41 yo bored as hell, thinking about leaving win 8.1 for arch and wow for EVE, how fucked am i?


Old people are fucking dumb.

Young people like you get cucked by their gf for BBC.

you can do it old man, I BELIEVE IN YOU
that's rather rude young man

Pretty poor meme execution, gramps.

is this the new desktop thread


>poor meme execution

>look at me, i have tits

this is how retarded you sound. go seek attention elsewhere

You're too old to learn something new.

It will be completely alien to you. Just don't fucking do it, at least not Arch. You will die.

Arch isn't "hard" to install or use, but it's just too different from the Windows you've been used to your whole life. A lot of the programs you like on Windows just won't work on Arch.

All most of you young fucks know is phone models.

Doing it wrong again.

what's your favorite anime?


OP here

OP here

I suspect you may have fucked up in your life long ago to end up having these problems now. But at least you could try out a live cd and see how that works for you.

Dont look like serious problems to me
He is just bored

Maybe not to you, but I can see the signs of poor choices made in life, because I'm making them now.

>choices made in life:
Use win or arch
Play WoW or EVE
Hard choices for a hard life...

Why do you feel the need to post your age? Also you should go all out and become an Gentooman not an arch nemesis. jk Use whatever you want. Just kind of sucks if you only stick to an operating system for a few months though.

DO NOT start on eve.
The devs have fucked everything and the game is shit now, find another game. Please listen to me OP, I've been playing for 7 years, please don't become me. It's so fucking not worth it I wish i had stopped playing years ago, there is a reason they say they only way to win eve is to stop playing. So just don't OP, eve will never truly give you the sci-fi experience you want and by the time you get good at the game you will realize how terrible it is and it's only downhill from there.

Also arch is shit too.

Nice meme kids go back to playing pokeman amd computure games

boku no pico

Kampyutor games are important user. Pokemon...eh as long add is not go.

Replying to bait, because I'm also bored.

It's up to you. Arch / Gentoo are pretty meme, because the point is a stage one emerge. Nobody does them anymore.

I tend to like Ubuntu Studio when I'm not running CentOS for my Linux needs.

WoW used to run in WINE, but you need to make sure you set it to run in OpenGL and not Direct3D. No experience with Eve, so I can't help you there.

In the end, it's your time. Do what you want with it.

not that much younger than you
>runnning arch on my laptop that I use everyday at work
>playing EVE sometimes on my desktop that runs w10
you can afford it so keep a rig just for Windows use the other computer for whatever you want

>Arch isn't "hard" to install or use
Yes it is. It's hard in basically every definition of the word.

lmao no

Usually no, but since you're replacing wow, maybe. The economy is falsely inflated by CCP and they're not introducing the needed sinks on purpose.

Why, you'd ask? Because missions and rats are the go-to activity for the average newbie of up to 6 months, some even do it for years, and is their main income. Problem: missions reward a non-scalable constant, as opposed to industry or trading for an example, that always scales with inflation.

So you have the main activities of the game reward a constant of X, while everything else becomes more and more expensive because of inflation. What do you do? You (the average newbie) buy a PLEX and sell it for ISK, while being a good goy and paying a sub with irl money because you can't manage to farm 1bil of off some 50mil per hour monthly, or it simply hurts too much to watch them disappear every month.

CCP knows this and inflates the entire market on purpose by not introducing the needed sinks to deflate it, again on purpose. That's the company you'd be paying a sub to, the same that wanted to jew their fanbase with golden fucking ammo in a game where you can buy currency with irl money, so yeah, think twice about that

nice pasta. positively aldente

>WoW for EVE
go ask Sup Forums

>win 8.1 for arch
go for it my man, if you need any help or have any questions first, go over to /fglt/

Not really. If you don't use the beginner guide there are no built-in instructions and you just can't really do it. If you do use the beginner guide it's not hard at all. It literally walks you through it. If you use a third party installer like Architect, it's as easy as the beginner guide, minus needing another device to read the guide on. There's not really any instance of it being difficult to install unless you have issues with reading long pages of verbose technical instructions. If you do have this issue, I believe it's a personal problem and that Arch is not to blame.