/csg/ Chink Shit General

Yes, we know everything is already from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

What was the first chink thing you bought and when /csg/? Some contributions from the previous threads on this subject >IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki:

• The differences in certain BM800 models also some useful reviews on phantom power and somake power cards • user has useful tip to get a Floueron H101 for $6.40 • user reminds you to buy a Danboard one user already has his and a 128gb shark • user has his chink shit surrounded by sharks, a Note 3, 64gb shark, some pens and a shaver • user reveals a new chink shit that has a shit ton of fakes (mostly watches and sunglasses) not much is known outside of his posts and some old reviews on google bonus appearance by Nick Cage in a newsletter • user reviews the Tekut LK5035A Colorful Folding Knife ($6.85) • user reviews a chink wallet it has a strong smell • Sharkfoot claims another victim Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


What do you suggest for wireless HDMI receiver?

I think the first chink shit I bought was a 128MB PS2 memory card like 7 years ago.

Reminder to cancel your order with Vicky or she will be executed.

Generally, I'd suggest going with either a media PC / stick that has its content locally or delivered by WLAN, or just a long enough HDMI cable.

first chink thing was the "official google bumper" for my nexus 5 back in 2013, genuine one was 30$, chink one only 9$ and they were the same, it even came with the package

first /csg/ was the shark memery card

Got my $1 mouse (I also got the blue type, which is only 3 button, so I have no use for it).

Anyone know how to map the side buttons in windows? They're currently just going forward and back in my browser. I assume they're mouse4 and mouse5?

>What was the first chink thing you bought and when /csg/?
64GB shark, 20 days ago. Now i've already spend nearly 100€ on chink shit. C-can't resist.. m-must buy.

> What was the first chink thing you bought and when /csg/?
Replacement phone battery. Perhaps 6 years ago?

Arguably, that's just on direct order on the internet - I bought Chink electronics long before I knew it.

>discord shilling

any specifics in terms of chink shit?

> I assume they're mouse4 and mouse5?
Most likely.

X-Mouse Button Control is a typical way on Windows, I think.

couple surprises for the gf and some new headphones for me... tick tock china

>giving your gf vagina cancer

>XXL G-String Panties


Thanks user, I mapped them to copy and paste.

The ambidexdrous design makes the mouse a bit uncomfortable, since my 4th and 5th fingers curl around. Also my skin stings slightly where I'm touching it, so I am almost certain I'm getting hand cancer.


>Xiaomi literally makes everything.

The cables are no particular problem.

The media boxes... well, that depends on what exactly you'll want to do.

I personally use a Windows / Android Intel Atom box by Pipo that cost ~$100. Works fine for browsing / media playback and old emulators (it has replaced my real SNES, heh).

The camera was very clear, much better than a .3 megapixel. Very stable in flight and easy to fly. It uses up to a 32gb micro sd card. I really enjoy flying this micro quadcopter. The video is nice.


> The ambidexdrous design makes the mouse a bit uncomfortable
I have no workaround. But I personally like this one for how it feels and works. It typicially cost like $5 - 6 when I ordered it in the past.

I am pretty sure there are also body variants (transparency and color differences) with the same design.

Missed you slavshill.

In fairness that's medium in American size

>Doesn't even fly
Good job China, you failed again.

No Chink shit in the mail for the last 4 days and tomorow is sunday so I have to wait until monday for a new chance to get something.
Everytime I see someone posting an item that arrived here I'm getting more impatient.

I don't believe for a second that the camera on this thing is actually good. It will probably be just like you'd expect a 0.3MP camera to be.

But it will pretty surely fly okay for a few minutes. Cheerson isn't bad at all at making quadcopters.

Aw hell yeah I was waiting for a new thread to post these babies. Just got it in the mail today

What are those?

Original Borseman Kr49. They came is a surprisingly nice wooden box with this colored lettering set into the wood. Very nice packaging. The inside is very chink, however

nice boar semen

>he puts boar semen in his ears
At least you won't have to fear about sealing off to outstide noise..

The sound quality is superb. I am honestly blown away by how great these sound. Bass is great but not overpowering, mid range is perfect. There is no tin at all and the cord is very long but light and convenient. This is the best purchase I've ever made

>wooden box
>shitty bubble plastic inside
you have to love those chinks

Got my bear grills gerber from a gaybeast flash sale. Never had a pliers style knife with a spring, but it works well enough for what I need. The pouch is nice and has a space in the back to hold the screw driver bits.

Gaymer headphone holder.

"SADES THE SATAFF OF BLOOD Professional Gaming Headphone Stander"

Should have went with the red one. Reminds me of the NOD logo from CNC Renegade

A random package has arrived. I'd post but it's just vape crap

R8 my cart /csg/

What in the world are you doing, user?
Several cheap headphones exist, and you're using that.

And why in the world would you want to use buy THAT headphone stand?

>gaymur headphone
>over-priced Logitech
Have fun wearing those for an extended period of time.
Why didn't you buy Superlux headphones and cheap mic like a Zalman?

the one where my job gives me a set for free.

>using the vaporal jew

Would you also eat shit if you got it for free?

Phone dock came. It works


10 day shipping to USA.

>Buying chink Danbo
Awwww hell no, the plastic feels completely different to the touch and if you get the amazon version the font is all messed up, you are doing a disservice to the greatness of Danbo.

Hey if eating shit is what you want to do for a living I won't stop you

How much was it?

Looks fine to me

you fucked up

Which should i get next, Joyroom E103 or Rock Zircon?

Bought a cheap microphone, like 1€, got chinked, when I plugged it in it just didn't work
Seller is refunding me trough PayPal

I bought 8 4Gb ECC DIMMs for about $120.
Didn't really expect it to work.

Who /waiting/ here?

I can't afford to waste money on chinese shit.
What do you recomend I buy?

I'm waiting on at least 15 different orders. The week or two when they all arrive is going to be very fun.

3 chinkwatches
5 nato straps

Just for my 99c mouse. Ordered it on the 20th and got a fake Australian post tracking number for some reason (i live in the US).

I want it, but I don't have the room, and shipping is probably going to be a bitch.


>Dat price

Damn nigguh, that looks sexy as fuck

link that cute pouch pls

best site to order redmi 3s?

wherever its cheapest

You can bet your ass these are sold on for at least 1500-2000 at furniture stores.

What's the cheapest chink android phone I can buy?

I just want to install an app on it to forward SMS messages to another number/email

Nokia 3310

Can't you find used Android 2 phones locally?

But there is cheap mediatek stuff for less than $40 gearbest.com/cell-phones/pp_353885.html

wish.com is a good site if you guys dont already know about it

What country are you in?
Please don't spread misinformation sir

Into trash it goes.

I new to /csg/, is wish considered bad?

Make an account with your spam email account if you dont trust it.

>Thanks user, I mapped them to copy and paste.
Oh, good idea. Cool, man.

>Also my skin stings slightly where I'm touching it, so I am almost certain I'm getting hand cancer.

Ummm. What?!

Link and price, please!

BREAKING: 1937 Chink Hackers fucked up Vietnam International Airports. Deep down you always know dem chinks will run the world real soon

Yes, aside from the sign up to browse bull shit, there are far better alternatives

What are you guys waiting for?
>helping hands
>ganzo G727m

>the question that's asking 500 times in every /csg/


Should I get this guy's? I would get so many gb points.

GTFO pls

So it's like aliexpress but with more fakes and less buyer protection?

yea but with free spam



have anyone of you got some kodi box recommendations?

Will this melt or explode in my hand?
New Blue Cordless Welding Pen Burner Butane Gas Blow Torch Soldering Solder Iron Gun #ZH078
(from AliExpress Android)

no bully

why not both?!

Best Mp3 player on the market?

iPod touch

Recently got the mxq plus from eBay for

Use your smartphone with shark or such storage.

Unlikely, but who knows.

I hope you're not going with a crude butane tool 'cause cheap, but 'cause you need it?

Which are the Sup Forums approved cree flashlights?

Just a cheap soldering iron I can take it with me to leave my good one at home

Got a cheap watch and some foam earbud tips.

Need a good smoke alarm

It's in the Wiki... but I'd suggest the Convoys for starters.

If it's for more coarse jobs, it'll probably be fine.

If you don't know what jobs to expect and you're usually in civilization with electricity I'd still definitely recommend just getting an electrical temperature controllable iron with swappable tips. It's not like the simple useful models cost a lot in China. Around $20-30. I think I even saw one for $10, not that I know that one is any good.

Hey chinksters quick question before I place my first order or gearbest. What is the difference between the China and the cn warehouse? I'm in Pennsylvania so which will be fastest? Is there a way to check shipping time?

I ask because the item I'm getting has both China and cn. Link:

CN is Honk Kong on Gearbest, China is an irrelevant place in mainland. I don't know why some Chinse stores think it's a good idea to bring politics into this.

Why wouldn't they just call it Hong Kong then?
Is there some political issue I'm missing?

> I'm in Pennsylvania so which will be fastest? Is there a way to check shipping time?
Unless you pay for express, pretend it's a gamble with 2-5 weeks as the usual values. Much less upset that way.

Express shipping is quite predictably what it says on checkout. Postal courier services are rather impressive.

What else should I purchase in my order? Anything that's another USD$2.50 or less.

Instead of protecting your house from getting burnt down, it would be the cause.