
>Today, we surprisingly discovered that Microsoft has secretly changed the availability of some Group Policy options in Windows 10 version 1607. Windows 10 version 1607 "Anniversary Update" has reduced the control via Group Policy that you have in Pro edition. Pro edition users have lesser options available compared to version 1511, so many behaviors of the OS cannot be controlled.
>The ability to disable the Lock screen
>Do not show Windows tips

>Turn off Microsoft consumer experiences
>Using this option, you could prevent Windows 10 from automatically downloading and installing promoted apps like Candy Crush Soda Saga, Flipper, Twitter, NetFlix, Pandora, MSN News and many other potentially unwanted apps and games.

muh enterprise / education is not an excuse. this is 100% ridiculous for home and pro users which the vast majority are stuck on.

what's sad, windows drones will actually defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck wants candy crash thing? Its fucking mobile game and it shouldn't even exits on pc

normies and gamers of course!


come on windows drones. i really want to see you guys actually defend this.

Jesus Christ.

I was going to install Wangblows 10 Pro on my new laptop but I guess it's 7 now. Time to start migrating to Linux.

You are saying this like there are people who want to be on windows. There are only people who have to be on windows, and because they have to use, they will swallow ms cock. They have no choice.


What are you gonna do, switch to Linux? Didn't think so.

I have been running windows 10 home since release and have never ever had it download any apps or programmes without my permission. I must conclude that the people this happens to are either illiterate or liars.

so, i used to get the licence a 10240 rtm build, all done in another physical disk so i'm back to my main without any rollback shit, guess by the time w10 is necesary in some years (remember kaby lake and bristol ridge chipsets won't support 7, or more likely the won't release motherboard drivers for 7/8/8.1 even if they could support it) i guess i'm just installing using that iso and let it there without updates, i can control security issues or at least know how to identify and deal with them, but hell not being able to control the OS in such a stupid level as it is to block group policy and without even a registry entry to modify is just plain stupid

They wouldn't do this in free upgrades period to not turn people off. They did enable adds on lock screen few times though.

This fami.

I wont. Linux is now my main os besides windows exclusive games

i had ad's pushed to my start menu since i had live tiles but i removed the live tiles and they went away.

in the update, they prevent being able to disable that completely. they will still push them, even if you don't have live tiles up.

>In Windows 10 version 1511, you could disable it with a simple Registry tweak. Now, if the user is running the Home or Pro editions of Windows 10, this option is not available.

KEK even the registry keys won't work on pro and home.

this is glorious. microsoft is locking it down.

I don't know since when it become acceptable for a pay 2 own product to also be adware. I know it started with android and bundled adware/spyware on most phones, now it's moving to desktop. The fuck people. Most users actually pay for their fucking system, how can you bundle adds with it?


no really, DLC.

when the market showed it was willing to pay $15 for a map pack consisting of four maps, three of which were rehashes from a previous game, map packs that use to be issued for free, is when companies realized they can continue to milk consumers like cows.

microsoft realized not only can they charge consumers for the operating system, they can also continue to profit off of them by data mining and advertisements.

whats sad, microsoft doesn't have to stop. windows holds a solid monopoly. all new computers ship with windows 10. microsoft is not back porting features to previous versions like dx12 and cpu specific support (such as new cstates, power saving, and fixes to the scheduler like the bulldozer patch). eventually windows 10 will be the only operating system from microsoft you can use.

windows 10 will continue to evolve over time. microsoft has adopted the macos strategy.

>What are you gonna do, switch to Linux?

Goy, Group Policy will be back for all, same as the registry edit, you will just have to buy the optional Microsoft® Windows 10 © Control Service Pack 1 ™ and suscribe to the Adds-free Windows Service™© using the feature app* from Microsoft® Store with your personal Microsoft® Account.

*not available for Microsoft® Windows 10© upgraded licences and OEM licences.

Enjoy your server OS linucuck drone

There is no real reason to use Windows at home. Unless you take your work home with you: (Adobe Suite, AutoCAD, etc, etc.) There are alternatives and we now have VS Code for Linux, Jetbrains IDEs work on linux, blender works on Linux, still no proper CAD software, GIMP/Krita. Is there really aside from that any other reason to use Windows at home over linux?


Exactly what I did, rajesh

Oh yeah? You think you're a tough guy, huh?
I can crush you little shits any time. I have Intel, AMD and Nvidia and your fucking government on speed dial. All it takes is a call and we put your shitty Linux on life support.

>what's sad, windows drones will actually defend this.
What are you whining about?
This sort of thing has been going on for at least a decade and nobody, but nobody, has said anything up to now.
Of course Microsoft thinks it can get away with it; there is nothing new in their behavior.
In the past, when the EULA made your PC Microsoft's bitch you didn't want to know.
You are reaping what you sowed.

there weren't adverts in windows ever
I don't mind, switching to superior OSX asap

>tfw grew out of gaming
>see this
>new MacBook Pro line soon

OS X here I come

I wish Bill was still involved.

I actually installed a fresh version of windows 10 the yesterday and it came with candy crush on the start menu. Fucking disgusting. For something that's essentially running a monopoly ('cause lets be fair, mac and linux users and in the vast majority) they shouldn't be allowed to do shit like that.

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

I agree, this shit is ridiculous.

Gamers bitched loud enough for Microsoft to reverse all of its draconian DRM on Xbox One.
Regular PC users should take a leaf from gamers' book.

>no argument...

>still no proper CAD software
In case it helps:

That's the funny part of a monopoly: they can do ANYTHING with no consequences.

I'll force you to use the loo.

Case in point: red hat and systemd

I switched to ubuntu mate last month and have no regrets. Everything is is running super fast and smooth.

Thanks Pajeet

>w10 update doesn't let you see the filesize of the updates being installed

sad indeed

I switched to OS X. Haven't looked back.

Linux is definitely my end game but I use a lot of shit that's probably not going to work on any distro without a lot of effort, like my USB 3.0 external optical drive.
For all I know it'll all Just Werk™ seamlessly but I can't afford to take that risk so it's a slow transition for me.

you can do it, it's not as hard as you think.

You can't live boot an Ubuntu CD and try?

I would be surprised if, with a full install and internet connection with 3rd party non-free software enabled, you were unable to use any usb device.

you all keep complaining about it being adware or infringing on consumer rights.
Why don't you faggots take this to court if you are so certain that MS should not be able to do this?
Not only do you get free money from the class action, you do something good in the process as well.
All of you are all bark and no bite. Only good at making up theories that doesn't do shit.

>this is 100% ridiculous for home and pro users
but home users cannot join domains / use group policy anyway.

>muh court i sjust
