Why does the government want to get all the kids into tech?

Why does the government want to get all the kids into tech?

They think it'll make the country richer. All it does is make them more depressed though


Probably something to do with da jooz

to get them all hooked on social media so they are easier to control and censor, probably

Globalization means countries are increasingly dependent on a few sectors for the bulk of their tax revenues since the stinky chinkies can do the rest a lot cheaper.

In the developed world this means financial services and high tech.

To lower the value of Tech professionals and make America worse again

Tell me one thing that children can do that robots can't


This maybe

So the future leaders aren't as technologically inept as they are at the moment. They understand their shortcomings and want what's best for the future.

So they can spy on them better.


Mostly because they need more people in that sector to stay relevant in an increasingly globalized world. Nowadays people in India and China can get an education in such things really easily via the internet. You can say what you want about the quality of such people's learning but the fact of the mater is that the only thing holding them back is their own will to learn and improve. For every 100 poo in loos that you see shitting up the tech sector there are a few genuine articles who have trained themselves to be a useful asset to their company or country. Meanwhile in the United States, our schools don't teach us anything and we all think that getting a formal degree is the be all end all of education. You have a large group of people going into fields like philosophy or literature. Fields that yield no tangible benefit to the nation the supports their studies. As time goes on the gap in useful members of academia grows and begins to become worrisome. The investment in the technological education of youth reflects the unwillingness of American youth to engage in such studies on their own and become useful assets to their nation in the race against others. Consider also the fact that algorithms are experiencing a sort of renascence and quickly becoming more and more of a tangible benefit in the physical world and you have a country that's woefully unprepared for the future, simply making attempts to secure a spot at least somewhat like the one it holds today.

Also sauce on that anime.

>Why does the government want to get all the kids into tech?
they need more people in high paying jobs so they can tax them at a higher tax bracket.otherwise they will end up in the middle or lower tax bracket resulting in less bucks to line their pockets.

Amaama to Inazuma

Food of the week: the anime

People who are into tech have higher iq score, also we are preparing to get into space and make sophisticated tech into commercial... Also people using information tech are mostly giving their precious private info for free just like the eastern socialists planned.

Daily remainder that not every joo is socialist/communist and that everyone who is trying to enslave you is

I wouldn't mind feeding her my baguette if you know what I mean.

Sicko, she's only a child.

You mean the blonde? Yeah I'm into too

The one eating a baguette too?

>but the fact of the mater is that the only thing holding them back is their own will to learn and improve
so what stops people in US/Europe from learning and improving?


paedophilia isn't funny guys

Tell him you are a black lesbian transgendered Muslim. It'll blow his mind

This. Also people demand jobs and they want to look like they're doing something, so they point people to the last bastion of jobs.

>want to get all the kids into tech
I want to get my "tech" into kids

Already stated. People here think that formal education is the end all be all and typically believe that going to school will make them an expert in whatever they study. And that's not even to speak of the horrible choices made in fields that westerners choose to go into.

She looks 16 everything is fine magumbo go home and chill out

More control, more surveillance, easier to push propaganda and agendas.

Why WOULDN'T they? Social media was the best thing to ever happen for an authoritative government. Now you don't even have to spy on people, they willingly fart out information any chance they get.

Add to that the opportunity to push whatever narrative you want and control the stream of information as you see fit.

Gotit ha! Gotit!

It is, abduction, rape and sex slavery aren't... In most cases

Carry on then

No, they want kids hooked on the botnet and be perfectly okay with giving up privacy. Be like lain, understand freedom and pursuit of knowledge.

Lain is proprietary.

Lies, lain is not proprietary.

to get cheap labor

is she pissing on that tv

Man that is some lazy drawing

Didn't everyone have to learn programming late in the cold war?

Someone shop this so that she's hiding porn or something on the tv



Do it again


jesus, whats up with these porn site names?

user, why do you have interracial pornography saved onto your hard drive?

This seems like a nice anime
Thanks Sup Forums

Not going to bother reading through this shit thread but just in case nobody has actually answered you yet;
They want to devalue 'successful' careers so that they can pay these professionals $12/h tops. Importing shitskins is one way to do it but by producing far too many STEM kiddies locally they can make it permanent without shipping in more people. Computer science is first on their hitlist. Then IT in general. Then engineering. Soon enough it'll all be just as valuable as a liberal arts major and the desired capitalist oligarchy will be complete.

She's proprietary to (You)

It's literally the first result for "black gangbang" on google images. Figured that would be funny without getting into something weird.

Looking back I should have went with furry.

The name is representative of the quality.


Because "technical" people are commercially viable. Economy loves them.

People that work with cultural things tend to ask unpleasant questions and see what actually happens in politics.

Sup Forums is the board with the best taste in anime

I agree with the loli, say no to fags and dykes.

I don't watch anime, stop projecting.

Does the highschool girl develops feelings for the dad at some point?

anime website

I don't care, you can't make me watch anime.

Why are you on an anime website if you don't watch anime?

Wasn't ready for this feel

the memes

Maybe reddit is more suitable for you.

>no children playing on the street
>less maintenance / no construction of playgrounds
>their every move can be tracked since childhood
>they won't care they're being spied on as adults because it's happened all their life?

I can think of more I guess but I gotta go make dinner

Doubt it.

Because anime is a waste of time, I'd much rather shitpost about technology on a technology related board which is relevant to my job. I'm not a full time anime watcher, so I can't shitpost about it.

Nobody ever expected you on Sup Forums to be a full time anime watcher like Sup Forums is.

I'm not a full time anime watcher and I constantly shitpost about it.
You don't need to watch them all, you know.

I can't shitpost about something I don't care about nor have any desire to understand or watch.

Wow dude

could you guys post a blank one?
I wanna make one

All it takes is a few smug anime pictures and a false sense of superiority.

Then you can spend your day calling things you've never watched shit like everyone else.

Simply calling something shit is the lowest quality bait, in order to have refined baits you need to be able to understand the subject matter you're trying to shitpost about.

Cute pup

I highly doubt college educated software engineers are going to be de-valued to the point where they are making like $12 an hour

Doesn't stop most people. Thank you for being better than most people

pajeets are already being paid $10 an hour to write software, SE graduates have nowhere to go but down at this point

the dream is over