>use windows >windows becomes too popular and I'm not cool anymore >use debian linux >debian linux becomes too popular and I'm not cool anymore >use arch linux >arch linux becomes too popular and I'm not cool anymore >use FreeBSD >BSD is becoming more popular and I am becoming less cool for using it
What the fuck do I do now? I want to be cool! Is it even remotely possibly to use GNU Hurd yet?
Anthony Howard
>BSD is becoming more popular I assure you it isn't
Benjamin Bennett
kek and I laugh as someone who appreciates BSD
Justin King
>installing precompiled babby distros on his lego computer just to play around with rice and post in muh battlestation/desktop threads >cool
Jason Moore
use 9front, it's what unix should be now.
Christian Nelson
Just use a Stallmanite distro, that shit will never be popular.
Jose Brooks
>not using macos of maximum hip cred
Jason Bailey
Anyone who's anyone knows Parabola is the coolest distro.
David Moore
Haiku /thread
Adrian Cook
>linux >cool
Benjamin Jones
Windows 10 yea.
Debian... no.
It's actually the opposite.
But I guess just like people believe in bronze myths and even take them literally, you can have your own delusions.
David Moore
>GNU Hurd Never ever.
Charles Martin
Okay... listen up friendo...
This will make you uber 1337 h4x0r k00l, you listenin'?:
Have you heard of it?
It's an open source public domain project.
Code networking into it and release your own "denomination" of TempleOS with networking.
Do this and you will slay mad g33k pussy.
Trust me.
Jackson Wilson
Salut bos, iti place sa sugi pula la corporații?
Adam Ramirez
>atat de cocalar
Charles Reed
Use Haiku
Jackson Ortiz
I recently noticed that OpenIndiana becoming the OS of edgy hipsters' choise
Carson Wright
Nobody uses BSD. Like even among tech enthusiasts, I don't know a single person that uses BSD as their main OS.
Charles White
byuu of higan fame does
David Davis
TempleOS You know you want to
Asher Garcia
>not making your own OS Sup Forums-san...
Jeremiah Evans
Time for plan nine
Christopher Peterson
OSX is always cool, even if alot of people use it
Jack Stewart
>What the fuck do I do now? What you should have done before you thought about installing an operating system to look cool: hang yourself.
Matthew Phillips
how do I tie a noose
Gavin Edwards
>implying that's something a brain dead anime posting NEET could do
Jaxson Cruz
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