Alleged video of Apple's Lightning to 3.5mm headphone adapter surfaces
Alleged video of Apple's Lightning to 3.5mm headphone adapter surfaces
There is no way apple will let that thing fly. A solid adapter is more likely.
>there is no way
How can you be 100% sure about something unconfirmed? Do you work at apple?
Only 49.99 :^)
Great now my headphone cables can break in 3 points instead of just 1!
So where's the video
Jobs would have never allowed this
Works better with a straight jack I guess.
>muh holy prophet
>no headphone jack on devices now
Is this some kind of joke? Is the 3.5mm jack a legacy device now?
Wireless fucking sucks and battery technology is still shit.
I want to be able to listen to something while my device is charging.
Do I have have some stupid amount of dongles hanging off my phones now?
he's literally the single most anal person there is about design
you think he'd have that tumor dangling from his precious baby?
We have to go thinner.
With less battery life that only lasts like 30 minutes.
Yeah so for charging + listen, they're probably going to try to sell you an adapter like their HDMI adapter which has a lightning port and an HDMI port.
Apple just need to release a bluetooth cassette adapter so that iPhone users can play music in their cars.
So you get a thinner, more breakable phone, with shit battery life, so you can spend $100 on adapters? What a joke.
>more breakable phone,
Nice meme
>muh 1mm thinner phone
Where's the fucking video?
>I don't have phones with quickcharge, battery/solar chargers or access to an outlet 99% of my life
Once a phone can slide under a door I will be happy. Just imagine the photos you can take.
Yeah, because having to plug in your phone every hour really adheres to the principle of portability :^)
>Just imagine the photos you can take.
Yeah, cameras aren't getting thinner, they're forming bumps.
Their official 30-pin cables are still being sold for $30 USD each, so honestly this wouldn't surprise me.
I guess thinness is the one area manufacturers can still improve and boy are they pushing it
Stop playing Pokemon GO like a child and your charge will last between the toilet and your computer.
Someone has done a shitload of coke off that table
nah they'll include it in the box and make a big deal of their generosity in the reveal
they're stupid but not retarded. Additional ones will be $30+ of course
>That terribly off-center plug
who the fuck would have done this
You're right. Who cares about battery life? I can have my phone tethered to the wall all day. Bring on the 2mm thick phones.
I am pre-ordering an adapter now.
Thanks for teh heads up OP.
Can't wait for the 7.
Inb4 lagdroid fans.
Wonder if the bundled earbuds will come with a built in DAC.
Yeah, batteries never got better since they put one in egypt around X000 years ago.
Who the fuck wants a phone thinner than a headphone port?
Battery tech progresses very slowly. My point is that we don't need thinner phones. By making them so thin we just sacrifice structural integrity and battery life. Nothing is gained.
It's not just about the thickness, the headphone jack is 3 dimensional and takes up space inside the phone.
And? Phones have been fine with them up until this point
I guess they had to find a way to sell their shitty beats. This is just double dipping for those who refuse to buy one.
You faggots will just slurp it down anyways, I mean who cares about industry standards, right?
Not all technologies improve at the same rate. Processing power and display technology has improve a lot over the years, but not battery technology.
Luxury is gained, why else is thinness even a thing every damn phone maker is striving for?
But I don't want a thinner phone. They're already thin enough.
Yes but at least it's thinner.
It's also an uncomfortable piece of shit to hold, but at least it's thinner.
It will bend if you look at it the wrong way, but at least it's thinner.
Because it's a fucking competition at this point.
How is an unreasonably thin phone luxurious in any way compared to something that actually feels good in your hand ?
He couldn't even stop tumors from dangling off his own body.
what was the last thing apple stopped using that didn't become legacy?
They still haven't invented wireless charging for some reason
Is that why wireless charging is dying?
go look at vertu
it's fat as fuck and costs the same as 20 iphones, it's covered in diamonds and titanium and crystal and crocodile leather, that's actual luxury
ha, Gayyyyyyy
>It's not just about the thickness, the headphone jack is 3 dimensional and takes up space inside the phone.
>It's not just about the thickness, the camera is 3 dimensional and takes up space inside the phone.
>It's not just about the thickness, the battery is 3 dimensional and takes up space inside the phone.
>It's not just about the thickness, the speaker is 3 dimensional and takes up space inside the phone.
>It's not just about the thickness, the screen is 3 dimensional and takes up space inside the phone.
This is the worst argument for getting rid of the headphone jack. It's a stupid move.
Expect to see the headphone jack return for the iPhone 7S
I don't know why people are so up in arms about the headphone jack disappearing. On my devices, the headphone jack starts getting iffy way before the lightning/usb port does. 3.5mm jacks don't stand up to wear and tear all that well.
A little adapter cable is way cheaper to replace when it starts to go than an entire phone is.
But there is already one port in the phone, no need to have two ports if one port can do both
Why wouldn't you, dumbfuck? Unless they include two USB type C connectors I will always be mad.
>On my devices, the headphone jack starts getting iffy
I've never had the headphone jack go bad on anything I have owned.
>Expect to see the headphone jack return for the iPhone 7S
Well using that reasoning I can see you would happily buy the latest FagBook with one port. You probably enjoy using your 'port' for dual-use both directions also, eh?
>tfw my brother says this will allow for better quality due to being a faster connection
Works for me m8
The dictionary definition of legacy in technology is 'things Apple no longer uses'
i-- ho-- wh--
i just--
>alleged video
>static fucking image
Apple has lost its taste when Jobs died.
My phone easily slides under a door, and it has a 3.5mm jack
Edit the other screens. The pied piper logo ruins the webm
Yeah, no way, never.
my phone has a 3.5mm jack /built in/
i know, pretty advanced
zealots on both sides convince themselves of shit like this and then make everything about being right. if that guy tripped, and apple debuted the OP's product, you'd see such insane damage control that you'd think his life depended on it
If you think this has anything to do with aesthetics then you're a stupid motherfuck. This is about proprietary headphones that give people another reason to re-up with Apple when they buy their new phone. It has very little to do with anything else.
>muh thinness
They're selling you LESS hardware and you're eating it up? Of course it's easy to just cram in as much battery as you want, but the real marketing art is to rip you off and make you like it.
>They're selling you LESS hardware
this may come as a shock to you, but people don't buy tech devices like cuts of steak, weighing the device and paying more if it weighs more.
They should though.
no way
looks about right. I mean Apple makes a lot of money on stupid shit like this. They sell overpriced adapters for almost everything they sell.
Lots of bluetooth adapters with 3.5mm jacks will be sold at your local chinkshit site because of this.
LOL it's really Samsung that's going to introduce a phone without a headphone jack.
They're testing the waters here first, hoping to beat Apple to some punch.
please stop posting
There's no video, somebody crimped a female 1/8" jack onto a Lightning cable and are now sniggering about it.
Enjoy your hyper margins. Oh wait, you're not Apple.
Here's your (You)
>tfw your brother doesn't understand the difference between analog and digital
he's probably a robot
i bet he fails captcha's too
fuck all this thinness, I want a phone that's an inch thick with a headphone jack or two, at least two usb ports and a removable/replaceable 20000mAh battery pack. Long as the screen stays below 5.5 inches it should fit in my pocket just fine -- it's always been the screen dimensions and not the thickness that hurt portability for me.
What would be your dreamphone Sup Forumsents?
I imagine a 5" phone made entirely out of titanium and some rubberized coating. Fingerprint scan on front AND back. Huge flat back camera that covers the lens like a point-and-shoot when not active. Pressure sensitive non-shatter plastic as the screen, with removable and replaceable glass protection to avoid scrape damages. Quickcharge and QI, 48 hour active time battery.
On/off on the top, rarely used because gestures wakes and locks screen much better. Volume keys on the right side.
Well, I can go on but that's the gist of it.
reminder: the first Android phone used a headphone adapter
Thank fuck they improved on the design.
it'd be kind of weird if they didn't change anything after 8 years
I don't see the point of this. If they're giving away an adaptor with the product rather than selling it separately, what was the point of removing the headphone jack to begin with,m since the only logical reason would be selling it separately to make more money from gullible millenials.
The prophet has spoken
A phone that comes with a free-as-in-freedom OS and no botnet.
So a custom ROM android?
Who the fuck has to charge their phone and listen to music at the same time? Wtf are you doing, hiding in a closet?
And if you can't afford a new pair of headphones, maybe don't buy a new $700 phone ffs.
to slowly wean us off it. in 2 years they will stop providing it for free and expect the consumer to stop using headphone jacks completely.
I'm pretty sure that would sell a mindblowing 1000 units
back in the day most android phones had trackballs, I still remember my HTC desire, back un 2010 that was the shit.
32-bit operating systems?
More room for battery and components. 3.5mm jacks are huge by modern standards.
If weak ass connectors is an improvement, then yes, we've made improvements.