There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that are still using 1080p

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that are still using 1080p.

Explain yourselves.

Literally the perfect resolution.

Games have better fps without the need to upscale.

Because my phone is only 4.7"
Why should I get a higher resolution?

1440p is the new perfect resolution

What's the ideal screen size for 1440p?
Do movies look weird in that res?

Nah that's retarded you might aswell just go the whole way rather than half-ass it.

how tiny are things on 4k?
they must be fucksmall

Perfect resolution for my 23" display
Don't need a 400$ gpu to play games at 1440p
Just works and isn't a meme
Has good quality

As a 4K user things suck ass, DPI problems everywhere with multiple software, lost count, yeah it's greta having all this space but the downsides to 4K affect me negatively too much than the positives do good so I'm thinking of going back to 1080p as it just works, not too big, not too small and no DPI scaling shit.

no, not if you plan on gaming

>what is scaling

no, they look great. I have a 27" 1440 monitor and the difference from 1080p is quite amazing.

>not using 1280x1024

thats why you should have gotten a 1440p monitor

i was about to make the same mistake you made, thank god i did a bit more reading and settled on 1440.

Looks amazing, and none of the issues that come with 4k.

You can game fine at 4K 60FPS if you're not a poorfag and have a top of the line GPU.

Need a better GPU before I upgrade to 1440p. My games are already stuttering at 1080p.

I dont really know actually, I suppose youre referring to some theme and display options that would let you upscale text and icons of youre OS

I'm using 1366x768

grow up

>mfw a resolution from 15 years ago is much better for general computing than today's meme displays
really makes you think

What do you for fun, when you have spare time?

i watch movies

i have a gf

im using 1600x900

what does just fine mean? Cuz you're not getting 60 fps at 4k on ultra. Not on games like witcher 3 at least.

>posts on japanese image board with a bunch of teens and faggots
>tells others to grow up

m8, i dont wanna be the one to break it to you, but ..


you dont

and if you do im willing to bet my life she is either fat, ugly, or most likely both.

kys my man

I'm poor


I cannot see the individual pixels from my view point. I wont ever have to upgrade. For the rest of my life I can just buy the crappiest of crap monitors and still have a sweet image.

By the way, I'm using 720x1280 atm because of mobile. Same story. I will just half the resolution of my future phones to save batteries and RAM

vast majority of media is available in 1080p. why do i want to force an upscale when i can play it native.

>games like witcher 3
who gives a fucking shit

And here I am, sitting at my 720p craptop.

He just didn't replace his (probably still good) monitor.

>watching movies
grow up

I'm still using 1366x768 T_T

Joke's on you, I have to use 1824x1014 because I can't turn overscan off on this dumbass TV.

Works fine though. Hell, most games and software can pick up my whacky resolution and display it natively.

somebody that wants to game at that resolution you faggot

Lol I love this meme.
"Anyone who enjoys media is a child"

What the fuck do you do for fun? Read Javascript manuals?

I'm on 1366x768, so jokes on you.

Most media is still 1080p.

>Read Javascript manuals?

yes but they still look great on higher resolutions

>not superior 1600x1200

Enjoy your non 80s anime


But why spend more on a TV/Monitor when I can just view the shit perfectly at its native resolution?

i fuck my hot gf


I use a 27" 1440p display and it is spot on. Perfect size to work with without any rescaling. It seems like a negligible improvement from 1080p, but it makes a huge difference. 4k on the other hand seems a little over the top. You'd need to go to 40" and at that size the space becomes unpractical and difficult to manage and I'd rather go with two 1080p displays next to each other. Just easier to organise the space.

I have 19" 1440x900 monitor and 5.5" 1440p phone. Is it good?


Not an argument

Indeed, 16:9 is a stupid ratio.

too prove youre not a poor fag, obviously

and to treat your eyes to a better experience

Only poor fags care about buying status symbols to try to appear un-poor. Someone actually well-off won't give a shit what others think and will just buy whatever they like or find to be a good value.

Because there's no reason to go higher than that for HTPC usage yet. That's the only device that's still on that res in my life.

I have an r9 280x, which only has 3GB of memory

it was a joke m8



Sarcasm is hard to pick up on through text only.

>poor people will believe this

Who /1024x768/ here?

No graphics card can handle Ultra at 4K and 144 Hz

Also I'm using 1080p but 21:9

>he honestly thinks that the half-assed upscaling to 1440p makes a significant difference

Placebo effect in all its glory.

1440 son .. whats your excuse?

nigger im looking at it right now and have it setup next to my 1080p benq .. the difference is very noticable

I am using 2560x1080

>what is 1:1 pixel mapping
>what is scaling and loss of fine detail
>what is placebo effect

Watch your fucking blu-ray on a 1080p monitor, nignog :^)

shit nigger my bad i thought you meant the difference between 1080 and 1440 in general

movies do look great though, but obviously its not native so ..

It's too detailed. I like HD better. Who agrees with me?

>too detailed
is this a new meme?

Yep. All I do is shitpost so it's not like I need 4K OLED memes.

>not experiencing dank memes in the highest quality

cant even fucking shitpost right

For 720p res it could actually be better to try watching it upscaled to 1440p due to better mapping, but I'm not so sure about the original 1080p BD.

There's a reason the wise jews in ITU or whoever, jumped from fullHD straight to UHD.

320x200 best resolution yo

no, it's an extension of the "too high FPS" meme

Are there any good cheaper 1440p monitors? I planned on buying Dell U2414H, but if there is something in that price range from 1440p I might get that instead.

ahh i see .. thanks for clearing that up, pal

>high quality
Pick one.

honestly, you should just stick with 1080 unless you can get a top of the line 1440p monitor. That way you can just grab a high end one when they go on sale in a few months or so.

A negligible difference


1440p is dying in front of our eyes, every week there are less monitors with it available.

completely baseless claim

>tfw using glorious 1200p master race
get shrekt, fags
enjoy you're eye cancer

1600x900 here, bretty good

Mah nigga

1080p is the perfect resolution for 24".

If I had a 27 or bigger I would consider a 1440p.
But I don't so no point aiming higher, expecially since high dpi are handled like a rollecoaster and will still be for some time.

1440p is a dead end resolution that's literally worthless for anything except fucking video games

it is exclusively a resolution for chumps who take video games way too seriously

It seems like 1440p is a weird in between resolution that was made to satisfy people while they wait for to 4k monitors to come out. Similar to how 720p was made to satisfy people while they waited for 1080p monitors to come out.

4k is shit on anything under 31".
Hopefully 4k will never ever replace 1080 masterrace on pc screens.

Do you realize it applies to video games too?

>dead end resolution

what the fuck does this even mean faggot

Don't fix what ain't broken, i'll reconsider next time i do an upgrade.

1080p works well. I don't need to upgrade.

>1440p 144hz IPS monitors exist
>but not 1080p


I'l consider 4k when the technology gets cheaper and there are GPUs that can manage 4k 60fps without compromising on settings heavily for new demanding releases.

3 1080 monitors do a good enough job for me now. If I am to upgrade to 4K then I will need a large monitor at least 32" to consider it a worthy upgrade for around 1 meter viewing distance.

I'd probably keep at least 1 1080 monitor in portrait mode for multitasking when my main monitor is in full screen mode. 2 monitors seems to be the sweet spot, I rarely ever use all 3 at once productively.

Tempted, but I need to ease on the spending and wait until it is sensible to adopt 4K.

1440p is pretty sexy m8, and i can play 60fps at ultra on everything .. i plan on getting another one and just using these for at least a year and half before i consider anything 4k


>not 2560x2048

My laptop's 1024x768. I'm going to upgrade it to 1400x1050

Corrected. No point in going 4k because I'm not retarded enough to game with my nose against a 34 inch