/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos


Other urls found in this thread:

bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ bug/1573454

wait, which one did he click then?

or did he decide not to?

pls explain

Just started getting more familiar with the terminal. what are some fun or useful scripts I can write?

So far I've just written something called 'tree_time' which makes a picture of a tree from my back garden appear on the screen. Fun but not exactly useful.

Check the shell pasta here:

Reminder we have two threads on /t/ - Torrents

Training videos for GNU/Linux (torrents)
Ported videogames (torrents)
We need a thread on /vg/ for gaymers because year of the GNU/Linux desktop motherfuckers, here is the pasta

Those two options are not mutually exclusive. Being restricted by closed source licenses is inconvenient.


Not using useful software due to its license is more inconvenient

>protip: zoom in

Are there girls autistic enough to install and use gentoo as their daily distro on a libre thinkpad with libreboot flashed on it?



No and even if there was you'd want to steer clear.

It's not freedom. It's free. As in free beer. Not freedom.
>Beer is good though

aalib? how?

lolwut, true story, anyone got a backup of the pasta?

>even if there was you'd want to steer clear.
Why? Dating a tomoko like girl can't be that bad. Might even be kinky.


some trannies, a very few real grills.

there was that tor dev that escaped to deutschland, still haven't seen her talk i downloaded.

erase the "raw" part, here ghostbin.com/paste/9pe75


>On Linux you'll get better performances than Windows once devs port the games.

Or not, who knows?

>Your system is malware free.

Most Windows Systems are malware-free as well, what's your point?

>Your system won't crash as much as Windows do.

Windows runs pretty stable

>By not buying Windows you can use the money to buy games instead.

Or get it for free (as in free beer). Just like all those games you don't buy.

Your Pastebin is shit, and the worst part is the section dedicated to run games on Windows instead of Linux.

Full explanation:

>most windows systems are malware free
Not if they have Windows on them

Found the pajeet.

>the daily dilemma
lq bait

Windows is shit, but the pajeet meme is 9gag tier, grow up.

>Most Windows Systems are malware-free as well, what's your point?
Pajeets can only hope

>>Most Windows Systems are malware-free as well

>some user blew my cover, waaaa!

Ok got it connected to my router, thanks. Do I have to manually reconnect after a reboot, or is there a way I can automate it with a cron job or something?

So, for some reason, my Xubuntu installation won't run certain shell scripts. All the stuff on stack overflow is just
But, there's already a crunchbang. I dunno, I even did chmod 775 on one of them and it doesn't work, I set it so that I could run it as an executable program, didn't work, I'm honestly rather lost.

Post the sricpts you are having trouble with.

>write script.sh
>chmod +x script.sh

Post one of your scripts.

On top of every shell script, define the shell you want to run it in. Mostly you want bash.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

If you're programming POSIX and want to use a faster shell for your script, use plain sh.


Some bashisms aren't supported here.

I'm a retard at coding, and they're most certainly not my scripts.

# XMage test/demo application startup scripts for GNU/Linux


java -Djava.library.path=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH -cp $CP $@

No idea what you're doing here, but always quote your variables ($CP should be "$CP" as example, x=y should be x="y")

I've been dual-booting for a while and it kinda sucks. I like Linux and am thinking of deleting Windows, but I'm quite scared. I find I often have little inconveniences in Linux (I've used Arch and Ubuntu) that just piss me off and push me back to using Windows. For example, in my current installation of Ubuntu 16.04, if I close my laptop, when I open it again and log in, there's no mouse cursor!

Windows has its share of annoyances too, such as randomly disabling my NIC card, which never happens on linux.

I guess I'm pretty torn on which to keep; I don't really want to keep both anymore, but I'm scared to give Windows the boot since I won't be able to get it back. My recovery partition does not work, and I can't back it up since it's seriously like 50 gigs. What do you guys think I should do?

Please tell me you're using bash as your shell

>there's no mouse cursor!
That's a known bug. Try running this in the terminal and check if it helps.

$ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false

It doesn't matter. Even if he's using zsh, the shebang tells bash to run it.

So, what you'd do if Windows fucks itself?
If you have no way to recover your Windows you're treating on very thin ice already.

I am. ps -p $$ says so, at least.

thank you kind user

try bash name_of_script

Jesus christ what are you guys doing? How has nobody asked yet:

What output/error(s) do you receive when you try to run the script?


Tried it. Got same error I received when I wrote in ./name_of_script

Kek, I was just about to type in the output error and then you posted this.

Output error is:
"./run_xmage.sh: 9: ./run_xmage.sh: java: not found"

Which, I think, means there's something wrong with the script itself, which blows.

God, I'm such a scrub.

It didn't help. I'm using Xubuntu btw. Although I'm not too concerned with this because if I do decide to stop dualbooting I don't think I'd stick with ubuntu.

>java: not found
You need to install java you dingus!

um, do you have java installed?

Well, then there's
and then

Source: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ bug/1573454

/fglt/ team, let's be mature and constructive

Instead of memes in OP post a useful wiki page or infographics

Share your projects and what problems you encountered and how to solve them

/fglt/ is not only a Q&A thread. Share your projects and help newfriends

God, I'm such a fucking dad when it comes to software.

So NVIDIA is fine? I don't think I want to dick around with LTS.

I should stay away from AUR.

I expected someone saying that a script doesn't run meaning that the script doesn't run, and not that it runs but throws an error.
Sadly, my expectations were betrayed

as you wish

I for one like the memes, they are an expression of modern art.

I moused over it and was automatically logged out... wtf.

I'm currently working on a script that generates the most dominant colors of a wallpaper and generates a Xresources colorscheme. Most scripts use python, mine will just use imagemagick.

Problems: Still didn't implement support for gtk themes, not speaking of KDE, maybe I should just drop it and stick to X.


1 KDevelop and atom is better than sublime text
2. NFS backup is pertty good and so is syncthing

Hey Sup Forumsents I'm running Xubuntu 16.04 and trying to install Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines via PlayOnLinux using Wine 1.7.8 following a guide. Everything goes smooth until I get to the 85% install point and I get "Runtime Error (at 69 445)". Can someone help me please? Trying looking online but no one seems to have this issue.

In case anyone wants to create something simliar himself, here's the relevant function to get the colors.

gen() {
convert "$1" -define histogram:unique-colors=true -colors ${2:-16} -format %c histogram:info:- | sed 's/.*#/#/'
$ gen pape.png

$ gen pape.png

Never mind. Installation went through just fine. Weird. Have a good day, lads.

>Although zim now exists for over 3 years there is no "1.0" version yet.
What's up with this?

Check WineHQ for your game. Usually there are lots of workarounds.
Save it for future trouble.

I suggest you use virtualization for modern gaming.

1. Set up PCIe Pass through in your desktop
2. You don't do heavy tasks in your laptop anyway

Good luck user, I'm clueless here

nvm fixed it, delete thread now :^ )


>Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
>modern gaming

What is this qt 3.14s name again?

To the guy who's reading this 10 years later, browsing the archives: Pic related.

No idea.

WineHQ only had the original release of the game. Grabbed the GOG re-release. Didn't know if the old threads were still relevant.

Every thread is archived by multiple services (even deleted posts).

> you don't learn linux you just learn how to interact with a computer more intimately
> linux is like making love, only with your computer.
> only linux will let you do that thing that no other girl will let you do.
> hell she gets off on it.
> windows is like a snarky bitch who wants to lock you and your freedom away after you pay exorbitant prices for the wedding and courting process,
> and mac is nothing but a cheap thrill, something you use to get away from the world and return to the days of a carefree childhood.
> linux is an open, lusty and trusting nympho, who will allow you to manipulate her internals like no woman will. her love is free, growing and eternal.
> you will never want to go back to another OS after using linux. it would be like going from having crazy sex 24/7 to going back to the snarky bitch or the retard.
> you will need linux eventually.
> Anonymous 09/04/15 Sup Forums Sup Forums technology (Fri)

Guess he means WineHQ.

I think I've seen this person post their laptop in a thread on Sup Forums

What command can I use to DoS someone that doesn't require SU?

why do they say free as in free beer? i don't get it, it makes it sound like there is strings attached

This made me sad at my incompetence to maintain a stable relationship with another person.

He didn't get the joke.

well, linus "chose" convenience i think. there are a lot of blobs in linux by default.


Alright, I've got arch up and running on a dual boot. Whee. (no really, I love this stuff.)

Anyway...it's pretty stock xorg/xfce on nvidia drivers. What's my best option for eliminating tearing?

Was is das, Maßkrüge für Ameisen?


you can enable vsync in the settings somewhere. if that doesn't work, try compton

yeah it's not supposed to be confused with the "No such thing as a free lunch" idiom. Maybe thats why he said beer instead of lunch.
Or maybe there are a few strings attached.
Someone (original developers) had to pay for it with time and sweat.

Anyone here uses f.lux? Is it worth? Are there any alternatives?

nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +0+0, DVI-D-0: nvidia-auto-select +1920+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

Adapt to your screens

I don't want sweat in my beer, faggot.

nvidia works flawlessly, even on old hardware

There is nothing wrong with aur

nonfree pig disgusting

absolute madman use sct: tedunangst.com/flak/post/sct-set-color-temperature

Weird, why doesn't the xfwm compositor vsync work? I tried it I mean, and it didn't.

so how do I tell xfwm to use compton?

