When will you step up your game?

This entire project made by a dude himself in just two years.

All of it, programming ai to art design to complex combat system

While you are just here and shitposting on taiwaneese cartoon board

>Holy amazingoo
youtube.com/watch?v=z5El-yYNUwU [Open]

worked on for 2 years by one person.
The Dev only has 22 followers on Twitter.
Check it out

Other urls found in this thread:




>butthurt web programmers

Go fuck yourself dumb fags, i shares this to show how impressive project is in term of tech by one guy. I am not going Sup Forumsirgins board

The board for game discussion is Sup Forums

Go there if you want to discuss video games

That is impressive, but really shouldn't be here.

You're welcome.

Only web dev cucks have time for gaymz fucking dick riding faggot

>unreal engine

b-but was it all done in haskell or c? If not

Chinese story telling is like dragon ball lz power ups on crack.

fuck off shill

I'm still waiting for an AAA game coded in Brainfuck.

It's really not that impressive given the tools modern game engines have. If he had done it in MikuMikuDance it would've been more of a feat.


it actually looks pretty bad in my opinion. way too awkward and below mediocre to look at in a artistic way

su-fags confirmed neets

The writing is absolute garbage, the voice acting is pretty bad, and unless he wrote the engine I'm not particularly impressed by the programming.

This is, frankly, amazing.


Mute the first

*tips fedora*
An upboat for you, m'sir...

Sup Forums is too busy writing random number generators to be bothered with this sort of thing.


MikuMikuDance is a free, fanmade, 5MB program.

>unless he wrote the engine
>An indie game I created using UE4

Nothing to see there.

"Most of the background assets are from the official demos if you look close to it bro
and the BP part is created by myself"


So wait, did he make all the models or was it taken from other sources? Seems to admit he took assets from elsewhere?

Because the impressive part would be if he made the models and animations from scratch, that is very hard to do, the underlying code in UE4 is still hard but plenty of people could do it considering the engine is much easier in this day and age.

Here is another issue with indie game development, it takes way too fucking long and you often don't make that much money from it. Very few are successful. It's easier to make a web service or website that makes you thousands a year, versus making an indie game.

Ya he said on twitter that he bought the models and animations

Then from a technical perspective this isn't as impressive, and the op's art design comment is not accurate.

If you had the assets, in Unity you could make this in a year starting from zero.