/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
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dude weed lmao

that's not even a gnu (?)

Hey Sup Forums, I just did a fresh minimal netinstall of Debian without a DE, and something is fucked up. I don't have any basic commands like sudo, ifconfig, etc. and I can't connect to wifi. I've used Debian just fine on my laptop before, but I wanted to do a minimal install and just use i3. Does anyone know how to fix this so I can actually use my laptop?

Debian does not come with ifconfig or sudo lol, why would you think that? Use ip and su.

How do I connect to wifi then?

Is USB 3.1 (Gen 2 w/ Thunderbolt) the same thing as Thunderbolt III?

not really a linux question is it

If you don't have wpa supplicant (run wpa_passphrase to check) you'll need to install it through a deb or source package by copying it from another PC, or you could apt-get install wpasupplicant from an ethernet connection.

You can see your adapter name and addresses with ip link and ip addr respectively

Then you'd run wpa_passphrase "yourssid" > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

Then run wpa_supplicant, see the example, basically copy that swapping in your config file and whichever of the two driver options work, then when it makes a connection, hit ctrl-z, then type bg to fork it to the background and run "dhclient -i(myinterface)" to obtain an IP address and other info automatically assuming you're using standard DHCP.

Forgot to mention, type your network password after you run wpa_passphrase, it will give you blank nothingness and you enter it, it'll save it to your config file and generate a key from it.

Just installed Lubuntu a few days ago to get better performance on Minecraft out of my old laptop.

What is a good browser that is very responsive and has ad blocking?

Firefox is complete fat shit. Chromium is alright, but whenever I come out of Minecraft, it's so fucking slow and not responsive for like 5 minutes.

I tried QuipZilla and it was supa dupa fast, but it doesn't play videos on my fav porn sites or WorldStar. I click play and it just opens up a download prompt.

To that user that recommended me to install nvidia-drivers through apt, it went fine. Sid even updated the driver to 361.* as I was doing it, so I went ahead and changed the desktop to Sid as well.

I love Berserk, but Zodd isn't GNU related, that is unless you want him as the GNU mascot.

What is it that you're finding bad about firefox? I don't use it on Windows much personally but it's perfect on Linux in my experience.

Kernel™ 4.7 on repos when™?

i've always used firefox+ublockorigin+privacy badger

idle at 300m of ram, on a single core cpu.

if your shit is slow it might be time to get a new laptop.

It's too slow. Like I lick a link in my IRC client and Firefox wouldn't open. I'd click the link like 10 times and then 2 minutes later Firefox opens with all 10 links. I click the link once with Chromium as default browser, and it opens immediately. But Chromium gets all sluggish like Firefox when I'm in a game. I tried QupZilla and it worked perfectly while in game, but I can't play any porn videos on it.

>I'd click the link like 10 times and then 2 minutes later Firefox opens with all 10 links.
Sounds like your hard drive is choking on read speeds to be honest. This should never happen regardless of the program.

Thanks for the reply.

I tried doing the wpa_supplicant command, but I get "sure permission denied" even though I added my user to the group root and edited /etc/pam.d/sure to include the wheel group. How do I fix this? Sorry for the dumb questions, I want to get pro with Debian

> even though I added my user to the group root and edited /etc/pam.d/sure to include the wheel group

The latter is done for for sudo, which is pointless in your case. Reverse your changes, giving your user root privileges is a massive security risk.

Type "su" and enter the root password. It will open a shell instance as root user. Then press control-D or type exit to drop back to the previous instance once you're finished with what you need to do. Personally I don't use sudo at all, but I only run linux as a headless server.

>I lick a link
Found your problem
>Stop licking your computer

Are we allowed to use tripcodes in here or is there going to be a flamewar?

Only cool kids use tripcodes
>inb4 a bunch of jealous faggot jews get upset because they can't figure out how to tripcode

I've been running Debian for a few months and I'm thinking about installing Gentoo. I don't really know much, but I'm eager to learn. Does anyone have any recommended guides/advice?
Or should I not even bother installing Gentoo? My GNU/Linux-fu is pretty weak.

do you just want to fit in with the cool kids?

probably been using linux for so long, since i just want something that werkz on muh machine

Compiling from source (usually) takes longer and is more error prone.
I'd say no if your fu is weak.

Probably not. I personally use gentoo because I'm an aspiring sysadmin and to be knowledgeable in server security, hardening and attack vectors. It's a good distro because you know everything that is going on, and it does its best to give you absolute control.

>Knows everything that's going on
>Used a graphical installer

>>Used a graphical installer

I installed gentoo through a live environment to setup a basic Linux system and to obtain all of the gentoo files through an internet connection and chroot to setup the environment for booting.

whoops I thought we were talking about debian

>I personally use gentoo because


>I've been running Debian

Whatever I've been shitposting all day and no1 has caught me till now

So how valid is this argument?

>much configurability. very hacker. wow

Absolutely takes longer. More error prone if your fu is weak, less if you know what you're doing. I did mess up my architecture flags and deps a couple of times myself. He's right. And I was telling you you shouldn't install gentoo, not you should.

I'm not I'm and


I kind of wish I'd chosen Gentoo over Arch.
I love wasting time and learning.

I used Iceweasel for a long time, but it's no longer being supported so I'm trying out Iridium. It seems ok as long as you disable the google part. I don't know how it behaves with video playback across sites, because I haven't actually tried it yet. Shit is taking forever to install.

Why iceweasel?
Easy Burpsuite config?

because I didn't want to use firefox and it seemed like the best fork at the time. At least for casual browing. It was also more compatible with add-ons than the other forks.

Switched from Windows to Xubuntu yesterday, so far everything seems fine, only thing that bothers me is my download speed, used to be 1,5 MB/s on Windows, now on Linux it's 400-500 KB/s. Any idea what the problem might be?

Let me guess, you're comparing the speed for torrents?

No, regular downloads with a browser

I'm installing >Arch on my X1 Carbon (2nd gen) and systemd is fucking up. Efivars says that my laptop isn't using UEFI, but I know the X1 Carbon does. Pls help me configure it so it uses EFI and I can have systemd

Greetings, I couldn't find a stupid questions thread, so pardon me if my ignorance wastes your time. I am attempting to install Debian, however it is not liking my graphics card. I will skip past the tale of the past few hours of headaches it has given me as I attempted one approach of installing the drivers, however I have recently found the .run file Nvidia has on their website.

I have been following this piece of documentation: us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/367.35/README/installdriver.html and it seems to be that I need to disable the X server before executing the .run file. On stackexchange, they say I can do this by exiting graphic mode with alt+ctrl+F1, however this just turns the screen black and doesn't provide me with a terminal (as they say it should... unless I am misunderstanding). How should I go about installing these drivers? My monitor won't even recognize my resolution settings at the OS's current configuration, forcing me to do all of this from an old projector.

Also, any information regarding blacklisting the "nouveau" kernel after the driver installation would be nice (as I think I messed this up, along with the xorg.conf earlier, causing me to not be able to boot into the OS and prompting me to start the installation over).

Thank you very much.

Go into the BIOS, change it there.

Thanks my man

Fixed it, found this on another Ubuntu forum:

echo "options r8712u low_power=1 power_mgnt=0 ht_enable=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/r8712u.conf
sudo modprobe -rfv r8712u
sudo modprobe -v r8712u

No idea what it does, but now my download speed is back to normal

Ubuntu forums. Where random people post random things which random people execute and hope for the best.

Which ones Sup Forums?

You can install both.
PulseAudio will prevail anyway... and it has comfy tools like pavucontrol

>No idea what it does
Then dont run it

so alsa-plugins, alsa-utils and pulseaudio?

It would be also smart to enable alsa-lib too.



dear /fglt/,
i'm having some serious trouble installing Mint (to dual-boot with windows 8.1).

After fixing my initial problem of not being able to boot by editing the GRUB options for the USB i originally booted from, i managed to install Mint to a separate, empty partition on a hard drive where some stuff (but not W8) is stored on.
Now when i try to boot from the Hard Drive, almost immediately Windows repair starts. Someone suggested to me that i change boot setting from UEFI to Legacy priority/only Legacy, but that did not change anything.

In any of these steps i could've made a mistake since i am not experienced and sometimes pretty dumb.

What would you suggest for me to do next? Where could i have made a mistake?

Next time don't use a root password in the installer so you have sudo preconfigured. You could have installed nm in the expert installer too. Or used ethernet.

>windows repair starts
>new user
I would recommend you to fix your mbr through windows live but since you are new just backup from a live mint usb and redo the windows and mint install, that takes more time but is easier and will let you fix prior mistakes.

Which ones now Sup Forums?
unlisted packages are gstreamer-vaapi and xine-lib

Forgot pic


Like this?


I just got Arch installed and working. How do I add a user to the sudoers file? Also, does anyone have any essential software recommendations?

there is going to be a flamewar, if you mean everybody hating you and calling you a faggot by flamewar.
because we can figure out how to install gentoo but not read 4chans FAQ

Just add them to the wheel group.
For software look at the wiki:

From a TXT file I saved off some instructions I found online detailing the entire procedure of installing the proprietary nvidia drivers on a debian system:

>1. Download correct drivers for your GFX-card and place the in your own directory (/home/[USERNAME]) for easier access later.

>2. Open the black list module as admin with a terminal:

>gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

>3. Add these lines to your blacklist.conf

blacklist vga16fb
blacklist nouveau
blacklist rivafb
blacklist nvidiafb
blacklist rivatv

>4. Uninstall all previous nVidia drivers and stuff

>sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-*

>5. Now reboot or press CTRL+ALT+F1 (Console mode will appear, login with username and password)

>6. If you pressed the key-combo, you need to stop the desktop manager

>sudo service gdm stop (If GDM is your desktop manager)

>7. If you placed the drivers in your own directory (/home/[USERNAME]), you are ready to go.

>sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-**.**.**.run 8. Follow all instructions and when asked if the install should do an auto-config of the X-settings, select 'Yes'.

>9. Install complete, reboot.

>10. 'You're ready to rock n' roll!'

>Hopefully, this could help you.


I just downloaded i3 on my fresh Arch install. It's really crazy, I have x-org utils, xinit, and server all installed but my i3 is graphically buggy. The cursor is a hash symbol, the bar is all black except for the info, and dmenu doesn't appear. How can I fix this so it looks normal like it did on my Fedora installation?

By going back to fedora.

Can you guys redpill me on Arch?
Is the distro actually a meme or is it legit?

it didn't work, i still have the same issue
how do i fix my mbr?

If your unsure what a command does use man, its a manual for commands


man sudo
man modprobe
man echo

You get the idea.

I suggest you kill yourself, since you appear to be a gullible, "everything-i-do-has-to-be-g-approved" idiot who can't think for himself.

i fucked up somewhere with either ubuntu 16.04 or the parts i got, built a pc to play games and do college work on

put ubuntu 16.04 on it, updated and restarted then ubuntu loaded with some visual errors then went to a blank screen(did not get to desktop)

then put windows 10 on it and no problems except i like ubuntu to connect to the campus servers

motherboard: msi z97 pc mate
cpu: intel i5-4690k
gpu: msi 750 ti
psu: 750W
ram: 16gb

i remade the flash drive for ubuntu 3 times and every time i loaded it, same thing happened on restart. did i fuck up somewhere or something?

What's the purpose of JACK?
I'm writing and audio application that sends audio data through PulseAudio plugin in Alsa and I don't hear any problems

Is it difficult to switch over to a new DE, whilst deleting your old one with all its related bloats? Running Arch.

I've installed .deb files on Gentoo before, but it was a huge pain. Is there any way to automate it?

consider installing the proprietary nvidia driver

go to reddit. trips completely destroy the purpose of this website

posting anime?

Try Debian, as far as I know it supports .deb files out of the box.

Install Gentoo.

My Windows 7 corrupted and I had no backups.
I inserted a Debian 8.5 stable dvd I already had laying around, and when I selected graphical install I got a black screen with colored pixelated lines.
Should I try making a testing install, or should I just go Xubuntu?

Also, out of curiosity - what is the actual point of Ubuntu derivatives? Why not just install debian with XFCE de?

>gpu: msi 750 ti
>psu: 750W
Why, oh why, would you use such a high power psu when you have a power-saving gpu?

buntu is essentially debian nonfree with bloat/patches.

That would still be Debian and not Ubuntu. There are some minor differences between the 2

Assuming you wanted to respond to , they also have their own repo, which is also just a mirrored and then edited debian repo.

Hey anons, this is what i get when i try to install something:
warning: database file for 'DEB_Arch_Extra' does not exist
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not find database)

what do i do?

When i run pacman -Syy i get
:: Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from arch.softver.org.mk : Resolving timed out after 10522 milliseconds
core 118.7 KiB 107K/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
extra 1765.6 KiB 346K/s 00:05 [######################] 100%
community 3.5 MiB 247K/s 00:15 [######################] 100%
multilib 158.9 KiB 486K/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'DEB_Arch_Extra.db' from mega.nz : Resolving timed out after 10520 milliseconds
error: failed to update DEB_Arch_Extra (download library error)

Still means there are minor differences.
Biggest difference probably is the kernel

What's the best distro for web development on a laptop? I'm sick of Windows and want something similar to OSX. My main dev machine is a Desktop Hackintosh but I need something for my zenbook.

Anything that comes with a browser and a text editor?

no nvidia, I'm running on a t430 with just the iGPU (HD 4000, i5-3320m)
Of course I'm aware that Ubuntu is derived from Debian, I just wanted to know how major or minor the changes are

I'm not incapable of setting things up myself, I just don't see the point of not using the more time-efficient distro. Thing is, the more time efficient distro is bloated. I remember doing a Lubuntu install once to discover that the software center doesn't even work or have essentials like Libreoffice - still have to do terminal install. Which is fine of course, I don't mind that.

What I am confused about is installing graphics drivers, software compatible with my particular hardware and all that shit, I've always had trouble with that on Linux

You won't find a distro that exactly has what you want/need and only that and nothing more in its standard installation. You either have to go with less and install what's missing or more and live with it or purge it.

why did microsoft have to ruin windows?

How do I make DVD video?
I have a video file that I need to have it played by DVD player.
Do I have to use DEVEDE? or it can be done with ffmpeg?
Also since the DVD player have USB port what kind of format should I use to have it compatible with?

Having issues installing Python.

On Unix, Linux, BSD, OSX, and Cygwin:

make test
sudo make install

This will install Python as python3.

So I do this and get:

checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for --enable-universalsdk... no
checking for --with-universal-archs... no
checking MACHDEP... linux
checking for --without-gcc... no
checking for --with-icc... no
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/home/chris/Downloads/Python-3.5.2':
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
chris@chris-X551MA ~/Downloads/Py

What gives?

I wanna have sex with her.

Can you compile a program with gcc?

why does your repo not have python