You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a Facebook account without sounding autistic

you have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a Facebook account without sounding autistic

i don't want to

Most of my friends do not, and I like the "drama"-free life. Not having a Facebook is comfy.

It's a pointless time sink. You might as well play a free MMO.

Facebook is shit.
Everything everyone posts on facebook is shit.
Never have I found myself wishing I had a facebook account.

i don't like facebook


I don't trust Jews

All Jews, or just the ones that are much more successful than your sorry ass?

Why do you not trust Jews?

This is a serious question.

Please answer as thoroughly as possible and use complete sentences, user.

I don't have an exciting social life or many friends. A dead Facebook account will just remind me of this.

They deed 9-11.

I don't seek validation on my existence everyday.

none of my friends are on there?

[citation needed]

obviously you can't say the real reason since it isn't socially acceptable

>i never saw the need for it, I always got along fine without it

you're just a pessimistic virgin. that's why you quite facebook
have confidence bro


I've never had one. Neither does my wife. My 2 daughters do, however. Fucking millennials.

I didn't quit. I never signed up. Sorry if you fell for the, " you need 100 friends or else you don't exist" meme

I don't know how to operate a computer

nobody uses it anymore

But I am autistic. I even have a certified diagnosis from the doctor.

You all failed at what OP asked..

oh vey muh 9 gorillion xddd

Because it's a massive NSA honeypot, privacy nightmare time waste.

I have autism

But user, I'm literally autism incarnate.

Because I don't have any reason to

people seem to say this like they're proud. autism is a disability. in another time in history you would be abandoned by your parents. someday in the future you'll be treated or even cured for it - ideally before you're born.

you shouldn't take any pride in it any more than you should take pride in having gimp legs.

The ones who leech off american tax payers.

I have no friends or family

>why you don't have a Facebook account
why should I have a facebook?

Zuckerberg and facebook are scum. I would rather inconvenience myself than support it.

I don't need one, I can get in touch with people just fine without it.

I don't need one, if my friends want to talk they can text me or call me

>facebook don't have us

let facebook come to me

I have no friends and I don't want the people that I do know to find out that I don't have friends


Know me*

Because he asked for a response in an unreasonable amount of time? You'll excuse me if I am unbothered by "failing" in such a way as to not answer his question in ten seconds when it takes longer than that to solve the captcha let alone type out an answer.

I do, but Cuckerberg banned me for 30 days for posting le happy merchant. I probably won't go back.

Honestly the service they provide isnt valuable to me
Why bother?

Because I don't have any friends.

I have 0 friends and my brothers couldn't care less about me so why do I need to keep up with peoples lives that don't care about mine?



I'm an adult who's career focused and I don't have time to post selfies and argue with idiots on memebook.


I don't need it.

you goddamn kids these days and your face-grams

Well, I am autistic

I've been a shut-in neet for the past 8 years.

I would have no one to add.

I hate people that know me

because fuckerberg is corrupt

he even owns 5 houses to surround his house to protect his "privacy" lul

Because I have a small family and social circle, it's very easy to keep up with them and their lives in person or through text. Other than that, I see no use in a social network.

I have an account there to check in with my distant family only as nobody my age is there anymore.

I have better things to do than to look at the posts of a bunch of Bernie supporters.

all of my college buddies are on twitter

>you have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a Facebook account without sounding autistic

It's kind of a waste of time. I don't want to get addicted, you know.

I disabled it yesterday because I am considering an-heroing in a couple years. (like ted kaczynski)

Might re enable it to talk to friends but I don't know. I could probably survive better without it.

>ted kaczynski
what are you planning

Because that faggot is the hrandson of rupert merdoch. Further more OP while you're bei g a faggot look into the various harasments and infringements connected to facebook... Faggot.

I don't trust him because I'm not a dumb fuck.

I'm not 13 yet. :^)

if you have to ask you don't deserve to know

I'm not autistic.


DAE jews xDDDD

I work at a job

What do I gain from one?

Cuz they blocked links to wikileaks


I could never really wrap my head around those computer things

I am not a 16 year old girl.


>Radical Islamic rhetoric
>Pro Trump statements
>Proclaiming chocolate milk sucks

They're just ban happy

Hahaha mark cuckerberg is posting on Sup Forums again. Fucking faggot. Fuck off with your bullshit. You should have sold facebook at the peak. It's all downhill from here kike boy.

Skype and niche groups, whore ;-)

>inb4 proprietary platform


>without sounding autistic
But everyone on Sup Forums has autism desu

It distracts me

Because I'm going to whore myself out I'd like to be paid for it

>mic jack covered with tape

but how do you know that's even his desk?