foobar2000 with columns UI and god tier Slayer.
Post your music player
VLC with fuckyourshit and gosh tier 125% volume slider.
Nothing special, but good enough for me.
>Ghost data
My nigguh
No rice UI.
Looks awesome. Not heard of AIMP before.
Foobar2000, deskband controls tweaked for vertical taskbar.
I can only recommend it, try it user.
>God tier Slayer
>God Hates Us All
Late era Slayer is literal musical cancer. God tier my ass.
VLC is still the most versatile multimedia player, period.
I love, love, love the Zune software for music playing. I do love my Zune HD, too, but the software is the best thing about the package. Great music player.
Terrible fucking Slayer album. You are disgusting. This is their absolute peak, pure perfection in an album:
I feel you user, I used that stuf for years but it was always a bitch to install and kinda heavy software for such a light and clear interface
I use MusicBee now though, you can have a better hand on the skins and its portable too
>mfw I want to reinstall Zune just for that full screen view with all the album cover flipping and shit
>Artist: Sup Forums
Cmus. It just werks (tm). Also it's the only decent way to play my mostly FLAC music library on OS X.
Simple, lighghtweight, and gets the job done. Wish they'd port it to more os's.
install an EQ
Fuck that looks nice
check out cog (mamburu fork):
not really maintained anymore, but still works fantastically. also vox is good.
this is nice.
wonder if i can make foobar work the same.
ow, the edge. is something crawling in your skin?
From foobar to AIMP to Musicbee and lastly back to foobar
cog was ok but nothing beats iTunes library management
ended up converting it all to ALAC
yea im emo
cut my wrists and black my eyes.
we free now
This. Zune's still a great player, but it doesn't support FLAC files.
Is there a foobar module that will allow me to make the top toolbar (seekbar/file/edit etc) a different color?
pre-apple music version of itunes with literally everything disabled is what i use still because i get extremely triggered by mishandling of tags by other players
sadly my collection bit the dust so all i have left is anime soundtracks
what's that player? is that gnome music?
Nice album art.
You can disable Apple Music. See checkbox.
it does disable but it still shows a placeholder in my albums + there's a bug where it wouldn't update the artist list properly
screenshot please.
can't do that because i have a pre apple music itunes installed
Currently using VLC. Anyone want to recommend better music player for Linux?
just got windows
If you like foobar on windows you could try deadbeef
I literally don't need more
Just give me a playlist view and I'm happy
I use f2k only when I'm digging through albums to find favorites
Those two bugs alone makes it not ready.
TIL Sup Forums only listens to mainstream and anime shitty music
Only the best.
I need a cute music player that can run without lag each time i open my 100gb music library.
Only cmus.
Only cmus.
ncmpcpcpccpcppcp + mpd
MusicBee masterrace.
lost my old layout with an update, but this works too.
mpd (server) + ncmpcpp (client)
look at this
>Status: NEW
>Version: 3.18.x
What's your point?
I just wanted foobar with the whole adding and reorganizing and album art view of iTunes.
>Space Lion
This track, combined with Goodnight Julia before it acting as an intro is pure ear sex with a pair of good headphones.
Is the Windows version of iTunes that bad?
Windows Notepad has more features than "Gnome Music"
Is Clementime a meme?
It's stable and highly functional, but I personally find its UI to be a bit of a clusterfuck
Default foobar
quite comfy : ^ )
Theme sauce nigga?
modded s8e
mopidy+beets+ncmpcpp running on linux on an arm processor connected to a NAS streaming *everywhere*
What's this?
Well how come it's not streaming here in my house then
Just works.
ma nigga
Your point is moot basically.
foobar best bar
Sublime + ncmpcpp. Looks like my player
I'm not him, but I don't follow your reasoning.
Are you saying that just because an bug is unconfirmed or was first found on an earlier version means it's invalid?
Babby's first linux setup?