Just found my old CDs

Just found my old CDs.
Anyone want to join me into this nostalgia trip and discover what's in the pile?

Other urls found in this thread:


Gonna upload every CD in this stack.

I'll join.

Are you going to keep them? I threw most away, used some as coasters.

>kings 1
>kings 2
Official name was king of software, it was 2 DVDs full of every software you could think of back in the vista era.

Going to keep them, there's some fun stuff in here iirc

rip and upload

It's a bit faded, but it says 7 AIO.
Pretty sure that doesn't need explaining.

Zoo tycoon 2, disk 1 and 3.
No disk 2 unfortunately...

> 10.10
> old
Man, come on, it's just from 6 ye- ...


I never remember playing this one.


I would, but no home internet ATM, limited to mobile 4g.

Ikr, some of these disks are probably pre vista though, I'm looking forward to those.

That spellforce disk looks pretty damaged, but I think I'd rather play this instead purely for the nostalgia

>power DVD
>Acrobat reader

Now replaced with
>power ISO/rufus
>Adobe pdf/sumatra pdf

Found disk 2.

Any lurkers still here?

keep going

Anyone here still use xp?
Space pinball was the best.

Not sure why I kept this, never really liked this movie

I did like this movie though, might watch it again one of these days now that I have a copy

it's older than xp

Erase the disc and put russian blueprints on it.

please upload this somewhere if you can
im too lazy to look for it

also you could do a little archive of the good stuff

Man, I don't know how many thousands of hours I spent dicking around in that game. Shame about the sequel.

That's true, but they "forgot" to include it after XP.
Plus that's where I remember it from.

Not sure which version of civ this is. Probably the first

Not sure why I have civ and civ 3, I remember not liking it too much back then.

sure, when I have a proper internet connection. as it stands I'm limited to 500MB a day data connection.

Did you ever make those horribly overexciting rollercoasters thinking people would love it? Then drop them in the water when they complained?

Didn't like this much either...

get on a open wifi with a notebook or something portatil and strart uploading, you are going to be there ffor a while but it will be free


Used to play the fuck out of this with my sister when we had only one pc.
Makes me want to load up 1942 and other arcade games.

But I'm in my garage, and comfy.

I'll start ripping and backing up the good shit and I'll upload it to Sup Forums if you want.

Oldest stuff I could find on my

This mame disk is super scratched though, not sure if it'll work anymore, probably will though.

Also really loving the effect of the downlight on the back of the disk.


Yeah putting this mame disk aside just to see if it works.

I used to do that, but after a while I just got jaded and filled my parks with rides that killed the guests before they had time to complain.

W98 SE.

Not sure why but I was autistic about w95 being better for some reason as a kid.

Really liked batman forever, might watch it again to find it why.

Haha I remember doing that, like the rollercoaster that drops the passengers into the lake.
Good times.

My dad got this for my sister, I ended up storing it.

Did this show end up going anywhere?

>XP era stuff is considered old
God damn kids

>Star Wars episod 1 pod racer
Fun game, played the shit out of it.

Was literally my first racing game, then NFS most wanted on my psp, then I didn't find any others really appealing.

Except Mario Kart, that shit is always fun with friends.

found an ubuntu 8 CD and installed it on an old PC for the sake of it
the kickass stock wallpaper and old gnome enviroment takes me back

>more movies
Not sure I'll watch any of them again except Star Wars.

I'm 22, I've probably had a shorter life than you, so yes from my perspective, any disk that's half as old as I am is old.

>a blank CD
Have we reached the bottom?

I miss gnome 2. Ubuntu with gnome 2 was my first Linux experience. That desktop and color scheme was really nice imo.

>another blank CD
Is this it?

>4 blank CDs later
Honestly one of my favorite movies.

This was such a good game iirc.
Liked it much more than civ.

Good movie. If you haven't seen it, I recommend watching it.

Same with

Thanks Asus!
Don't remember playing this, but it was nice not having to download large content when you were still on dialup or adsl.

Forgot image.

OP, this may be useful for you.

>ywn download an actual dvdrip and burn it using nero again

i think im gonna do the same gith CDs that i have around
half of them wil be empty and i dont have a lector anymore but it will be funny

>trusting something posted on Sup Forums
shiggy diggy

>rise of nations, rise of legends
Anyone else love this game? Tried getting friends to play but they weren't interested, they preferred kicking an egg shaped ball on a large round patch of grass.

Not sure if I want to sandpaper my Nostalgia disks, but I might try it on something more disposable

It's a screenshot straight outta what.cd, go ask /ptg/

>but wait, there's more

Sisters old printer drivers. No idea why I held on to these.

>windows vista ready
Anyone else wish Microsoft had kept the vista aero ui?

More Nero.

What happened to them? Are they still around?

Forgot image, again.
I'm tired.

>putt-putt joins the parade
>Freddie fish and the case of the missing kelp seeds
>Humongous Entertainment

Fucking hell, I think I was around 5 years old when I played this...

Loved this game, kept pronouncing the name wrong though.

Instead of velocity, I'd say velo-city.
Pretty sure I had learning problems.

>everyone are riding really fast bikes

Holy shit I forgot to give this back to school.

i think its too late now but you can try

Oh man spellforce
I really liked that game

>install 10.10

I'd love to go through the binder too, but I'm afraid I'm too tired for now.

Gotta get shit ready for work then go to bed.

>22 year old overweight guy in jeans and a dark hoodie trying to return a CD to a public school
Watch the news lads!

I never recall playing it, might give it a try though.

Got a fully functional P3 here, tempted to turn it into a retro gaming pc.

Oh god yes
Same here
Fucking loved it
Tried to get any of my friends into it, but none did
Shit, this is really hitting some nostalgia
Not to mention civ see s, rct

Now that I've got my old disks back, I'm definitely going to load some shit up for nostalgia.

Made me go and find this

Tell me what I missed out on, I'm curious, since I never bothered playing the game

>Google rtc2 cuz too lazy to type it out
>This comes up as first result

nice mobo

install MS-DOS and as many Windows as you can, see how many you can get working

It's very similar to Warcraft
You have a hero, that if I remember correctly levels up and stuff
And you also have a base that you build and produce smaller units
There are buildings you could erect to buff your hero and stuff
Some units and buildings required special resources that were rarely found and harvested
Although it was similar to Warcraft, it reminds me more of the original Sacred game than Warcraft
The setting, mythology and stuff was alike


Still keeping some old stuff too, can't just throw it away, much memories. These 'Fargus' pirate releases were popular in Slavlands until broadband era.

Suprise suprise,its GNU and thus broken af

So, if I'm understanding this right, it was a cross between an rpg and rts?


I actually even started describing it like that before comparing it to Warcraft

Mad skills.

Fuck, I wanna try it out now.

Just got in bed tho , so tomorrow after work.

You play total annihilation too?

Used to too yes
Still occasionally play total commander or planetary annihilation, but they just don't make the cut
Also miss C&C, can't believe they ended the series with the huge pile of bs C&C 4 was

My friend tried getting me into PA, but Totala still just feels like a better rts overall.

Man, this nostalgia is going to end up costing me many hours of the next few weeks...

>no knights & merchants cd
cmon man...

Good for you, op. I still got the "original". Maybe some day it will be worth something for an enthusiast.

The game is 16bit and doesn't run on modern hardware but someone posted a custom 64bit install on Sup Forums, I tried it and it works on Windows 7, thats pretty neat

>That's true, but they "forgot" to include it after XP.
They didn't include it after XP because the source was proprietary and there was a floating point bug

Upload it to the g ftp server. Its in need of content.

>calling a dvd a cd



>Windows 95/98
I also have a version they launched around 2008ish I think that added support for windows xp
The best way I've found to play it nowadays is use a n64 emulator and play the n64 version

...and then I went through my huge pile of huge old shit and found these.

i got a copy of spellforce with my 7600GT, never actually played it

the game itself is 32bit, with games around the late 90's/early 00's period, it's often just the /installer/ which is 16bit

>How to destroy CDs
This might work on CD-RWs though since those use dye and not pits pressed into the CD surface IIRC.

You'll be lucky if half those burns are still even readable.

>Anyone here still use xp?

I run it on an offline rig.

>Space pinball was the best.

Upload that wallpaper, please?

Nervermind. Found it.

I remember when you could order Ubuntu 7.xx official disks for free.

Damn I loved it. I still have it somewhere in my attic back home.

That takes me back user.