I've been told no distro is superior a few times...

I've been told no distro is superior a few times, since supposedly they're all great for different functions and purposes and shit.

So what does Fedora do better than Ubuntu?
What does Arch do better than CentOS?
What's the best desktop Distro?

install gentoo

It's a 1% market share OS for a reason, moron.

nothing but few autistic special purpose shit. just get ubuntu and get over it.

Fedora literally does nothing better than ubuntu people only use it beacuse ubuntu is percieved as baby distro

Arch is more cutting edge than centos

Best desktop distro depends on your definition of best and desktop

It's 2% now.


>So what does Fedora do better than Ubuntu?
>What does Arch do better than CentOS?
More recently-updated software.
>What's the best desktop Distro?
Any variant of Ubuntu (based on which desktop environment you prefer), though not Ubuntu itself (with the Unity desktop environment). And not Kubuntu either because KDE Neon is better.

Tits or ass?



You're smarter than most people on g

>>What's the best desktop Distro?
>Any variant of Ubuntu (based on which desktop environment you prefer), though not Ubuntu itself (with the Unity desktop environment). And not Kubuntu either because KDE Neon is better.


who are you quoting


it's much higher in the server market, but still about 20-30% top.

centos/redhat or debian for server.

don't use it for desktop.

android for smartphone and tablet.

busybox for embedded.

d-dont stop user....

god dammit

having life on easy mode surely must be nice


Because it comes preinstalled on practically nothing



Try all of them yourself and get use to them. That's what I did.
