I was gonna do some coding but it has been "updating" for half an hour now. What to do?
I was gonna do some coding but it has been "updating" for half an hour now. What to do?
code on a piece of napkin
Then rip it up because your code is shit anyway.
Jerk off slowy as the loading screen
>He fell for the Windows 10 experience.
>relying on a single machine
top lol
play video games on your phone
what the fuck were you coding that you need windows for it?
>Opening your laptop in an obtuse angle
Real software that runs on 90% of desktop computers,
>left my computer on at that screen last night
>today it's just on my desktop with no changes
Are you kidding? Windows is shit for programming
Hop on another machine?
unless you code in C# or another retarded-ass language, you don't need windows
There are plenty of good IDEs/tools for linux too
If it fucks up it reverts automatically. I had to babysit it and do a hard power off/on every time it reset automatically to get it to work.
the Sup Forums-ness is strong with this one
I have a cracked Windows 10 Enterprise. Do I have to pay monthly with the new update? Is it enough just not updating?
Windows is the best OS for programming. Only autists would disagree
install ubuntu
That's what you get for not turning auto updates off. Enjoy your new freeā¢ OS.
Just wait. Upgrading a new version of Windows can take an hour or more.
Now it's asking me for a product key
Guess that's that
> (You)
>you're an if you disagree
Compelling argument
install gentoo
Yeah. You realise what board you're on, right?
Try your win7/8 key.