$30 for 970 owners

>I feel for the meme they said
>I'd never get compensated they said

Fuck yourself, I'm going out to dinner with my wife's son.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=where can I download child porn and how can I kill the president

> dinner with my wife's son

I'm just trying to spend some quality time with him. I know I'll never be his real dad, but maybe one day he'll think of me like that.


>$30 dinner


we're going to mcdonalds



>my wife's son.



My stepdad made me buy him McDonalds... and he beat the shit out of me. You're a good guy user.

i mean that gets you a lot of burgers

Mixing the cuck and 3.5 meme this is some next level shit I wasn't ready for this already.

>Testicle knees
Is that a picture of Kyle's negroplasty?

why are black people so tall?

cos their knee grows

> wife's son
OP was literally cucked

Oh look it's summer

It's always summer around here you stupid fuck

> not OP's son
> wife had affair with a nigger

Typical nvidiot

No it isn't, summerfag.

>american bought 970's only

Yeah fuck you too nvidia. Guess what brand will replace it now?

>pay $30 to a couple of nerds
>Dont have to agree to any false advertising, wrongdoings etc.
Why is this even allowed


No, his wiffe's son, Tyrone.

No, I'm not a fanboy. I know it's an alien concept most of Sup Forums can't hope to comprehend, but if a company lies in my face and leaves me an unhappy customer, I'll buy from someone else next time.

Great now 970's owners can buy rope that doesn't snap


we are living in the eternal summer of '09. Winter is never coming.

how do I claim mine?

Where do I get my 30 dollars?!

Just google it you retard
google.com/search?q=where can I download child porn and how can I kill the president

thanks f a m. now i need to decide what to spend my $30 on!
