96% of Sup Forums has fallen for the linux meme

>96% of Sup Forums has fallen for the linux meme

What when wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/trends/explore#q=/m/04r_8, /m/04pm6&cmpt=q&tz=Etc/GMT-2

mac osx
privacy policies
companies bending for nsa

Too smart to use Windows
Too poor to use OS X

This, some of us had Macs provided by work and that's it, but nobody tech illiterate would use Windows

I wish 96% of Sup Forums used Linux. 96% of Sup Forums are winshits from Sup Forums who flood the board with endless threads about graphics cards.

>Too smart to use Windows

well said my fellow intellectual

Unless you're from Sup Forums, anyone who uses tech slightly will say the same thing.

This. It's like winshits are trained to meme about osx. It's always the same argument about running games and it being expensive.
Nobody reply to this please and thank you!

Indeed, I only use Unix and Unix based operating systems

>Nobody reply to this please and thank you!

You just did though

>tfw you are trying out different mirrors from different distros

Major learning experience and a joy. Debian and Mint are good. So far I like Mate GUI. Downloading Debian kde and Mandrival RN.

t. Winbaby 10

Found the NEET.

I did the same a few times
U should try manjaro xfce, KDE or gnome

But Linux is objectively better than anything else unless you have to use Photoshop or are a Sup Forumsermin

I do programming for a living. We are provided macs, but you can bring your own linux laptop. Everyone, including non-programmers laugh at win users

I've never seen a Windows box at my software job either. Developers use Linux or OS X. The business dept uses OS X. There might be a few Windows virtual machines for testing and to deal with specific customer issues.

The only things that keep me on Windows are my familiarity with it and the availabilities of some software not on Linux

But I dual boot with kubuntu because Linux has plenty of advantages, most important being how straightforward it is, and how you don't have to google every little issue because of some cryptic little known fact of Windows that's acting up

microsoft tried to lock people in and spy on them

if they could stop being complete dicks for 2 seconds, people might actually be okay with using their software

>Too poor to use OS X
kek just torrent it

A community that gets its kicks pretending to want freedom is eventually overrun with people who genuinely want freedom and think they're in good company.

Pretty much this. If you use Microsoft's stack, C#/F# and Visual Studio, you get decent tooling, an IDE with code completion, a package manager and a debugger. If you use literally any other programming language or technology on Windows, you will feel like a second-class citizen. C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, node.js, Go, Rust, Perl, PHP and Haskell are all not quite as good on Windows as they are on Linux and macOS. C and C++ suffer because a lot of libraries assume that the developer has tools to manage dependencies like an OS-level package manager and something like pkg-config, whereas Windows has none of that and the convention is to include the libraries in tree (which is not source-control friendly) or to write "header-only libraries" because they don't require complex installation. A lot of languages suffer because they believe their executable formats (.jars, shebang'd script files, etc.) are as easy to use as native binaries (.exes,) which is not the case on Windows. node.js used to suffer because of Windows' path length limitations. Many command-line oriented tools suffer from poor unicode support in the Windows console.

Even Microsoft are aware of these issues, which is why Bash for Windows is a thing.

I mean.. I'm too smart for Windows.. I think it's a fisher price toy just like osx that's why I'm superior and I use a real os for real adults... that is linux- oh sorry, I meant GNU/Linux... it's just better... but you probably don't understand...
It's difficult sometimes to bear with the fact that I'm surrounded by retards...

>It's difficult sometimes to bear with the fact that I'm surrounded by retards...
You seem to be coping well.
You have a strong sense of self-worth and a vibrant ego; both based on nothing.


Because g is a technology hipster filled board where autist hate everthing popular and widely used so they feel special, thats all


dumb frogposters like OP leave

Dumb animewatcher autists like linux users leave

So much euphoria

>wasting time is now considered to be smart

more like 9.6%

This pretty much summarizes it

You are greatly overestimating how many people use Linux on Sup Forums.

Most polls have had a draw between Loonix and Wangblows.

>using winpoo
Go away pootella

Poo in loo, pajeet

-Mechanical keyboard

How did I do?

Literally fell for every single Sup Forums meme

buy a trackball and CRT

Linux is the true poo in loo OS.

>Google trends
>Linux: India ---> 45
>Microsoft Windows: India --> 39
google.com/trends/explore#q=/m/04r_8, /m/04pm6&cmpt=q&tz=Etc/GMT-2

How will Sup Forumsnu shills ever recover?

They haven't. Most are on Windows 7 or higher.

The only reason anyone would have Linux here is to show off their ricing in desktop threads otherwise they boot into windows to get work done or play vydia.

I'm one of those people by the way. Gotta say, debian has been the best distro for ricing so far.

my pc doesn't work properly with windows and i met torvalds irl once so i am sort of obliged to use it

Big words coming from literal street shitter OS users hahaha


Only pajeets use google, Sundar

does he have a pink beard?


Discarded opinion.

Who gets off to this?

>Buttmad pajeet in denial mode

does GNU/Linux offer a worthy desktop experience these days or I'm getting meme'd again?


Nice meme just like your OS

% of Sup Forums has fallen for the linux meme
Citations please. Every time I've seen a straw poll done the result has been 50% windows, 30% loonix and 20% mac OSX.

kek pajeet is mad. 10 bing points have been transfered to your designated account, raja.

t. POOtella

i fell for the loonix meme.. used it for a few hours then uninstalled that piece of shit

Bullshit. Winbabbies are too computer illiterate to uninstall a distro

just format the loonshit partition. not that hard..

do you really think linux is good? name one good distro

Point proven kek

>name one good distro
Debian GNU+Linux

You were asked a simple question Aditya but you choose to avoid it, wonder why
Oh yeah it's because your meme os sucks ass

>>wasting time is now considered to be smart

outdated piece of shit with bad support and terrible UI


Do you take pride in showing off your ignorance?


>bad support
Meaningless without further specification

>terrible UI
You can install any UI you want.

>You were asked a simple question
Yeah, windumb parjeet, you are not computer literate enough to differentiate between formatting and uninstalling. No one expects you to be able to handle linux, so no. No distro is retard proof

I am not even that guy Aditya
You still desparatnly trying to avoid the quesiton, pretty sad
Keeping digging your hole deeper memester

Good linux DEs these days?

Read the posts again, rajaprajeet

>You wouldn't download an apple


>how a mactoddler reacts after failing a basic computer literacy test

Dude you're going full retard, someone already replied to that question but everyone knows no matter the answer you'll still say the same

>4% of Sup Forums is unenlightened
not a bad day to be a refined Sup Forumsentooman

nice statistic faggot

>ONLY 96% of Sup Forums has fallen for the linux meme
It's saddening to think that some people, even with the truth before their eyes, can't realize how superior GNU/linux really is.

Your grammar son.

>he thinks everyone on Sup Forums is from murica
>tfw my language will be the most spoken in 2050
>check mate burgers

There was a poll on this not too long ago

>only 192 people on Sup Forums

Actually the lingua franca of the world by 2050 will either be Portuguese, French, Spanish or even Mandarin before English again.

>4% of Sup Forums thinks Linux is a meme
That's the only thing that went wrong.

I just found out that I do.

Why do Winiggers always have atrocious grammar? Is it because they're Indian?

I'd imagine it's either that or 12 year old Sup Forumsermin

It's more likely the same falseflagging mactoddler.

>he didn't vote

>using a distro without selinux

enjoy your botnet

>using a distro with SELinux
Enjoy your backdoors


>Too poor to use an Apple ID, that you made when you had an iPod, to download the OS X installer
>too dumb to use a Mac friend to download the installer for you because they are not locked to Apple ID

Come on. Also plenty of hackintosh forums exist so don't give me excuses. Other than that you fell for the AMD processor meme.

It does though, just not by default

You mean the Windows 10 meme, right? All I see are mostly Windows 10 users, presumably from Sup Forums.

>no profiles
>can only install it via AUR

>anything I don't like is a meme

we don't even have image filenames like that, kek

iOS does.

>Facebook frog
>Reddit filename
>Windows shill
Welcome to the technology board ladies and gentlemen

>created by NSA + Red Hat
>developed by Red Hat
nice one, faggot

What is sampling, famaladingdong?

I think your autocorrect is fucked up OP i think you meant to type what went right

better than no security at all

>Portuguese, French
