Driver gimping

>inb4 nvidia doesnt gimp cards over time

480 is actually total shit compared to the 1060

Uhh Time Spy is literally an official DX12 benchmark.

It's great proof that Nvidia is actually much better than AMD at DX12.

that sucks man, wanted to upgrade to a 21:9 monitor but if games dont really support it whats the use? also how much more resources will a widescreen use in comparison to a normal 1080p?

>Time spy does not use Async.
It's amazing you AMD fags can still prattle this even after the disclosure by Futuremark and the fact that AMD have been attributed to helping the development and signing off on it.

If AMD had any issues with the benchmark or the statement by Futuremark they would have made moves already. They have not.

It's time to wake up.

3.5 / 4 = 7 / 8 m8

>but if games dont really support it whats the use?
I use mine almost like dual monitor setup, browser takes up about half the screen, stick applications like IDE, word processor, etc in the other half. It's not quite the same as having two full monitors but you also don't have to move your head so far to switch between applications.

Also the game support isn't so bad, you can always fall back on 16:9 for the shitty games that won't support wider resolutions.

>literally 3 months from being totally obsolete

the smart progression was 4gb 480 as a hold over for HBM2.

AMD get first pick of HBM modules but Nvidia have more efficient chipset. Cant wait to see what they both offer as real 4k cards.

you forgot less ROPs and less cache

>makes a difference over 1080p
It's till 1080p dude. It's just wider so has more horizontal pixels. You will see no difference in actual resolution.