Buy Nvidia:

>Buy Nvidia:
-Get hairworks and smoke effects in some gameworks games. Have also given DLC for free in the past.
-Get good driver updates until the next GPU is out

>Buy AMD:
-Still get drivers in 2 years that do something

Its not like AMD is that much cheaper surely they could offer a bit more

Other urls found in this thread:

But game ready drivers still support cards all the way back to fermi.

Please stop posting this weak bait.

This, i still get updates for my 650 Ti boost, and even the 465 i have in another workstation

>don't use windows
>buy nvidia
>get drivers
>buy amd
>don't get driver or get shitty ones

dont kid yourselves. they are only bug fixes

I get driver updates on my 660 too

but when I read about them, they're actually just driver updates for other cards and I have to download them as well for literally no reason

They don't even do anything and I'm pretty sure one of them made my fps worse in planetside

>use Linux
>Buy amd
>They removed their drivers from existence
>Buy nvidia
>Have a usable graphics card

This is literally what you want. It kinda sucks when the game doesn't fucking run because your driver is too old.

That's weird, last I checked before upgrading from my gtx 660 last year, kepler got a pretty big boost in gta v, witcher 3, and project cars.

My r9 290x kicks ass though, but I doubt nvidia has dropped support for older cards.

They support down to 8xxx series on Windows 10.

>Nvidia fucks me good

Just got a clearance 390x nitro for muh 1440p. Couldn't be happier desu

>Buy Nvidia
>card goes legacy next year

>Buy AMD
>still support for three generations back

Nvidiots on suicide watch.

Amd is still selling those cards.

>no source
>no system specs
>no data about the games being used
just kill yourself

gameready driver to ensure that your legacy card get's gimped. And some bug fixes too.

>tfw HD7900 cards form ATI are still beasts and supported.

In the sense that they just bundle the old driver into every new release and bump the version number. Surely, SURELY, you can be delusional enough to think that Nvidia are hard at work making optimisations for Fermi cards? Or even Kepler or Maxwell cards. All Nvidia give a shit about is their latest series, with placebo repackaged drivers that don't do anything released every month for people on older cards. There's literally no reason to have updated in the past 18 months if you own even a Kepler card.

Also a reminder that AMD offer a Windows 10 driver for everything back to the 5000 series released in 2009, a year before Fermi. They just correctly market it as a legacy driver that won't get performance updates, rather than pretending your six year old card is going to run the latest AAA shitfest better if you update your driver.

your keyboard is broken buddy :)

>hard at work
Not really, they just apply the same performance profile and bug fixes across all cards

I have a gtx 970 running at 1440p with a 10 year old computer with an average of 50fps and I cannot understand why people with better systems than me are still using 1080p

>budget gaym destroyer.png
More like budget, cpu intensive, gaym bottlenecker.

i tested this with the 780ti i used to use.
FPS averages were 1.61% lower than when it was new.

this gimping bullshit is just that, bullshit

That's well within the margin of error.

I'm pretty sure it's a mix of reviewers using better processors and AMD drivers being slightly less shit

5000 series and 380x series are same series. Rebrand of rebrand of rebrand of rebrand with few tweaks

>placebo drivers

All the possible driver optimizations are probably already implemented as Fermi is 6 years old now. It's the same as my 630m getting "new" drivers, it doesn't change anything.

Pretty much this, it's even the same on AMD, I updated from a really old catalyst driver on my HD7750 to Crimson and it didn't change shit.

there are game specific optimizations, it's literally the entire reason nvidia ships 'game ready' drivers in the first place.

Yeah I updated my r7 260x to the latest drivers from the old catalyst and saw zero improvements.
Must be a common thing if both AMD and Nvidia do it


cherry picked benchmarks with no source.
Now, where have I seen that before..?

>no source
>the date and website are clearly listed in the image

I guess being stupid runs in the family.

The 970 still sometimes bottlenecks the cpu at 1440p but it does bounce back and fourth. But at 1080p the cpu is the bottleneck, so I end up with an average of 50ps on both resolutions.

How's the future looking for linux amd users?

At 1440p I had to overclock the gtx 970 to keep up with the x5470

AMD has better drivers in the long run. When nvidia launches they optimize drivers for every new title. They spend a lot of money to make cards look good at launch. But you know, a month later you discover you have only 3,5gb ram and no async. Also new api-s run shit and then you cry.

>The 980Ti is already listed as a LEGACY card

What's the AMD equivalent of an nvidiot?


You can literally make your own by extending AMD.



> To learn more about these previous-generation NVIDIA products, click on the links below.

yeah ok. Nice hyperbole.

This is what you are looking for

just call him Rahul Patel

>Not AMDiscount
You fucked up

>uses a 970
Time to upgrade faggot


What does previous-generation mean to you?

>But when AMD moves cards to legacy after 5 years it's suddenly 'no support'

With nvidia that page does not mean not supported...


AMD: When you want a new GPU, but won't really need it for 2.5 years

>why can't I hold all these performance increases

Truly life as an AMD user is suffering.

>7950 finally pulls ahead of the 670
>neither card can maintain 60fps in modern titles

Not at max settings no. However, its doable in doom (now image if async was enabled - performance woukd increase and so would image quality if using tssaa).

>my friend bought a 770 ~2 years ago for $400 (not 100% sure, but it was a lot because Canada)
>a week later, I buy a 7970 off Kijiji for $150 to replace my 560ti
>I get consistently better frames in almost every game, along with lower temperatures and more VRAM
I don't know what my point is, other than that it's almost always better to buy old AMD cards over new Nvidia cards, unless you're buying the top of the end Nvidia

honestly i think AMD's shader intrinsic is the one that made real difference and not async

Nobody knows where the performance gain is coming from per se, but fucking with various AA settings can give you a rough idea. I know someone did a test like that but i'm not sure who (I suspect it was AdoredTV but i'm not certain).

wtf I hate Nvidia now

Monitors that can do 144hz at 1440p or higher is expensive as fuck. That's why I'm staying at 1080p.

10 rupees have been deposited to your pooMD account, raja

my 290 can run BF4 at 1440p at over 100fps if I play with the settings

1440p at low is still better than 1080p at high

>UNIX driver

Yeah, no one uses any UNIX system unironically except for those who can't afford anything else. They're dead graphics cards

I said monitors, not GPUs.

my bad, I thought you meant "GPUs that can do 144hz at 1440p are [...]"

you can still get 1440p korean panels that OC to 100hz for probably the same price as a 144hz 1080p

>buy laptop with nvidia gpu
>install linux
>overheats like hell even on idle

Τhis "good" driver meme should stop. I have to test different driver versions to get the right one that doesn't overheat the shit out of it.

>i am the center of the universe so you should follow my preference

>Far Cry Primal
>Witcher 3
>cherry picked

At least bother to read the image you think you disagree with you emotionally stunted child.

it was a statement, nothing I said implied that it's the RIGHT option, simply that it is AN option


Basically right now Microsoft provides driver updates to all DX10 and up based cards(GeForce 8800 ie 2007), 9 years so far.

err, ~Microsoft~NVIDIA. It is 9:20AM and I have not slept.

Hey i just found this discussion and would love to know your opinion on this.
i want to play No Mans Sky it has a min. require.:
Nvidia GeForce GTX 480
i have a
AMD Radeon HD 7800 grafic card
is this enough ?
i considered to buy a nvidia GeForce GTX 950
is this a good idea ?

>280x above a 380x
>280x 9 frames per second ahead of the 7970
>290x ahead of the 295x2
>kepler getting horrible performance

>5000 series and 380x series are same series
No they aren't, the 380x is GCN based while the 5000 series was VLIW5.

My issue with this image is, there are people that'll claim nvidia is gimping kepler when it's clearly a fault on the game side.
That's what happens when you're using a low level API.


My biggest issue with AMD is the quality control of their GPU's and their Freesync displays.

I would never recommend going from a X80 to a X50 card.

Go with the 1060 or 970

problem is i have to look at my budget

1060 for 179.99 after rebate

fucking lack of sleep. I am going to bed. fuck this

>Still get drivers in 2 years that do something

More like it takes 2 years to get proper drivers.

>use Linux
>upgrade from 290X CF to 1080 SLI
>Linux literally does not boot now
>surely the drivers are just fucked up, I'll try a Ubuntu 16.04 live image
>literally does not boot
>solution online: "use your iGPU to install the OS and NVIDIA drivers, then it should work"
I hope everyone realizes how completely stupid and retarded this shit is.

thank you alot

The gimping bullshit is bullshit, however what is actually happening is that NVIDIA no longer optimizes for the older architectures on new games, while AMD has had GCN since the HD 7000 series, as such old cards still benefit from new drivers. That's where the increased longevity of AMD's old cards is coming from and why Kepler runs like crap.

>Get good driver updates until the next GPU is out
I have a novidya GPU from 2008, and it's still supported by nouveau.

That's not even true.everything back to fermi is getting performance improvements and sli profiles.

Wish I could say the same for legacy AMD cards.

AMD should be enough for no mans sky

They haven't been getting anywhere close to the sort of support Maxwell was getting (and Pascal will get, I'm sure). There were/are cases when a GTX 960 would beat a 780 and Kepler performs AMD-tier on some GameWorks effects. SLI profiles are hardly anything to write home about.

Isnt that what an update is?...

Gsync is a shit because supporting monitors ever so rarely go to huge screen sizes or 4k (preferably both at the same time).

You mean like Pascal

>>using SLI
>>using Linux
Well there's your problem

>surely they could offer a bit more
They offer
>DX12 and Vulkan support
>Tress Fx
>Open CL acceleration for your system (Photoshop loves it)
>Watt Man - superior OC tool on market.
>Zero core
>still fans on standby
>Superior sound over HDMI


Buy RX 480. This happens,

Nobody discusses GPU's on Sup Forums faggot. Go search their catalogue sometime.

>Get good driver updates until the next GPU is out
>driver updates until the next GPU
>until the next GPU

Nvidia confirmed for gimping.