Be poorfag

>Be poorfag
>take 6 months to get new pc parts
>put it together
>everything runs fine at friends house
>take it home
>blow out fuse box 4 times just turning it on
>cpu at 127 c
>real temp says 30
>other programs say 70
>bios says 40
>if cpu was really 127 c it's dead now.
>cooler feels mild warm
>shitty house is shitty
I ordered my gun it comes in about 24 hours. I never get what i earn and now i'm ending it soon. Fuck this world i'm out can't even play my video games to escape my pain. Goodbye.

>can't afford decent computer parts
>can afford a gun

Call a suicide hotline. You'll be earning like 1000x more than that if you decide to live.

I remember this teenage girl back in 2000 who got killed because she wouldn't let go of her Nokia 3310. Was it really worth dying for?

livestream it

>taking suicide seriously on Sup Forums

This is why console gaming is superior. It's so much simpler. You take it out of the box and you play it. No BS

>Be poorfag
>take 6 months to get new pc parts
>I ordered my gun it comes in about 24 hours
Guns cheaper than computer parts, that is my take away from this thread.

> intelel strikes again

Don't do it :(

Go out and get a console and your favorite game!
You could probably find a SNES for 50!!

If you ordered if from Amazon, RMA it

Ill bet you guys 5 bucks that OP bought AMD

live stream it, faggot

pix or it didn't happen

A HiPoint 380 costs about 80$ used in good condition.

A 750ti costs 80$ used in good condition.

>kill yourself
>kill your mobo

I'll bet you 500 monopoly dollars that it's AMD

Why are you betting against my bet for the same exact thing?

Hpoints and maverick 88s can bith be had for 150 or less as can many bolt action rifles

Why aren't you?

>get a cheap plastic shit hi point for a hunnid fiddy
>pc costs about $1000+

He just wanted to show you his approval and place a good bet. Don't bully

live free or die

Lmaoing at your life OP thats why laptop gaming is superior

Ayy lmao

sounds like the psu has took a shit or the wires in your house are fucked. before you off yourself check the the cord and psu. it may be drawing to much power resulting in the breaker tripping.

If nothing else try another psu if it happens again i would say you have a wire problem. the choice is yours.