>always on
>no way to disable it
Why does Apple always get a pass but not MS?
>always on
>no way to disable it
Why does Apple always get a pass but not MS?
because apple is 300x better
Apple people are willing sheep, serious windows people are culturally more like linux users but also have a life.
>enable siri is checked
>always on
did you attach the wrong image or are you illiterate or...?
what are you nignogs answering for? the image clearly has a checkbox for enabling/disabling siri.
do you people just wait for these threads and post whatever's on your mind regardless of the OP?
that image shows a way to disable it. are you retarded?
>disable siri on ios
>voice command garbage keeps popping up they just dont call it siri
>cant turn off
Jump off a bridge.
great bate
what are you talking about? are we still talking about os x or are you moving the goalpost now?
it doesn't really turn off though
>no response
OP confirmed an hero
is there any evidence of this? because the screenshot with a checkbox - by itself - isn't evidence that the checkbox doesn't work.
i mean at least show a screenshot with the checkbox unchecked and the siri icon in the corner still there. give us some reason to believe your claim.
Just an example off the top of my head of why apple is always shit, but for phone fuck it its a stupid phone. Same shit happens on their desktops unless you really go out your way.
Now W10 is more like apple though, and thats why people are pissed.
because there's no access to the source code so we cant really know for sure
Jesus Christ this thread is fucking retarded
okay, try to stick to the "siri on os x" topic, if you can help it. we don't need red herrings.
if this really bothers you, make a different thread.
Oh I see your question in the OP isn't what you want answered its just a glorified tech support thread for your osx
so your response to my request for evidence is specifically that there will never be evidence of your claim?
do you understand why we're all skeptical of your intelligence right now, or do you need someone to explain it to you?
i'm not the OP. i just don't want you moving the goalposts and making this some nebulous "hey let's rag on apple" thread. if you have a complaint, make a thread about it. the OP is making a very specific complaint and some of us want to stay on topic and discuss it before getting distracted by what sounds like a disgruntled idiot.
You can literally switch it off on that check box inOPs photo... lol
>he thinks the off button does anything
good proprietary using goy
Apple copying Microshaft yet again.
again, is there any evidence of this or are you going to tell us next about how the proliferation of aluminum foil over tin foil in supermarkets is part of a big conspiracy to make it impossible to make EM-blocking hats?
there is a checkbox
siri is from 2011
the difference is that there's evidence that turning off these settings in windows doesn't actually turn them all off. in os x there's no evidence of this.
if someone can monitor their network connection after disabling siri (from the router, maybe, to avoid any question of macOS misreporting), then that would help corroborate the claim that apple is lying about disabling siri.
otherwise this sounds like a lot of windows 10 users hilariously thinking that just because they're getting fucked by their operating system, everyone else must be getting fucked too.
confirmed samefag
what ACTUAL evidence is there of MS recording your voice or w/e you're claiming?
connections to MS servers is not actual evidence because Macs connect to Apple servers as well
>if God is real then prove it
>God works In mysterious ways
Just stop. You're not going to win this argument. He's going to believe whatever he wants until he has indisputable evidence. Even then, people will just make up something else as an excuse as to why Apple wants to sell their data.
Ex. 1- Christians and dinosaurs.
Just don't bother man, trust me.
Source- I live in the South .
but Christians don't deny dinosaurs existed. are you talking about "why dinosaurs aren't around anymore"?
>pajeet fail the thread
thanks for the keks OP
i'm speaking generally about things like telemetry. i haven't looked into the voice claims specifically, and i'm not claiming microsoft does that specifically either.
i'm not aware of transmissions to apple servers that can't be disabled; ars technica and others have demonstrated that windows 10 phones home with a machine ID code and downloads various stuff (as well as transmitting to skydrive).
i'll grant that ICMP pinging of servers is somewhat innocuous. the stuff windows 10 still transmits despite being told not to is far more than a ping.
Fuck off Rajeesh.
but pls don't encourage this faggot in creating new threads
>/thread'ing your own post
yeah it's a bit of a catch 22, but trolls like OP thrive on red herrings and shit like this, so i'd rather not let us get derailed so easily.
SOME christians dont deny the existence of dinosaurs. Just like some of us don't believe siri is always on or Jews run the world.
(That's my point in the short hand.)
others deny their existence because of many reasons. Most notable, because the bible says earth is a couple thousand years old. science disagrees because of carbon dating. Others say there's no mention of them in the Bible so they're not real. Etc etc. My point is no matter what you say this guy is dead set on believing siri is always on or someone's watching him or whatever. This could be true but no matter what, 99% of us WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUTH. So why dwell on others beliefs? Your just wasting time imo
Sorry for late reply.
I /threaded someone else's post. The IP count went up when I posted because that was my first post itt.
ebin memerino my dude
How is WP doing btw?
But with Windows I can alter the ISO for the installation disk and remove any traces of the tablet ui engine, cortana, windows update, and windows defender. Upon inspection of my network, I have found no evidence that the OS has even attempted to use the internet for anything beyond firefox browsing pages. (though this does lead to my system time being out of sync)
wordpress is doing fine
Wintards poo in loo being retarded once again
Protip for all newfags: creating a thread doesn't trigger the post timer.
Holy shit, the only sane and reasonable person I've seen on Sup Forums today, and they're from the fucking south.
No one actually uses OSX though, also people have never expected much in the way of control from OSX
This, the web browser is the only usable thing on OSX. Macs are basically Apple branded Chromebooks.
If you try to do any real work on a Mac, you'd want to tear your hair out within a minute.
>usable thing
>on OSX
Pick one.
Wow, so Macs are actually more locked down than Chromebooks? Fucking hell.
It works fine.
No, webkit doesn't support VP8/VP9 because it's ridiculously hard on CPU and battery. Practically nothing has hardware acceleration for VP8/VP9, which means it has to be decoded by a crazy inefficient software decoder.
Try using Google Hangouts in Chrome on OS X and then try using it in Safari. See how much lower CPU usage is under Safari? Yeah, that's because Safari forces Hangouts into hardware accelerated H264 mode while Chrome is more than happy to use VP9 instead and boil your balls in the process.
Found your problem.
>it's Google's fault that Appleshit is so inefficient
VP8/VP9 hardware support is out since Haswell on computers and Snapdragon 800 on phones.
It is definitely not Google's fault that Apple can't take advantage of Fixed Function decoders that are already present on new Intel Chips.
Also gotta dedicate die space on iPhone chips to cheat SHA1 benchmarks on Geekbench instead of placing actual useful components.
Did they replace all the hard drives with SSDs yet?
Because Siri is actually useful.
durrr if someone has not COLLECTED evicence of something that means it is DEFINITELY NOT REAL
that means the andromeda galaxy wasn't real until 100 years ago
it's an ironic thread
>Holy shit, the only sane and reasonable person I've seen on Sup Forums today, and they're from the fucking south.
I usually just say I'm from "The South" so people don't automatically dismiss what I'm about to say, but it gets worse. I'm from Alabama, born and raised. It makes me sad how the rest of the world views us but honestly, we deserve it. Sup Forums isn't the place to rant about why and shit. But thanks for thinking that of me, I like to believe I'm an open/reasonable person. A lot of you probably caught that I miss spelled "you're" in my previous reply. That should be some proof that I am really from Alabama.
PS - Alabama gets a bad rap for jimcrow and shit but I swear to God people here say "at least we're not Mississippi". I've had people from Mississippi tell me it's worse than Alabama. Just some southern insight of the day for you " Yankees"
Using any apple products besides their phones
>windows people are culturally more like linux users but also have a life.
Holy shit, this is the dumbest thing I've read all week! Congratulations!
kill yourself, OP
>I'm dumb
OP meant once on, it will always listen to you and you can't stop it. OP prefer to click and talk.
>VLC web plugin
I wish it worked better, you can't do shit on it, you can't even right click to see options like looping the video.
safari not supporting webms is the only reason I'm on chrome. and apple implementing webm on safari is probably never gonna happen since they suck MPEG's dick (they put the MPEG codecs in their hardware)
>windows people have a life
>spend $1000+ to "build" a gayming pc
>have a life
or their Macbook Pro with Retina Display
It probably is its own app so you could always unload/delete the launchagent or disable the app itself using permissions.
it's more like it's google's fault for not using hardware accelerated h264. at leas that's what i got from . if you can point to something in that post that doesn't make it obvious that google is just not tapping into hardware acceleration when they should be, please point it out, because it seems pretty cut and dried to me.
>serious windows people
what does a serious windows person look like? if he's a korean gamer please don't bother to post.
>always on
probably. my point is that if you can uncheck the box then the default assumption should be that you've disabled it. the evidence you would then need is something indicating that the operating system is still running that code, and a good way to do that is to see if it's sending any of the corresponding data back "home".
we've seen that windows 10 consistently does that with all sorts of live update shit and telemetry-related features. you can toggle the switches but they have basically no effect. you can only truly remove it by getting elbow-deep in the registry - a place windows does NOT facilitate you getting into very nicely - and removing all that crap.
as far as we can tell, os x doesn't give you that horse shit. you uncheck the box for siri and it's disabled. if someone has evidence that it's still running, then i'll change my tune (although, going back to the "elbow deep in the registry" comment, at least os x has a sane shell that's not trying to be a unique little snowflake like PowerShell; going in and manually disabling shit is usually relatively trivial).
*nix systems are (perhaps dangerously) capable of shooting themselves in the head/foot/wherever, but as in all cases that's a feature for someone who knows what they're doing.
Whatever you say, iPajeets.
unless its one of the superroot directories that apple decided you can't monkey with
Well if you're desperate enough to purge Siri then disabling gatekeeper isn't much of a concern.
Part of the issue, I think, is the fact that Apple and Microsoft have different motivations. Apple seeks to get money out of you for straight up products and services. iCloud, Macs, iTunes, etc...
Their advertising game is basically nonexistent. Did they drop iAds? or Apple Ads? Or whatever it was called? I know for a fact that it was shit when I last touched iOS development. Apple seems to know that and their whole business model is on selling you the shiny new gadget every few years.
You might bitch and whine about Apple dumbing down technology, but consider their counterpart, Microsoft. They've gotten into the hardware game to some extent, but they're turning into a subscription service on the software side. And more troublingly, they've gotten deep into advertising via Facebook, Bing, etc...
Apple's vision for the future of technology may be obnoxious, but Microsoft's vision is genuinely dangerous. Somehow Sup Forums seems to have missed all this and talks about operating systems like they're benign or static; in truth they're the embodiment and the single largest vector for these companies to impose their worldview on you. If you're not troubled by the worldview Microsoft is pushing with Windows 10, you're daft.
is the joke here that pajeets are all windows xp/7 users?
>Using any apple products