/mkg/- Mechanical Keyboard General

/mkg/- Not a fucking Mechanical keyboard edition

The finger autism bumped out prematurely, let's fix that

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>Finger autism

this gives me eye cancer to look at

does anyone have enjoy pbt/gaternon pbt and GMK?
i have each of those sets coming in and im just wondering what u guys think of it

yes i know PBT > ABS but pretty meme colors are life

Are these threads dead, or does nobody just want to make the OP?

I have no clue, I guess I could start making the OP, but I have a busy life

pbt is not always > abs

i have gateron pbt sets. they're great, but the legends aren't the sharpest IMO

going to sell a set of gateron ghost white if anyone wants em btw

people just don't care about your memeboards. everyone who used to care are now overwhelmed with buyer's guilt



k dude

>implying a mechanical keyboard isn't the superior way to do all things Sup Forums

>those post times
Just let it go user, dead general is dead


i think he means 40% or ortholinear boards
ur bottom row is broken

I'm going to Japan soon, what should I pick up? Need suggestions please tell me of some good meme keyboard manufacturers that'll be cheaper there than here (AU)

hhkb jap edition

get me one too senpai

Cherry ML keyboard

Thanks, I'll consider that. Anything else? Also if I recall correctly I can get a ~8% off through GST exclusion if I show my passport and a further 5% off if I pay using a VISA, so my price range is quite high.

cherry ml are super scratchy and have terrible off center keypress

What does Sup Forums think of keypads for gaming?

do not buy a japanese keyboard you will hate yourself its worse than ISO
but its the perfect opportunity to get into topre(godswitch)

>lmao you have the same keyboard as my grandpa
>wow those are the same keyboards my library has
>why is your keyboard from the 80s

Oh yeah, I was thinking more the brand (HHKB) rather than the actual keyboard mentioned, the jap layout doesn't seem that appealing to me.

Is Topre really all its cracked up to be?

how do you do anything with those tiny typewritekeyboards

where are the function/arrows

you press a key and press other keys to get at the function keys/arrow keys

the idea is you move your hands away from the home row as little as possible

Screw mechanical keyboards, get yourself an Abee PC case you can't get anywhere else!

>order a Tomoko I-500 for first mech board
>keep hearing the keycaps are shit
>"surely, they can't be that ba-"
>WASD showing wear after a few evenings of playing Doom 1
>now all frequently used keys are showing heavy wear when compared to barely used keys
>my F5 is starting to wear a bit
>the worst part is the way the lettering wears off makes the keys look more dirty than they actually are
I guess that's what I get for buying something made in China.

Who here White Fox master race?

I picked up a used rk-9000 for 65 freedom bucks and I'm loving it. Was it a good price?

that's the rosewill board right? it's got a lot going for it

>costar OEM (or at least that's the rumor)
>actual cherry switches
>can install a custom controller to make it fully programmable

don't know anything about build quality though

D-does this count?

Pls no bully, it shits all over the stock laptop keyboard, hard going back when I take it somewhere.

That sucks, you can get new keys though right?
My WASD brand keyboard shows no signs of wear after like two years of heavy use. People on here always shit on WASD but I think they are just basing their second hand opinions on forum posts from years ago when they released their first batch of keyboards.
Their V2 keyboards do not wear easily.

Yeah it's a Rosewill although its not the v2 one which I assume you are talking about. It has a metal back plate which makes it hard to to bend unless I try pretty hard. Excuse if I don't know the proper name as this is my first mech keyboard an I do not know all the proper terminology. Mine has Blue switches.

So is there really any reason to deviate from cherry mx? I've looked at topre and there doesn't seem to be enough difference for deviation.

Topre is much better, so is gateron.

Apple Extended Keyboard II on a Windows machine. Possible? Practical?

IIRC the non-v2 version is the better one as the v2 version doesn't support the custom controller. So congrats!

Harambe has ordained the new prince of memeboards.

Step aside, HHKB.

There are less than 48 hours left in July.

Haven't you heard, bro? Cherry Clears stopped being cool months ago.

Just get an adb to usb adapter or make your own. Theyre like $15-30 on ebay usually. I have a whole gang of old apple keyboards.


plz describe the tactile/auditory sensation vs. cherry blues

clicky alps are like a whole 'nother world compared to cherry mx blues

tactile to the point that it hurts, and the pitch is a lot lower so it's not annoying like blues

i don't believe any AEKs come with clicky alps though.

i and everyone i know except one person likes it
the one person doesnt like it only because he cant afford it

i was just about to buy an mx clear board
whats the big meme now
zealios or gaterons?

the big meme is OLKB
switches can only do so much. layout is the next frontier.

Why? Is it hated here? It might be nostalgia from when I was a kid in school but I like how they felt back then.

Is that it? It plays nice with Windows if you just get an adapter?

what's the best place to buy keycaps in germany/middle europe?

I don't like MX blues. I don't feel like I would not be a good person to ask. They are my least favorite switch of all so you would be getting a very once sided response. As that other guy said they are very different any ALPS switch is much more 'full' and 'clunky' than a MX switch except the complicated linears which are butter smooth. They feel more mechanical. Cherry style switches have a soft springy feeling with light mechanical feel.

Mine do I have 3 different types of apple ADB keyboards. I don't use them much but from my use they have been okay so far.

WOOPS I mean to link this post in there

Does the Apple key get detected as an ALT key and the Option key as the Windows key?

Not 100% sure. You would have to do some research, sorry. Look around on geekhack or deskthority theres probably like 100 threads on each website I've seen over the years about the converters. I use a griffin iMate btw from what I remember I paid like $20 shipped.

>tfw useless tiny keyboards
>tfw special snowflake colored key caps
>tfw colors anything other than gray or black
>tfw skull shaped Escape keys

If it's a RT7D5JTW then it's indeed very decent.

>no spacebar


hey boiz, just checkin' in as i usually do

another one

BTC dome with slider boards are fairly common and dirt cheap rubberdome+membrane keyboards that feel very similar to Topre if you can't get your hands on the real article to test it.

Main difference being that Topres feel more consistent and actuate before they actually bottom out.

Electrostatic capacitive switches are technically not mechanical but we give them a pass because they're p.gud.

and just to show everyone that this is keyboard is not the universal sign for a being gay, here's a shot of my gf typing on it

clover is dead, install her explorer++
also this is the ultimate normie machine, i hope you don't use that.

Cherry is merely OK. Their quality slipped decades ago and honestly their modern reputation is largely a result of their being the only game in town when mech boards saw their recent resurgence.

Their patent on the switch is expired now, so anybody can make improved versions. Gatreon makes way smoother "cherry" switches and has pretty much taken the crown from them.

Also ALPS switches are almost always better than Cherry, though the only modern versions being manufactured are Matias switches. The oldschool lime green and blue complicated ALPS switches are incredible.

alps switches make a hearty "thock" sound. It's delightful

This looks so much better in direct sunlight than i does in my slightly dim room.

Got my Ganss GS87 with blues.
They keycaps are alright, guess I lucked out?
People made them seem like theyd be flimsy shit, but they seem pretty nice in all honesty.

make sure you bring your passport and purchase tax-free, you can get up to 13% discount buy paying with VISA on top of that

>pic related

my purchase from my last trip

I don't get it either. There's no better TKL option under 100 dollars, and decent PBT caps can easily be found for 25 bux.

85 all-in is a lot less than anything else comparable with mx blues.

I bought WASD keycaps and there's nothing you can do about it

>tfw I hear this daily at work with my HHKB

Wanted to get the miami set for it, but in all honesty I actually like the default ones. The font color is really nice.

All my purchases are on their way, I have nothing new to post till later in the year.

Such want.

youtube.com/watch?v=egaqtCgw2pw contemplating doing something like this to mine.

>Function-keys behind modifier

I was on holidays for the past three weeks.

Nice to see someone quoting my memes

>>tfw colors anything other than white, gray or black

Hey, look, Jon Blow is here

You continue to be one of my favorite contributors to these threads. Keep up the good work.

It comes with a cap puller, so replacing the caps was expected on the part of the manufacturer.

Anyone know of a good place to buy caps?

Is there anything for keyboards with unremovable cables, that can protect where the cable comes out of the keyboard?

wow that keyboard looks so convenient for normies with the lack of arrow keys and the commonly used Pause Break button. How the fuck is she supposed to find the Pause Break with those homo keycaps?

Which one of these keycaps should I get for my Majestouch 2? I'm not sure which one is the better one

Neither. The former is most likely ABS, while the latter is pretty thin and most likely has the dreadful anti-bacterial coating.

I'd suggest either the Master Control set on Massdrop, or the EnjoyPBT set on Geekhack.

>never forget

No one would ever confuse a HHKB for a vintage mech no matter how pleb they are. They never came in a such a form factor and Topres don't sound anything like an old mechanical switch.

I think you underestimate people. I work for an MSSP,and I'm the only one with a mechanical board, if you consider topre mechanical, and the only one with 60%. People hate on it constantly, they're too pleb to handle a 60% board.

I could see people hating on it because it's a 60% and doesn't look like a common keyboard, but not because it looks "vintage"

normies will think anything that is grey and doesn't have chiclet keys is 'vintage'

Laptop version

why does everyone want their own ugly special snowflake layout

Non-black I could see, but office keyboards are still largely generic black Dell or HP rubber dome boards, not chicklet/scissor.


Colemak is available out of the box in every OS that isn't Windows. It was easy to learn and it's more comfortable than QWERTY.

Also, that doesn't matter, look at the caps lock key and the last row.

nice I have the same key caps

Anybody here uses/used a Turtle Beach Impact 500 keyboard?
I'm deciding on buying either that, or a CMStorm Quickfire XT.

>tfw fell for the mechanical keyboard meme

Are Ducky keyboards any good?

Looking at the Shine 5 because I want a full backlit keyboard without all the gaymer shit. Is it a good upgrade from a G510? Also which switch would be best? I do 50/50 gaming and typing. I'm a britbong, selection is shit here.