>Just installed a linux distro
>have used windows all my life
now what do i do
Just installed a linux distro
Other urls found in this thread:
>now what do i do
- Pretend that the difficulty of use and the incomprehensibility of commands inherent in Lunix is actually a badge of honor.
- Look at ugly, distorted fonts in your browser and on any other application you might want to run
- Reformat and install another distribution. (People have been known to do this continuously for weeks. Hint: they all suck. Stop wasting your time.)
- Watch a console display error messages.
- Convince yourself that Open Office is "just as good" as Microsoft Office.
- Read countless manuals to do the simplest of tasks. And still fail
- Say you use Lunix (which will get your ass kicked, even by other Lunix users.)
- Think of ways at work to bring up the subject of how you use Lunix, because the penguin thing didn't work.
- Fail to realize that, penguin or not, noone gives a fuck about what operating system you use.
- Eat KFC chicken around the clock.
- Manually edit config files.
- Run a virtual instance of Windows so you can play games, while at the same time saying how much you hate Microsoft.
- Argue that KDE is better than GNOME.
- Argue that GNOME is better than KDE.
- Argue that both GNOME and KDE are inferior to your chosen environment.
- Develop carpal tunnel from keyboard usage between bouts of excessive self-pleasure borne out of social-retardation.
- Depend on easy to use programs like vi.
- Try to learn how to do simple tasks in emacs, eventually using notepad to complete the same task.
- Keep your virginity.
- Be a badass non-conformist.
- Never get viruses, ever, like how a virgin never gets STDs.
- Graphically chart the shrinkage of your penis over time with bundled, GPL'd software such as GNUPlot. This is a highly requested feature among lunix users.
- Discussing the awesome non-ntfs filesystems you can use with lunix, for example one written by a convicted murderer.
- Spend hours of your life compiling bits of code, just to find out it was EPIC FAIL!
you are so stupid ppl use linux because it's safe I hated windows and didn't even bother using all of it desu. btw it's also good for ricing
This is the dumbest question one can ask for. It's your PC, what did you buy it for?
There's your answer.
woa u just type all that up?
Is this bait?
Please use a trip code so I can filter you in the future, thanks!
Customize it to your liking. Switch your wallpaper to something comfy. Check out the programs store, and pick some that you see yourself using. Go through programs that have been pre-installed, and get rid of bloat.
In terminal, type:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
This will check for latest program updates, and implement them.
Fuck around is settings as well, and get things set to what you want.
Then just enjoy it.
Switching to Loonix was the best thing that I did a few years ago. Thanks, Sup Forums!
>Please use a trip code so I can filter you in the future, thanks!
lunixfag detected
1. Learn how the file system works.
2. Download key programs.
3. Learn a few bash commands such as apt-get
And most of all, enjoy yourself and don't be afraid to learn more.
I'm going to use this as a syllabus for an intro to Linux course I'm teaching next semester at Hartwell Community College. Go moles!
I wish this was true and I was there to see it.
>Captcha: RICE STAR
>talking shit about ReiserFS
Well fuck you mate.
It is a pasta
Also op, install Fedora
Congratulations on being smart enough to choose the best distro available.
Here's a website that will give you cool tips and tricks omgubuntu.co.uk
No, I think he typed it all now.
I get the feeling this whole thread is one big bait bag, but in case it's not here's my advice.
Just do whatever you normally do, browse web, run applications, play games, whatever. Whenever there's something you want to do but you're not sure how to or if it's even possible, google "[your distro] [what you want to do]" and see what comes up. You'd be surprised how versatile linux is, for years there were things that I thought weren't possible just because windows couldn't do it.
And another thing, don't distro hop, just stay on Ubuntu. Despite what people say it's just as good as other feature rich distros, and if you start switching you'll only frustrate yourself over the numerous inconsistencies between the different linux distributions.
Anyways have fun, install gentoo, and don't hesitate to stop by /sqt/ and /fglt/ or whatever the friendly linux thread is called.
>This Linux App Makes Typewriter Sounds As You Type
never seen this copypasta before. nice
Oh look, another failure at life windumb
Never actually used linux.
wow someone actually took the time to make that.
And you took the time to write down
> Installed different OS without knowing what to do with it
> Sup Forums told me to
Pic related
>sudo apt-get install [thing]
Why doesn't Windows do this? Downloading applications through your browser seems like an unnecessary step now.
Satisfying to watch.
because the majority of windows software isnt free (as in gratis or freedom) you fucking mong
dont worry just use the Microsoft® Windows™ App® Store™®
but i like to google what software i want, how it works, what it looks like
also you can dwnload older versions if you want
on top of that, i can pick different settings during the .exe install
i prefer the windows way
Yes, the pajeet is working hard for his weekend bonus. POOtella has got some good workers
>install fedora
>read tutorial on how to configure things and install X software
>tutorials always tell you to do a dnf update
>do update
>1,000 packages get updated
>takes like 30 mins
>machine wont come up
>reboot again
>machine comes up
>nothing works
>cant revert back
install linux they said
>not using yggdrasil linux
kekkest of keks
Tbh, would have actually been funny if you didn't say lunix instead of Linux
>I enjoy doing things in a stupid and obtrusive way because I am a stupid and obtrusive person.
you just fell for the meme
The majority probably is free.
This was actually pretty funny until
>- Discussing the awesome non-ntfs filesystems you can use with lunix, for example one written by a convicted murderer.
Because NTFS is objectively shit. It can take 8 hours to resize, move, and copy multi-TB NTFS partitions. I've seen a 1 TB ext4 partition copy in just 4, and resizing/move in less than an hour.
9/10 bait, made me reply on that point.
Actually, if you use synaptic you get more information than you ever could from what you install. Like what libraries will install along your program, how many bytes it weights, etc.
After certain time it becomes addictive to browse synaptic.
Is Linux Mint Xfce a good choice?
yes, It's real nice and easy to use
There is a thread were people is talking about good distros for new users, good opinions thus far
Encyclopedia Dramatica!
Pretty funny, recognized myself in some of the shit. Solid 8.
Neither of the steps sounds very enjoyable.
Many points are legit but just not funny. 4/10
This. I get why people would use apt-get install for known things but when you actually deciding about getting something new, it's simpler just to Google shit, see screens, reviews and similar programs.
I don't think he ever implied that NTFS isn't shit.
He did, however, imply that discussing non-NTFS filesystems is shit.
Maybe I'm just too tired right now, idk.
no xfce is shit. get mate or cinnamon
Literally a pasta
Enjoy it and learn whatever you can from it. If you decide you don't like Ubuntu, try another distro. If you decide you don't like Linux, try using *BSD or a hackintosh. Unix is comfy.
FPBP. Don't listen to linux shills, they want to spread their misery.
because i just want to click shit, not reading books to access to that information -_-'
use chocolatey, it's alright replacement.
After installation you harden your system. Use this document : debian.org
Here's your reply.
i've convinced myself that Linux Mint is Windows 7++ EXTREME and soon opengl/vulkan, steam and dev teams will make it "just work" for gamers
soon tm
but i still think
but its still too soon to move away from windows sigh
get used to using it for your daily tasks, thats all you're replacing it for anyway.
if you want to become more efficient read a book/pdf on how to use the shell, the default is probably BASH.
learn about the wonders of ssh.
>reading books
man pages are better
please offer more of a base on how to customise things/what things you can customise (I realise the answer is 'everything') but a starting point is helpful.
Common sense and buying a copy of windows alleviates 95% of those problems.
Ricing GNU/Linux is not made by only choosing themes and colors, but what software goes in your computer. "Display Managers" are the login screens, "Window Managers" are the part drawing the borders, colors, etc, and "File Managers" are what handles how you browse your machine. More info:
>Window Manager Reviews. To decide the main look and feel.
>GNU/Linux Software Big List. For options on many more stuff.
>How to Customize your Bash Prompt
>Where to get some themes and icons
Arc, a GTK Theme: omgubuntu.co.uk
Mac OS X (MacBuntu) Transformation pack for Ubuntu: noobslab.com
How to have a Win 95 theme on Lubuntu: ghostbin.com
Macintosh System 6 XFCE4 Theme: github.com
IRIX icons: darkdoomer.deviantart.com
Win95 icons: gnome-look.org
Paper Icon Set: snwh.org
>Starting x without DM or Login Manager
>How to Enable and Tweak Flashy Graphical Effects.
>Desktop application to show various info on CPU, battery power, e-mail inboxes, many popular music players, etc.
>How to make your own theme
Note that the above is for advanced ricing. What you want is probably just some sane defaults like checking the non free repository and the flash-plugin are installed.
Another thing is the god awful pulseaudio is installed by default so you need to install "paman" (pulse audio manager). I mean pulseaudio is awful because it is, in particular for newbies, but with paman you can troubleshoot anything. So, even if you have no audio you can quickly tweak it by switching the output device.
Apart from that, browse syanptic and the software center, and discover why people love this platform.
You could try thinking for yourself for a change
try ubuntu man. every time I used tried fedora--recent and when i was younger-- I could never get into it. apt-get package manager is so simple and ubuntu always just werks on almost anything u install it on
t. Pajeet
Simple answer
use it
Later in when you have problems go to these in order
$ man command
search engine
use it normally, if you're someone who needs to use a ton of program when using the pc and don't know much about linux then you are not their intended target.
learn the way of linux as you go and definitely use google to google your problems. You will be spending alot of time googling shit so be patience.
don't use SUDO unless you know what the command does
normal web surfing and word processing is ok for a newbie but if you need some stupid program to automate / cheat a browser game or some stupid shit then you might as well go back to windows cause there is no way you will stay with linux long at all
Get rid of the DE bloat and install i3
Now you compute.
lincucks on suicuide watch L M A O