Samsung vs apple

I'm trying to decide weather to get the note 7 or the iPhone 6s. No doubt the note 7 probably would be the better choice but I have many friends that use apple and it's FaceTime and I message apps

There's more than just Apple and Samsung, you know.

I know but those are the two that I want to get

Get the Note 7, unless you secretly like cock.

Could i get the note to boot windows and use it like a real computer?

Why not use snap chat video call

XD because Snapchat video call is stupid that's why

>note 7

It's just a slightly bigger version of an s7. Why even bother?

Personally, I've used an iPhone and a couple of Samsung phones in the past, and the Samsungs have outdone the iPhone both times. (S5 and Note 4 which I'm currently using.)

I feel that the black version is the most good looking phone in the market

but putting 4GB of ram instead 6GB makes me mad, also not using a larger battery

fuck off back to 9gag

just get the iphone and live your life dude.

Got an S7 today. I fucking hated the Galashit lineup but this is real nice. With Good Lock and a theme you can basically turn Touchjizz into stock Android, and then all the under-the-hood stuff (battery life, performance) is top tier.

Get an iPhone. Android fag here. Android gets slow no matter how good is your phone. Everything gets Laggy. Bad apps, bad design (not all apps, but enough).

$0.01 deposited into your iTunes account

Qualcomm soc get slow
my exynos note 4 is still fast

>just get the iphone and live your life dude.

It's more Laggy than an iPhone.

Note 7
Literally has no viable alternative or competitor to that

what are you implying?

Iphone 7 is out in 6 weeks....

Wait and see OP.

BTW, I have an s7 and I hate it. Bloated, laggy POS.


Android, just isn't good.


You should never get something just because your friends use it, get something that makes you happy.


Stop watching porn on your phone, sped

My Note 5 runs like black men in a white community

So, fast until it gets shot up by the police?

Samsung is absolute dogshit garbage. The only Android phones worth buying are Nexus devices because they actually get software support and don't have 100 apps of bloat out of the box. Just buy an iPhone if those are your only two options.

>can I run windows with ARM