Install Windows 10

>Install Windows 10
>Download Shutup10
>Disable telemetry and all botnet features
>No Cortana
>No apps
>No botnet
>Literally installs security updates only

Feels great Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>windows 10

That girl has such voluminous pom poms for hair.
I want to get lost in her pom pom hair.

I want to make passionate love with Chinatsu

>download this shady program made by literally who, it's safe and just werks!

Worst Yuru

Do Wangblows 10 threads belong on Sup Forums or Sup Forums?

this one has anime so it can stay

A lot of things got lost in her pom poms.

>download os
>download all these things to make os even useable
why not just get a good os to begin with?

Because good OOBE OSs are a myth, every OS you install will require significant work to be made to be productive to the environment you're targeting.

Not windows 7

Wireless drivers, printer drivers and 6 years of critical and QoL updates says you're wrong. Not to mention: No OOB spreadsheets, slideshows, usable browser (most sites will simply not work with IE 8), MS graphics drivers as a default if they're installed at all (how's that 800x600 res for you?). Yeah, great OOB experience in 2016.

Weebs begone!

>Installs Windows 10
>Makes it behave like Windows 7

> Installing an app

Oh, the horror.

i don't know about you but i feel like windows shouldn't need tweaking with apps made to destroy some of its features and block some of its communications just to give the user the impression of reasonable privacy

why must you this thread into a house of lies?

here add some more third party mystery shitware made by hackers onto your closed source proprietary malware OS

wew lass

It's got a GUI with a checkbox that says it working

I dont see any tigers around here do you?

>Implying you can tell with proprietary software

Could a kind user give me a link on how to disable all the windows 10 junk?

>disable all the windows 10 junk
Protip: You can't.

Well can I disable anything?

do it through the powershell, not giving you any more information

Don't be mean user link pls

So now you think you're not being tracked?

Stupid animeposter.

You can limit *some* telemetry, but as time goes on less and less.

(case in point: post anniversary update, if you want start menu search at all you need to enable cortana)

You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change for example.
Even if you yourself are not concerned about the data collection, you still expose information about your friends and family via Microsoft's aggressive surveillance methods.
You should not use, support or endorse this operating system.

The spyware has been backported to Windows 7 and 8.1 as well.
You can much more easily remove it though - all it takes is uninstalling the related updates.
You can find out which via a quick google search for 'telemetry updates for windows 7 and 8.1', and then hiding them in Windows Update.
Don't forget to check for these every month or so, as Microsoft can push out new updates anytime that can reinstall the spyware.

>buy a tesla
>install a gas engine in it
>disable autopilot and all botnet features
>no audio
>no electric drive
>no free charging
>literally is a shit car from a decade ago

Feels great Sup Forums

Nice analogy dude


>eats up 30% of your CPU with nothing but the desktop on
>shitty search function
no thanks, i'll stick to Debian

>install Windows 10
>waste time making it behave like Windows 7
Meanwhile I'm just using Windows 7. It just works without having to do anything. Guess you have a lot of free time, OP.

Why do some actions I do in Windows 10 ask me for administrator rights? I'm the only one using this PC.


I use 3-5% of my CPU running Chrome

>Install windows 10 try to make it like windows 7.
>end up with unsatisfactory configuration.
>nothing you can do about it until someone does something hacky to fix it
>the hacky fix will always be buggy as Microsoft don't actually want you to do these things

Just install Linux? The creators want to give you what you want. Become part of a community who cares about you OP.

>community who cares about you
>distro wars

>comparing windows 10 to a tesla

Distro wars are a problem? It just means you can find a community that matches exactly what you want out of your OS. Everyone has different opinions on it. Distros mean you can find the community that suits you best user.

>>Download Shutup10
>trusting some closed source software made by god knows who
I always knew Windows 10 folks were some special kind of cretin but this is just the icing on the cake




>all botnet features
Not possible without disabling updates.

Windows 10 sends everything it can before you install the proprietary 3rd party program that is probably made by the NSA.
